Sentences with phrase «burglars entering»

Picture a burglar entering a house through an unlocked window, then locking that window and disabling the locks on every other window for the next time he wants to enter.
Talk to your insurance agent about filed incident and help him with every single detail even if you are aware of how the burglar entered your home.
When thieves or burglars enter a house they may take valuable electronics and jewelry, but they may also damage your home in the process.

Not exact matches

Enter Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), a convict cat burglar with a Robin Hood complex, who has an estranged young daughter he needs to reconnect with.
According to the LA Times, the burglars climbed the fence and then entered the home and garage, eventually getting away with the $ 100,000 Italian luxury performance sedan to go along with a handful of jewelry, the values of which have yet to be determined.
Many burglars wouldn't enter a house if they spot a camera or siren.
There's no guaranteed way to keep a burglar from entering your home uninvited.
A good example would be to scare off a burglar trying to enter your house.
The burglar also took about $ 6 worth of change from the office «soda fund,» Hochbruckner said.Shelter officials say the burglar apparently entered the building by climbing in through one of the dog kennels.
Your client was a burglar who was caught red handed for the burglary with items in his trunk and DNA evidence in the house, but your client lied and said that the wife was dead when he entered the house.
R. v. S.G. (2018) S.G. was originally charged with over 300 counts of Break and Enter, several counts of possession of burglar tools and possession of stolen property and dangerous driving.
Not only do these devices help deter burglars from entering your property, but many insurers will even offer a home policy discount for their customers that have approved burglar alarm systems.
Just the presence of a barking dog can deter a burglar from choosing your home to enter — they will seek something less problematic.
His alarm had gone off, and a window pane was cracked when the would - be burglars tried to enter the house.
It features 1080p full HD resolution, two - way audio for communicating with family members or pets, night vision technology, and sophisticated algorithms that use machine learning to figure out if the stranger entering your house is the building super or a possible burglar.
A wireless home system also helps deter against a burglar being able to cut alarm wires to enter the property.
Simply advertising that your home is secured frequently deters potential burglars from ever entering your home.
You never want to believe that a burglar will actually enter your property, but it's all too common, especially in rural environments.
Not only are customers able to intercept burglars before they enter a property, but criminals are thinking twice at the mere sight of a Ring device.»
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