Sentences with phrase «business acumen not»

It is without hesitation that I would recommend David to anyone seeking a fearless, efficacious advocate with the sharp business acumen not normally found in litigators.
It would be the height of stupidity and terrible business acumen NOT to advertise those games at the biggest game show.

Not exact matches

Chaulk and Feldstein could not be more different from one another, yet both men demonstrate how the push to clean up and rebuild this city is at once a national project, a chance to make some money, and a test of the business and logistical acumen of those actually dealing with the mess.
«If [the founders] don't have a strong business acumen and operational skills, they hit a cap on how far they can take their business
Besides his business acumen, Grove was known for being incredibly insightful and generous in giving with respect to his time, so it's probably not a surprise that he was the source of quite a few memorable quotes over the years.
The trick, for employers, is to normalize the notion that business acumen doesn't always come in the same forms.
Hillary Clinton's camp has grabbed onto this storyline, stating that these tax returns reveal that Trump does not actually possess the business acumen that he claims to.
He is often compared with Warren Buffett, not only for his investment acumen, but also for the similarities in the business vehicle he uses.
We seem to be suffering from maybe a lack of financial managerial capability: great innovations but not the business acumen to bring it to the finish line.
Buffett's genius is not only his stock picking ability, business acumen and all - round investing prowess, but his communication skills.
Fiascos like Solyndra and other ill - fated energy projects prove yet again that businesses, not bureaucrats, have the fine - grain information and financial acumen to make the right bets: investments that create new products, advance established industries and multiply jobs, not merely pay politicians» debts to campaign supporters.
It is not an easy business, and it requires all the linguistic skill, theological ingenuity and tactical acumen his staff can muster.
we wont for many a year cos the reality is kroenkes model does nt require us to win the league, he still makes money, ivan only furthers that with his business acumen and arsene is great at working with less an still achieving moderate success.
Just because you have a great amount of respect for their business acumen doesn't mean you have to agree on child - rearing.
This does not just involve good community relations but also educational achievement, business acumen, military service, and a respectful attitude to their neighbours and the rule of law.
«With an acumen not usually associated with the Conservative Party, the Tories have moved to capitalise on their success, choosing as their candidate one of Britain's most successful Asian businessmen - whose business happens to be based in Southall.»
Governance needs more than a business acumen because running a country is not the same as running a business.
Succeeding in science for our generation requires not only brains but business acumen, good people skills, and vision.
He was able to not only gain the medical background that he needed to survive, but he was able to pair that with a business acumen that helped him hit the ground running and flourish.
When a company is pulling in billions worldwide, it's not good business acumen to turn your back on the genre.
Rather than focus upon the myths of frontier, individualism and the destruction of the wilderness by «civilisation», McCabe contrasts various models of entrepreneurship, situating McCabe's failure as being largely the result of the mundanity of his business acumen and vision (and not his choice of business as a whorehouse manager).
Hardy's novel introduces a powerful female lead who was not defined by her male suitors, but more by her wits, intelligence and business acumen.
That's a mistake, one made all too often by powerful CEOs whose business acumen may be admirable but doesn't remotely qualify them to assess, amend, or approve designers» work any more than it qualifies them to tell the powertrain group that they want the crankshaft main bearing diameters increased because it «feels better» to them.
Creative people are often not gifted with wonderful business acumen, but if someone tried to sell you a shoddy car with the promise that they would work on it, you would hopefully have the good sense to tell them to come back and show you when it is finished.
You wouldn't be wrong to look at all these questions, demands, and new action in the area of author contracts and see a new momentum shifting the author corps to a more central position in the industry, a spot from which writers may be able to question the «same old same old» with new success if they can rise to the professionalism and business acumen required to take good advantage of these developments.
He may not be presidential material, but he is certainly worth a look for his business acumen.
He is often compared with Warren Buffett, not only for his investment acumen, but also for the similarities in the business vehicle he uses.
I didn't highlight this example to disparage Michael Dell, whose business acumen I have a huge amount of respect for.
These are vital skills but they are not enough without the essential business acumen that keeps the management elements flowing.»
Given the reigns of Nintendo at a time when the company was on the ropes; it's possible a limit on proverbial freebies was a direct result of his business acumen; following the basic mantra of «if you're good at something, don't do it for free».
To extend my visible appreciation of Linchpin, to celebrate my first SXSW event, to mark meeting the author and artist Hugh MacLeod in real life and to celebrate that successful people don't have look like Hollywood stars and convey Steve Jobs» business acumen... that's why I bought this art.
I don't think one's position on renewable energy has any bearing on their business acumen.
There aren't many groups out there on the service side that can currently offer the right balance of technology, business, regulatory compliance and legal acumen.
Many, if not most, of these small business clients display a real lack of basic business acumen, including having poor or non-existent records keeping systems and practices, or sometimes not even knowing why there is a need for these business tools.
I know you've been thinking: Why hasn't anyone on the internet combined the sage business acumen of Gwyneth Paltrow and Dr. Dre into a chimera of implacable capitalist know - how?
Gillette argues that men aren't inherently better than women in terms of legal acumen or bringing in business, yet they are offered more opportunities to build business because they're not shy about tooting their own horns.
Without a competent administrative legal executive who possesses the financial acumen, business insights and management skills, my job as managing partner would be considerable more difficult and stressful, if not impossible to perform.»
Attorneys who know how to draft for an AI audience distinguish themselves from their competition and demonstrate value to their clients, not only in their legal acumen but in their ability to anticipate their clients» business needs.
In the discussion groups in which I took part, even public lawyers (i.e., lawyers who are not driven by the profit motive) felt that business acumen was the key to efficient service.
At the junior level, not only is a comprehensive knowledge of the law required but it is a prerequisite that lawyers demonstrate both commercial and business acumen.
Every one of our team is a member of the gunnerbloom foundation, which equips them not only with crucial hard skills including project and transaction management, corporate finance, and balance sheet acumen, but also softer skills such as outstanding leadership, brilliant client service and business development.
For many of the career paths described, I see how business acumen is useful, but it's not clear how or where the integrity, independence and candour of the legal profession is to be applied or even preserved.
Unfortunately, a lawyer doesn't suddenly have business acumen, strong marketing capabilities, respected legal expertise and outstanding leadership skills just because they are a partner, or because the person above them retired.
ops team professionals speak the language of business and thus are aligned with the «majority» skill sets that clients value (because business, not legal, acumen pays the in - house counsel's salary), and 3.)
Boards are making it a prerogative that they be satisfied that the GC not only look good on paper but that he or she also have the requisite functional expertise, business acumen, and integrity and trustworthiness.
The trust that the company has not just in his legal abilities, but his broader business acumen, is highlighted elsewhere also.
Lawyers spend years perfecting their craft, but not every lawyer has invested time in building the acumen and entrepreneurial skills essential to managing the business aspects of their practice.
A hard work ethic An entrepreneurial spirit A strong business acumen Money motivated attitude Strong communication skills Drive and ambition A degree and sales experience is preferable; however it is not essential if you are of graduate calibre.
One consistent message is that executives need to be leaders, not just managers, and have both strong business acumen, and excellent interpersonal skills.
An exciting and powerfully written resume portfolio is not a substitute for business and sales acumen.
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