Sentences with phrase «business side of art»

and / or really aren't focused on the art business side of art at all.
Programmers, presenters, curators — those representing the «business side of the art world» — and Creative Capital alumni meet and mingle with the current grantees.
Both of these artists were struggling to spend more than 4 — 8 hours per week on the business side of their art career.
As far as the business side of art is concerned, I really need to make physical products.
Not only that but I love entrepreneurship, marketing and promotion which is why it helps to love the business side of an art career.
It was a treat to get insight from him on the business side of art as well.
My husband works at the business side of art, and keeps me on track, for which I am eternally grateful.
Matt told me once that he spends 50 % of his time on the business side of his art.
Instead, the business side of my art business sucked up most of my time and energy, and I got so burned out that when I did have free time, I didn't spend it making art.
Ashley is a big proponent of artists learning the business side of art, and agreed to share some her own tips here.
Most of the artists I talk to don't spend enough time on the business side of their art business.
I learned how to function better in the business side of art, as well as [upgrade] technical aspects of art making.
Creative Capital created the Professional Development Program (PDP) to share with the broader arts community the tools and methods developed to help its grantees manage the business side of their art with greater efficiency and results.
He wasn't a professional artist, in a way that he was interested in the business side of art, but rather focused on its nature.
The «creative process» is «baffling and unpredictable,» he says, and admits he «never understood the business side of art
I also work hard on my business side of my art, and despite what is basically doing three full time jobs simultaneously, I also try to have a personal life with my wonderful husband.
Things change and if you are interested in the business side of art as well as the visual side and fullfillment that only art can satisfy.
Looking forward to new year and the great info.connecting the business side of art.
Now that she's back in Virginia, she's finding the Torpedo Factory a valuable place for a budding artist to learn about technique, materials, and the business side of art.
If Kertess had chosen to stay the course of gallerismo, he could quite easily have had a bigger shoe closet than his close friend and frequent collaborator Mary Boone, but lacking the shark - like dentition the business side of art requires, he chose instead to wrestle with the word.
Being a gallery owner before and exposed to the business side of art.
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