Sentences with phrase «bush meat»

Poaching, for sale and bush meat, remains a serious threat to the critically endangered mountain gorilla.
But illegal loggers continue to fell lucrative rosewood while growing populations encroach on pristine rainforest and its wildlife, hunting bush meat.
Six billion people can not be sustained on bush meat from the land — or from the sea.»
From surviving the bush meat trade to being rescued from illegal pet zoos and circuses.Image source
Even without the palm oil, it faces a myriad of other threats, from raids by bush meat hunters trapping and shooting primates, antelopes and elephants, to incursions from illegal loggers and miners prospecting for iron ore.
Ngansou and other villagers in the area have embraced the planned palm oil plantations as a welcome addition to a region that mostly survives on growing cassava, bananas, yam and coco, as well as the declining bush meat trade.
Blood and urine tests ruled out hundreds of viruses, as well as hepatitis E, measles, heavy - metal poisoning, tainted bush meat, and vitamin B12 deficiency.
Their numbers have fallen drastically over the past two decades largely due to the bush meat trade, clearing of rain forests and diseases such as Ebola.
Logging has been limited to selective thinning of forestland, but the roads built to accommodate mechanized equipment have provided organized groups of hunters with easier access to the apes and helped support a growing and illegal trade in «bush meat
Researchers believe that sometime in the 1930s a form of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) jumped to humans who butchered or ate chimpanzee bush meat in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The resource provides an important tool to enable biologists to identify the origin of great apes poached for their body parts or hunted down for bush meat.
This has dire consequences for agriculture worldwide as people raise beef on fragile tropical soils and despise the «bush meat» or cane rats that provided free protein in their diet.
The researchers rated the economic benefits derived from five ecosystem services: sustainable bush meat hunting; timber harvest; bioprospecting for pharmaceuticals; carbon storage; and so - called existence value, or the intrinsic value of nature «as a source of wonder and inspiration,» the researchers write in the paper presenting their finding published yesterday in PLoS Biology.
The commercial bush meat trade has introduced retroviruses into human populations.
Like urban people everywhere, urban Africans love to eat the foods enjoyed by their village - dwelling ancestors, and in tropical Africa this means bush meat.
The Deadly Ebola scare has not only caused fear and panic in Ghana but has also affected the sale of bush meat in the Ashanti regional capital, Kumasi.
The director urged people of the state to reduce intake of bush meat and always wash their hands with running water and soap.

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In a significant number of instances, kangaroos hunted for meat are not killed outright, but seriously injured and left to die slowly and in agony in the bush.
The only meat my grandfather in British Columbia could afford to feed his family with came from game he shot «in the bush
They have just published descriptions of the new species in the journal Zootaxa, along with an analysis of Manila's illegal pet and bush - meat trade in the journal Biological Conservation.
«Over a five - year period we visited pet markets, roadside bush - meat stands and various other markets where monitor lizards were sold as pets or meat,» said the KU researcher.
Their cultural attitudes and beliefs regarding elephants have traditionally limited the exploitation of elephants in terms of deliberate poaching for ivory or meat, but they do experience direct conflict with elephants, for example, at watering holes and during chance encounters in the bush, which sometime can be deadly [25], [26].
As I puzzled over the blazing anomaly, Captain Eugene walked up, leaned on the ferry rail next to me and, as if reading my mind, offered an explanation: «Men set fires to drive the animals out of the bush to shoot or trap them for their meat.
Let's not beat around the bush, Super Meat Boy is a lot of wonderful things, it just so happens that it's defining feature is that it's hard.
According to the authors, key information is lacking on important threats to biodiversity, including invasive species, logging, bush - meat harvesting, and illegal wildlife trade.
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