Sentences with phrase «burdened by these expectations»

What's the «good news» for Asian American women who feel frustrated or burdened by these expectations?
We looked burdened by expectations and not ourselves.
Speaking of unfair, for some «Lady Bird» is burdened by expectations it can't possible meet.
In Study 5, people with high levels of self - control felt that their coworkers expected more from them day to day, and they felt burdened by these expectations.

Not exact matches

We tried for three years to liberate our ministry from these kinds of burdening expectations, only to end up feeling like we were just ruining it for the rest of um — who in fact felt quite consoled by these expectations.
For those who are weary and burdened by religious rules and expectations, Jesus promises rest.
«Further to the Government's Statement of Expectations of the ACCC, the Government expects the ACCC will take into account this recommendation and review its guidelines on section 155 notices having regard to the increasing burden imposed by notices in the digital age.»
They will either consciously or subconsciously shoulder a large portion of the burden and pressure created by the program's lofty expectations.
I no longer feel burdened by the restrictions / expectations of sticking to one ideology.
Everyone seems to have these expectations about me and this project, and I feel burdened by that.
Watching Mr. Tillman as he cheerfully embraces sobriety to please his son, and is rebuffed by his former street pals for doing so, we see a poignant meditation on how our expectations of loved ones can become a burden that not everyone can carry.
Spending time with Kumail's (often hilarious) family reveals his burden of living with cultural expectations, all handled fairly and humorously by the film without painting one side or the other as being wrong or unreasonable.
But they felt they got to a whole new place and turned a corner when they came to see they had a hidden commitment to what they called «a povrecito culture,» a culture that took pity on these «poor little ones» by not heaping upon them the further «burden» of high academic expectations.
culture,» a culture that took pity on these «poor little ones» by not heaping upon them the further «burden» of high academic expectations.
Even children who are fortunate enough not to face significant adversity or trauma, or to be burdened by intense stress or anxiety, experience the pressures around them and the expectations placed on them.
The families of the missing are doubly burdened: first by the pain of their ordeal, and then by our expectations of them, expectations of a standard of behavior higher than we require of ourselves.
While low expectations are an advantage for neglected stocks, companies being added to the index can be burdened by high hopes.
The Panel determined that Canada had failed to meet its burden of proof with respect to its legitimate expectations as medical evidence regarding the carcinogenic properties of asbestos was extensive by that time of the Uruguay negotiations and Canada should have foreseen future acts to ban asbestos products.
Functional expectations of caregivers are often huge with multiple responsibilities such as household chores, emotional support, providing transportation and symptom management.4 As cancer survivorship grows, from 50 % in the 70s, to 54 % between 1983 and 1985, to 65 % in 2009, the illness may become a chronic disease, further stressing caregivers with a cumulative and unrelenting burden of care and responsibility.5 Psychological morbidity or psychiatric symptomatology among cancer caregivers is high.6, 7 Levels of distress have also been shown to be higher than those reported by patients themselves.8
But letting myself get bogged down by unnecessarily high expectations or get frustrated for being imperfect (whether it is self - imposed or put upon me by others) is too much of a burden for me around the holidays!
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