Sentences with phrase «but bad language»

We'd both seen it a couple of times, and knew there was the one scene to fast forward through, but the bad language in it hadn't registered until you watch it with children.
If your a fan of profane little geeky teenagers spouting nothing but bad language and dick jokes then this will definitely appeal.

Not exact matches

But Moysey said all different kinds of movies were shown there unless they had adult themes like gore, a lot of bad language, or nudity.
For instance: We're cheeky and fun, but we never use bad language.
Not in terms of sexuality or bad language — that stuff is old hat — but in their increasingly insipid attempts to tug at our heartstrings?
«I know the financial world is tough and there's bad language, but when it's directed at someone, that's concerning.»
Are you joking???? Yeah, the language was worse on the second, but honestly, that's almost a 50/50 split between sides and who's talking to who.
He was given a choice to say his last words — it's in a language I don't understand (possibly a Middle Eastern tongue) but you can tell the man has already gone through hell on Earth and knows the worst is yet to come.
Have never called you names but you still use bad language with me and that is not fair what ever you are Muslim or non Muslim you have no right to accuse people or call them names before you try clarify the issue patiently but you came attacking calling names it is not for what you mentioned but exceeds it further more is it??
But of course, after becoming a Christian, he immediately stopped sinning and never used bad language ever again.
The sex and bad language are enough to earn the DVDs an 18 certificate, but that's true of various other programmes which seem to escape the ire dished out at GoT.
@jf well your information about the New Testament is about as accurate as your Old Testament knowledge, The prophecies of the Old testament concerning Christ could not have been written after the fact because we now have the Dead Sea Scrolls, with an almost complete Old Testament dated 100 - 200 years before the birth of Christ, Your interpretation of God at His worst shows a complete lack of understanding as to what was being communicated.We don't know what the original texts of the New Testament were written in as to date there are no original copies available.Greek was the common language of the day.Most of the gospels were reported written somewhere in the 30 year after Christs resurrection time frame, not the unspecified «long after «you reference and three of the authors knew Jesus personally in His earthly ministry, the other Knew Jesus as his savior and was in the company of many who also knew Jesus.You keep referencing changes, «gazillion «was the word used but you never referenced one change, so it is assumed we are to take your word for it.What may we ask are your credentials?Try reading Job your own self, particularly the section were Job says «My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes»
Both Appleby and Juergensmeyer use the neutrality of religious - studies language to describe the complex structures of religious world views, but both also use value - laden language to distinguish bad religion from good.
but maryland, we are not better than they are, we just have been exposed to different cultural ideas and books and behaviors, we are not better or worse and as it happens, we are more the same than we are different even to tone of voice in different languages.
A further danger lies in these bad translations, because, to judge by the comments, many if not most of the readers of this blog do not live in Paris (or France), but simply visit, and so could be misled into believing that «tant pis» is not polite language.
1 trait a capt would do well to have is to always look to improve, Ozil has worked on his body language for the fans... If he can work on the communication... Not my pick as a cptn but there could be worse... Theo?
Maybe it's because English is not my first language but on monday on the MMA Hour (he was on the phone to make matters worse) and on the Embedded series I did not have a clue what he was saying.
don't hate me guys but sanchez» body language is telling so much, 55mil pounds to bayern is not bad what do you guys think.
yes i have to learn to wear my glasses and remember which language i'm thinking at the time of writing, i am always juggling with few languages all day and every day, Shah i apologize for my bad spelling but it wont be my last:)-RRB-
I don't think Cech is a bad idea, he may not get forward much but neither did Adams and Cech has the advantage of being able to speak easily in other languages.
In the last training session in Dortmund, where Real Madrid tonight with play against Borussia in the Champions League group stage competition, Ronaldo put in bad challengers on both Benzema and Bale, but what's more interesting was his «language».
Even the men I've met just going out as soon as they find out how old I am many react very badly and are quite nasty, others I see their body language change as they put me into the «I'd F it but I wouldn't marry it» box, these men are my age, I've stopped telling people how old I am now.
It is often easy for an outsider to spot the bad body language that infects so many player / coach relationships, but goes unchallenged and unaddressed because of the power that a coach has over playing time.
But you can tell your child that the other children probably won't even notice that he's choosing not to use bad language.
For example, you could say, «I know you hear bad language at school and on the bus, but I expect you to behave better than your peers and to find more appropriate words to use when you're angry or trying to make a point.»
I don't find this persuasive, but do think the worst abuses, epic language and hilarity warning do need regulating.
The language isn't great, but they are not bad as a first step, especially given the balance on the NEC [Labour's executive]».
Marching around saying it's «bullshit» whilst our politicians tour their constituencies in stab - proof vests, our bankers screw society for personal gain, our teachers describe classrooms as battlegrounds, our towns and parks have become no - go zones most evenings, our social workers come across the most appalling instances of abuse, just to name but a few of the most obvious examples - well, I think you need to produce a little more than some statistics and a bit of bad language to turn the narrative around.
But government watchdogs said putting the new language on the website was even worse than the reinterpretation itself, because it may make some appointees more likely to donate.
«It may be dressed up in academic think - tank language, but this is no more than a crude attack on basic workplace rights and a charter for bad bosses everywhere,» she said, dredging up the spectre of Margaret Thatcher's premiership and telling the authors to «get out more».
Reid is not a natural pluralist — indeed, he favours abolition of the House of Lords — but his condemnatory language was extreme, describing a Liberal Democrat - Labour deal as mutually assured destruction, and adding:» If we continue not listening then we will lose very badly at any subsequent election.»
Former government chief whip Andrew Mitchell has admitted to occasionally using «bad language» in conversation, but denied having used the word «pleb».
It has achieved, I think, some fairly significant results in showing that language is indeed a perfect solution for semantic expression — the meaning — but badly designed for articulate expression, the particular sound you make when you say «baseball» and not «tree.»
According to linguists at the AAAS, the loss of language is bad not only for linguists but for all humanity.
But when trying to learn morphology, at least in this artificial language we created, it's actually worse when you try,» Finn says.
A lot of children are told that this type of language mixing is bad for children, but Professor Newman and her colleagues found that this «code - switching» has no impact on children's vocabulary development.
And Senator Bernie Sanders (D — VT), who is seeking the Democratic Party's nomination for president, sees both good and bad in the bill, but said that the preemption language would prevent his state from «going above and beyond» federal levels of action.
«So here is my prediction: if we tested another culture, with equally limited standardized schooling but egocentric spatial language, they should perform worse than the Haikom.
I wish I could say I got my bad language from my parents, but they were the kind who sent me to my room for saying «i don't care» lol!
hahaha your husband is funny ^ ^ I can speak 3 languages, but in terms of calculating, I am even worse than a kid lol However, I love your skirt.
That was the worst murder of the English language, but you get my drift.
I mean I have enough trouble with my new main language that I still have the subtitles turned on when I watch TV at home but it was all in English, so it was not too bad.
I feel so bad asking for help so often, but I have to remember my husband's love language is acts of service, so he LOVES to help!
For me personally, I have sometimes tried to bend my «must be good with language» requirement a little and meet up with men who send poorly written e-mails, use bad grammar when they speak, etc. because they seem on some level like they are nice guys and I think «heh, you never know,» but it never works out.
And I felt bad about this, but I think my body language made it clear.
i am a great and friendly young man from Brockton, MA south of Boston, ma i come from a Greek Background and in which i can speak the language i have been an auto mechanic my whole life but ive been unemployed now since november 2012 and ive been struggling with money badly and i am in desperate...
Parents: No bad language or sexual situations, but several emotional and intense scenes.
After hearing about this online I was wondering how an all German language spy thriller could ever play out in North America, I would watch it but I know a lot of people who switch stations as soon as they see a sub come up witch is to bad.
Outside of this, there are many other cameo appearances, but there's little for them to do save make these popular icons curse whenever possible, as if the shock value of Robert Stack or Reggie Jackson using bad language would be enough to strike laughter in the audience.
But my ear is pretty bad some times for language.
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