Sentences with phrase «bureaucratic hoops»

The phrase "bureaucratic hoops" refers to the procedures or steps that one has to go through, often involving a lot of paperwork and red tape, to accomplish or obtain something in a bureaucratic or official setting, like government agencies or large organizations. Full definition
In addition, charters are being asked to jump through bureaucratic hoops and comply with complex public - records requests and onerous administrative requirements, which one leader described as «death by a thousand cuts.»
But the B.C. natural gas industry is having to jump through its fare share of bureaucratic hoops too.
It's a note Schreiber sent the pair at one point when they were worrying about bureaucratic hoops they had to jump through.
Charter schools should receive careful scrutiny but to have proven, successful schools jump through unnecessary bureaucratic hoops is irresponsible — and nakedly ideological.
If every defence counsel refused to wait six hours in court to assist a trembling 15 - year - old first - time offender or declined to accept court appointments, stopped buying their clients a hot meal or second - hand suit or simply refused to jump through the unnecessary and costly bureaucratic hoops, the whole system would grind to a halt.
Now, months after she first tried to sign up for the repayment plan, Sublette is still jumping through bureaucratic hoops.
Many of the alternatively certified teachers I spoke with told me that they have friends who wanted to become teachers but were deterred by the number of bureaucratic hoops they would have had to jump through.
Until then, the state had no specific regulations related to the technology, and companies could test - drive without having to jump through any bureaucratic hoops.
Given the bureaucratic hoops the issuer must jump through, as well as the lack of competition, it's no surprise that KSA doesn't come cheap.
Worst - case scenario you jump through some bureaucratic hoops to justify a repair.
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