Sentences with phrase «busy sidewalks»

The phrase "busy sidewalks" refers to sidewalks that have a lot of people walking on them, making them crowded and full of activity. Full definition
Whyte discovered that pedestrians walking on busy sidewalks have a natural way of avoiding collisions with one another.
Like any urban area, it was a bit tricky navigating busy sidewalks with a stroller, but we did enjoy exploring the downtown and the campus of McGill University.
Once shy, Jax now bounds along busy sidewalks, accompanying Goldsworth to work in San Francisco.
It measures at just less than 20 inches wide which makes it perfect for weaving through busy sidewalk traffic or packed train stations.
It's the lightest travel system on the market (from what I can tell) and also doesn't have a huge profile, so when I'm pushing it down busy sidewalks or in crowded spaces (like the Starbucks in Old Town Alexandria) people don't hate me for taking up too much space.
It accommodates your kids together - It is beneficial in crowded areas or busy sidewalks when you want them to be always at your sight or easily at reach
Most of his commute would be ok, but there's a scary section (traffic + busy sidewalks), so he hasn't tried it yet.
Despite the charm of «busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style,» a growing number of Americans are opting to save time, money and stress by starting their holiday shopping early, even before all the red and green decorations go up.
While in indoor retail in crowds or narrow busy sidewalk type locations, service dogs are required to stay within 2 feet of the handler but do not need to be that close in general.
My Chiweenie won't walk on busy sidewalks, but he loves trips to open spaces like soccer fields, where he races and darts in large circles like a jack rabbit, a very funny thing to watch.
Navigating busy sidewalks and packed parks is nearly impossible with a traditional stroller.
If you live in a city, you know the struggle of having to navigate through busy sidewalks and crowded streets while pushing around a bulky stroller.
The unique wheel placement not only makes Pepp sturdy and much less likely to tip, it also allows for a zero - degree turning radius — perfect for busy sidewalks, crowded aisles, or narrow spaces.
It wasn't overpowering my surroundings, so I could imagine walking down a busy sidewalk or even driving with them once I get used to it.
I do not care what your religion is, but anyone praying in the middle of a busy sidewalk is a bit of a freak.
If you'll be using your umbrella stroller in the city, you'll probably want something smaller and agiler to navigate busy sidewalks and easily fold and carry for public transport.
By now, you've no doubt lost a night or two's sleep over when and where it will happen — because you've heard or seen on TV horror stories about an inconvenient (no, make that humiliating) time and place (like in the middle of a busy sidewalk at lunch hour or at a jam - packed mall on a Saturday morning).
However, any parent who has ever picked up that dropped pacifier from a restaurant floor, or a busy sidewalk, know that sometimes a quick wash doesn't seem like enough.
One bill, for example, aims to address the Halloween terror attack along the Hudson River bike path by mandating the placement of bollards in front of schools, plazas and busy sidewalks.
Nothing is more fun than driving your drone at high speeds down a busy sidewalk and then watching the faces of passers - by as it suddenly lifts off into the air.
A thousand tiny details signal the contrasting fates of those two blocks: brightly lighted storefronts, clean facades, busy sidewalks, outdoor cafés teeming with life.
Like two strangers on a busy sidewalk, the dangerous cell can pass by completely undetected.
Along the busy sidewalk of the bustling world, behind hurrying grown - up legs, stoplights and storefronts, the little girl in the red jacket discovers a treasure: flowers.
A busy sidewalk is just an opportunity for lessons on «heel».
Never walk a leashed cat near a roadway or on a busy sidewalk unless you're sure the cat is very calm - cats that can be trusted not to panic in these situations are literally one - in - a-million!
I think that's because outside life for dogs in NYC occurs on busy sidewalks and in dog parks where they encounter other canines all the time.
With seventy or so training interludes per mile, however, every single practice session is in a different setting with different distractions — on quiet streets and busy sidewalks, leafy trails and open fields, near schools, and in park playgrounds.
Walk him along a busy sidewalk, asking him to sit on the corner with you and wait for the light, and give him a cookie while he is sitting there.
Gracie is still working on busy sidewalks, but she has truly found her forever home; her adoption was finalized August 9th — almost five months after being found near a highway in Alabama.
Event Marketing: The Secret to Busy Sidewalks and Should You Open an Online Storefront?
We reluctantly gathered our bags and stepped onto the loud, busy sidewalk, amidst all the honking horns.
Along Rittenhouse Row's busy sidewalks — many with seating for alfresco dining and drinking in the warm months — residents and visitors find high - end stores; locally owned boutiques; small galleries; bargain stores; theaters and entertainment; cafes; beer, wine and cocktail bars; and restaurants of all kinds, from petite BYOBs to crowd - pleasing chains.
It's like a baby in a burning building or a snail in the middle of a busy sidewalk; pretty much everyone wants to save it.
Cristóbal Pérez García is a contemporary Spanish painter who loves to base himself on the busy sidewalks and street corners of New York to capture the metropolis as it constantly moves around him.
Like The University of Utah and Chongqing in China, the text walking lanes have been painted onto Antwerp's busiest sidewalks.
It's right beside a popular café and faces a busy sidewalk.
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