Sentences with phrase «busy folks like»

Ben Wolf founded Splickety Publishing Group (SPG) to meet the needs of busy folks like him: people who appreciate great fiction but lack the time to read.
For those of you unfamiliar with my work, every year I read through every issue of every English - language nutrition journal in the world — so busy folks like you don't have to.
Totally suitable for busy folks like me.
For busy folks like us, there seems to be no such thing as work life balance and many of us do not believe in it.
This new study by the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya, Japan, now PROVES that busy folk like you and me can lose weight and get that lean beach - body without stepping foot into the cold outdoors.

Not exact matches

Darwinists don't get it regular folks, they are too busy getting degrees and other useless crap like that... A degree can't tell you how to feed your family nor tell a science about the beauty of God.
Some folks, and some churches, seems like they've been so busy customising for the last few hundred years that «Church» to them just means whatever stage of construction they're seeing at the moment.
I think the greater danger is that the non-apocalyptic folks are too busy with mundane business (like just keeping food on the table) to get involved in turning this ship around.
I develop delicious recipes for people like me: busy, hardworking folks who don't have a lot of time or money but want to eat real food that is simple to pull together.
If people can «favorite» a post and come back to it later, that shelf - life potentially could increase to days or weeks (or for busy folks who rarely remember to back to such bookmarks like me, months).
I guess I fall somewhere between the folks who have their tree displayed on November 1st and the people like my mom who are so busy and never home and don't get anything out until the week before Christmas... or later!
They seem like nice and professional folks, probably too busy for detailed follow - up.
Looks like the Blackberry folks are too busy getting rim jobs, to pay attention to the market.
As for getting the Persons Engaged in Ruing in the Planet outta here, well, you have folks like Stephen Hawking say that «humans» need to get off the planet in order to survive — maybe when the Mad Scientist Techno - Chem - Crats finally blast off, taking every last one of their True Believers and Fans with Them, we should get busy and change the locks while they're out so they can never come back, then we'll finally have the planet to ourselves, haha!
If the Ontario personal injury lawyers are successful in turning back the Wynne government's attack on their profits — they might want to reach out to folks like Mr. Wright and finally get busy fighting for solutions to blatantly obvious access to justice problems rife in their turf.
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