Sentences with phrase «burn up extra»

No the only instance in which they're better is prior to exercise because you can burn up the extra sugar rapidly, and also use it for fuel.
Having more muscle on your frame helps your body burn up extra calories even when you're sitting completely still.
Your body is burning up the extra glycogen (stored glucose) in your liver and muscles.
I guess walking to the bathroom burns up extra calories or something.
I had only burned up an extra 4 miles of estimated range compared with the actual miles driven.

Not exact matches

Up to this point in the short history of VR, however, the most premium games have been limited to people with a lot of extra cash to burn.
This year he burned some extra calories fixing up and re-selling an old house in downtown Dayton, so he really needs to put on a few pounds.
I think I had my heat turned up too high for the first 2 hrs as most of my liquid was gone at that point and I had to add in some extra water to keep the bottom from burning.
I ended up having to cook it for another whole hour and even though I covered it with foil, the extra hour burned up all of the sauce and the skin was not very tasty.
We need extra light this time of year so we burn candles, we light fires, we put up lights on our houses and boats.
I heated the cake up more, which caused the sides of the bread to burn even more and the top of the bread to form an extra layer of crust from the glaze I had put on before.
The change is here now, I support that we fans should keep the fire burning, and that Usmanov shouldn't back down and up his bid... if Usmanov sees that fans want him in, he will be extra motivated... We can do this!
The nature of this meant that for a team with two cars in Q3, one of the cars would usually end up getting to do an extra lap, thus getting to burn more fuel and giving them a slight advantage over their teammate.
Exercise can also help burn a few extra calories whenever you're up to it.
Keeping it up to around 6 months (before the baby starts solid foods) will help her to burn the biggest amount of her extra.
It features plenty of extra ingredients to help you burn fat more easily and build up muscle at the same time.
If they rolled around or had a temper tantrum, they might have burned some extra calories and will need some extra food in their body in order to make up for that.
Aside from the many benefits of breastfeeding, by exclusively nursing, you will burn up to 500 extra calories per day.
The four females fared the worst, gaining up to 4.23 kilograms, while one man actually burned off 700 of the extra 1000 calories consumed, gaining as little as 0.36 kilograms.
Janda speculates that the vaccine is speeding up metabolism, somehow allowing the rats to burn extra fat.
Unfortunately, researchers have also found that staying up late doesn't burn extra calories, which means that a lack of sleep can greatly increase weight gain in the long term.
What's more, throwing in spurts of extra exercise can bump up your burn to a whopping 600 calories an hour.
Adapt these simple improvements for a cranked - up calorie burn (no extra gym hours necessary) and pain - free workout — you'll see results fast.
Also, chances are there'll be music there, so why not do a little dance while you next turn comes up to burn off some extra calories.
Bonus: For an extra booty burn at the end of the instructed reps, hold your leg up at step two for 15 seconds and then pulse for 15 seconds.
Bonus: For an extra burn after the instructed reps, hold your leg out in the kick - out position for 15 seconds and then pulse your leg up towards the ceiling for 15 seconds.
If you take up weight training you may need to consume fewer calories since you won't be burning any extra calories you would usually be burning with cardio training.
Throw in some cayenne to spice it up and burn an extra 10 calories every meal.
As you come down into your push - up, bring your right leg up to meet your elbow, adding an extra burn to your core.
Sadly, the researchers also found that staying up later doesn't actually burn extra calories, suggesting that not getting enough sleep over the long term could be a recipe for weight gain.
In fact, additional stats, such as distance, speed, and calories burned tend to be inaccurate no matter how much a pedometer costs (unless it's equipped with additional instruments such as a heart rate monitor or GPS) Â — so don't be swayed by expensive devices that promise these extra numbers without the science to back it up.
I recommend a good fat - burning cardio workout in combination with a targeted muscle workout (like this one) to get rid of any extra padding covering up your lean muscle.
John Skechers Shape - Ups are the newest entry in the growing field of negative heel and rocker bottom shoes that claim you can strengthen your lower half, firm your abs, improve your posture, and burn extra calories just by wearing them around.
Whatever the temperature is, if you want to shed the extra weight and really tone your body up for bathing suit season, you will need to burn more calories than you bring in.
For the final challenge, when you jump up, drive your knees up toward your chest into a tuck jump for an extra core and booty burn!
With every pound of muscle you build, you will burn an additional 35 - 50 calories a day, even at a resting rate, and that adds up: if you gain 4.5 lbs of muscle, that's an extra 150 calories burned a day, which is 4,500 extra calories burned each month, and THAT adds up to losing about 15 lbs a year.
In these cases, just throw in an extra 200 - 300 calories on those specific days to make up for whatever calories burned.
Small bursts of physical activity really add up over the course of a day, and the extra movement will help you burn more calories and keep your energy levels high.
You'll do everything from squat presses to hammer curls with a power squat to keep your heart rate up and burn those extra calories.
Think about what you've accomplished with these «mini» workouts completed throughout each day... You've increased your heart rate and pumped up your muscles 6 - 8 different times throughout each day, burning a lot of extra calories and stimulating your metabolism.
For example if a man eats 2,000 calories a day for weight loss and also burns an extra 500 calories a day by weight training, then he would actually end up loosing more muscle than fat as he isn't giving his body enough calories to sustain muscle growth.
Dancing whilst doing the ironing, playing soccer with the kids or jogging up the stairs each time you get back to your apartment are all quick fixes for squeezing out some extra calorie burning.
All cardio workouts have the same objective — to get your heart rate up and burn some extra calories.
Since cold water contains zero calories, but your body is forced to burn calories to return to heat it up to 98.6), drinking cold water will slightly elevate your Metabolic Rate and cause you to burn extra calories.
For example: If you burn an extra 500 calories during an intense workout, but you end up having a nap and avoiding some housework and a short walk you would normally have done that day, you could easily end up right back where you started.
With the Four Minute Workout, you can ramp up your metabolism to burn up to 879 extra calories per day.
Over all, in fact, the researchers concluded, someone who stood up while working instead of sitting would burn about 8 or 9 extra calories per hour.
Here's how to up the ante & turn a regular walk into a challenging workout to burn extra calories, lose weight, tone up and get fit.
What you really need to focus on is burning off the extra fat that is covering them up.
Plus, I usually end up burning way more than 80 calories at the gym where I was able to exercise my muscles and heart, so the extra calories are worth it to me.
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