Sentences with phrase «burned as a heretic»

Elizabeth the 1st brought stability to England and the freedom to dissent from Rome without being burnt as a heretic!
women were burned as heretics, as commanded in the bible.

Not exact matches

Centuries past I could've had her burned as a witch or she could've turned me in as a heretic to be quartered by horses.
But we do not condemn the other person as a heretic, to burn forever in the lake of fire.
Did I not know about the Inquisition, and about John Calvin's standing by with assent as Geneva burned the heretic Servetus four centuries ago?
A trial ensued, in which Servetus was once again condemned as a heretic, and on October 27, 1553, was burned at the stake on top of a pile of his own books.
We should begin by making sure we don't metaphorically burn each other at the stake or label each other as heretics when we honestly disagree.
The recent, though scantily reported, rise within Jewry of a «Messianic» movement which, while affirming the continued theological validity of the Jewish people, also accepts Jesus as Israel's Messiah, could not have occurred in past centuries when the traditional churches held sway and routinely burned premillenial types at the stake as heretics.
Times when Henry VIII's secretary wrote in grim jest to his friend Erasmus that the scarcity and dearness of wood in England were due to the quantities wasted in burning heretics, or when later the Puritan Cartwright, defending by Biblical texts the barbarities of religious persecution, exclaimed, «If this be regarded as extreme and bloodie I am glad to be so with the Holy Ghost»?
As a climate change skeptic, I suppose I should be grateful that they aren't burning us heretics at the stake... but then that would release carbon dioxide.
Giordano Bruno, the wandering monk who influenced Spinoza and Liebniz, was burned in 1600 as a heretic, for (among other things) speculating about life on other planets, much like scientists do today.
The Professor is the high priest of the Church of Climatology, and his devotees fear being charged as heretics and burned at the Stake if they don't go along with his ideology.
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