Sentences with phrase «burnt popcorn»

The phrase "burnt popcorn" refers to popcorn that has been cooked for too long and turned black and unpleasant tasting. It's used to describe a situation or experience that has gone wrong or turned out poorly. Full definition
If the almonds start to smell like burnt popcorn, you've left them in the oven too long.
It's not terrible, but it doesn't smell like coffee More like slightly burned popcorn.
Oh gosh, the smell of burning popcorn, I am all too familiar with that one too haha!
That guy who always burns his popcorn in the kitchen microwave: he should die first, right?
It doesn't matter if your old coworkers burned popcorn in the break room every day, if your manager made immoral purchase order decisions or if the workplace environment was absolutely toxic.
Massage in trimmed curly kale Bake at 425 for 5 - 8 minutes, watch carefully, burnt kale smells like burnt popcorn!!
It's a good system, and means that I almost never burn popcorn on the stove (I can't say the same for in the microwave), but it's still good to give the pot a little jiggle every now and again.
I already knew that I would start going into anaphylaxis if someone burned popcorn around me and my throat would start itching and burning if someone was cooking popcorn.
If you've worked in different office settings already, you know that there are a few types of difficult co-workers that pop up again and again, regardless of where you're working — and I'm not just talking about the guy who repeatedly stinks up the office by burning his popcorn in the break room microwave.
Or your coworkers never bathe and routinely burn popcorn in the microwave.
For a long time I loved this product but the last two times I ordered it stunk like burnt popcorn.
You are cooking them with the fish anyway... Well, it turned out very good, although the cooked seeds smelled a bit like burned popcorn.
I fry it until it smells like burnt popcorn, stirring regularly so it all gets «burnt».
For a long time I loved this product but the last two times I ordered it stunk like burnt popcorn.
Your power steering fluid should be changed when it degrades (it will start to smell like burnt popcorn and get very dark).
Next time you sear tuna or burn popcorn, you'll be glad you have a Halo + smart smoke detector in your kitchen.
Burnt popcorn, shower singing and tap water in champagne flutes, Corinne Mills gives her view on week 4 of The Apprentice.
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