Sentences with phrase «business competitors»

Every piece of business your competitors are getting is business you aren't getting — and may never get.
Then suddenly his girlfriend left him — for his biggest business competitor — and took his most guarded commercial secrets with her.
As a general rule, business competitors do not share the lessons of their experience with each other for the benefit of the public.
Pishevar alleged in his lawsuit that Definers were hired by business competitors and used political opposition tactics to «assassinate» his and his associates» reputations.
Constantly fighting against business competitors is no way to run a startup, says sales expert Grant Cardone.
«If you build it, they will come,» simply doesn't apply in content marketing, where businesses are not only competing against their real - world business competitors, but against media companies, bloggers, influential writers and more.
These modern monopolies have higher growth, better unit economics and better margins than their linear business competitors, including other tech businesses.
After decades in his business, Schwartz is seen by many, as one business competitor put it, as «the monitor of the moment.»
As an April 1 budget deadline looms, the company says the boards set up to oversee ride - hailing in Suffolk and Nassau counties are stacked with taxi and limousine owners — the very people that are Uber and Lyft's direct business competitors.
In an article in PC Magazine, eBay's Ted Cohen said, «This is another Internet sales tax bill that fails to protect small business retailers using the Internet and will unbalance the playing field between giant retailers and small business competitors
Production status changes by your competitors and business partners, so you can respond proactively and protect your business
While the appellate court agreed that «the Act can be abused and that shielding unfounded attacks by competitors can be a prime vehicle for that abuse,» because Washington's anti-SLAPP statute did not contain a carve - out for business competitors, Broker's argument was moot.
Many business competitors helped out in many ways, from providing water taxis to serving as «water chaperones.»
Due to Demandware's low ROIC, the company will face pressure from competitors who possess greater pricing power and the ability to reinvest in their business
Challenged to say what they thought about loving their neighbors, well over three quarters of those interviewed said they thought they obeyed the law of love regarding their business competitors and those of other races and religions.
They do not see themselves as collaborators with public schools but business competitors and in some cases, they actually want to take away the public school space and take away the public school business.»
There are many good reasons to reveal as little specific financial information as possible as your business competitors can easily gain access to that information.
The company claimed the reviews did not match any actual customers in their records, and the company claimed they were written by a business competitor.
For example, business competitors can try to capture larger market shares by making themselves look better, and personal vendettas can play themselves out through negative reviews anywhere a person's name or their place of work is found online.
Business competitors could monitor the comings and goings of unknown clients at corporate offices, and gain intelligence about corporate strategy.
In EF Cultural Travel BV v. Explorica, Inc. the First Circuit found that the use of a scraper by a business competitor to obtain competitive price information constituted a violation of the CFAA.
In attempting to overcome the anti-SLAPP motion, and presumably because Broker represented other homebuilders, Broker contended that a statement made by a business competitor with the intention of harming a rival should not be considered a protected «issue of public concern.»
The association publication became a business competitor of the Charlottesville paper, the Daily Progress.
Unfair trade practice allegations are not intended to be used by competitors against other competitors, and Insignia and Stevenson were business competitors.
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