Sentences with phrase «business downturns»

"Business downturns" refers to a decrease or decline in the overall performance and profitability of businesses. It is a period of time when companies experience a reduction in sales, profits, and economic activity. Full definition
Japan today has one of the smallest governmental sectors in the developed world, because a lot of the tasks of the welfare state, from providing economic support during business downturns to building affordable housing for low wage workers, were assumed by large private employers.
Whether it's steering through a business downturn or getting struggling employees back on track, effective leaders meet these challenges openly.
The small - plane industry has its own Big Three — Cessna, Beech and Piper — and it has further emulated Detroit by suffering through a business downturn in recent months.
«Business downturns will happen, but by staying out of the Show, you forfeit any opportunity to see a lot of buyers and business contacts in one place at one time.
The characters in Then We Came To The End cope with a business downturn in the time - honored way: through gossip, secret romance, elaborate pranks, and increasingly frequent coffee breaks.
Negative cash flow from operating activities will eventually lead companies to seek funding from outside sources, either through increased debt load — which increases interest payments, hinders growth and makes the company more vulnerable to business downturns — or by issuing stock, which dilutes ownership.
Whatever the configuration of the economy throughout 2014 and beyond, you have the ability to be positioned to take advantage of new job opportunities and to react positively to business downturns.
The closing of Builder's Square a few years ago appeared to forecast a business downturn, he recalled.
The closing of Builder's Square a few years ago appeared to forecast a business downturn, he pointed out.
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