Sentences with phrase «buy other consoles»

And I sure as shit ai nt going out to buy other consoles just to play them either.
We just have to buy other consoles at times so we can play other games not supported by Nintendo.
It sells their consoles, and no console maker would survive if they gave you reasons to buy other consoles
Good for Microsoft XBOX... I buy other console in the future or a APPLE product directly.

Not exact matches

As a result, there are only two camps who may be interested in taking advantage of GameStop's Black Friday deal: those who have a tangible interest in video games but never actually got around to buying a console, or those who are uninterested in gaming but who will use the Xbox 360 to run Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and Microsoft's own «movies and TV» service (morphing the device into something of a free alternative to a Roku or other streaming gadget).
I honestly bought a PS4 because it was on sale for $ 200 on Amazon and there were games on it I wanted to play, and then right after I noticed most the games I wanted to play had come out on other consoles I had.
This stroller was said to be pricey since you have to buy other accessories such as infant car seat adapter and the handlebar console with tire pump separately.
Instead, prosecutors said, Mr. Wills used taxpayer money to buy a Louis Vuitton handbag, a Wii console and a three - pack of underwear, among other purchases.
Everything else is the same, and since it scores so well on other consoles I smell industry buy - off corruption *******.
But anyone who is wondering if the WiiU version is worth buying over any other console, my answer is a big fat YES!
So if you bought the same version on other consoles with the DLC it would only work out to be $ 2 less than on Switch.
I say buy it if it has games you might want and than buy games you want for ps3 or xbox if you have those... There are always games for certain consoles that are not on any of the others
I for one would love to have the Super Nintendo console library available on the go, while many others hope that Nintendo will eventually allow Cross Buy support for virtual console releases so that you own them both on Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS.
Yeah you could have the exact same pile (if not more) on the other two consoles if you bought 3rd party games.
This is why I don't understand doomsday articles this early in a consoles life span, The Wii u barely has any games worth buying yet, but as soon as it does then the sales will skyrocket, I like the Wii u, Now I just wish I had more money to buy more game's, Man I want Lego City, Think about it if Monster hunter can make the sale's raise this much what will happen when Super smash bros Wii u, Pikmin 3, Mario kart U, Yoshi's yarn, 3d Mario game, Zelda Wind waker HD, Zelda HD, possible Metroid game, possible Gamecube games coming to the VC, The VC being fully released with GBA games, What ever Retro is working on, Game and Wario looks fun I doubt it will be a console seller, And many other unannounced game's are released all the «Is the Wii u doomed?!»
I wouldn't have bothered buying it for any other console anyway.
If not who's to say consumers won't go out and buy that game for the other platform, especially if they own more than one console.
The books, videos, audiobooks, and music that you buy can be enjoyed on other devices through Amazon apps, including apps that are available for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, game consoles, TVs, and more.
Will consumers simply opt for buying the game consoles instead of boys» action figures or other toys?
I wonder where are the those pesky Nintendo fanboys now who were always here mocking other consoles» owners for spending money buying new console just to play remasters?
An example of «forced» is when Microsoft bundles the Kinect with the Xbox One and there is no other way around it if you want to buy the console.
Although it's true a lot of PS4 and XB1 owners buy it as a second console, it's still the case that any purchase of a Switch is money not spent on the other two systems.
I don't understand why these people need to try to convince other people to buy these games for a particular console.
@static5245 you don't need to download the patch for the PS4, when you buy the console you can plug all your stuff in and turn it on put a game in and start playing, you don't need the update whatsoever to play games... so no... clearly there was never DRM... I think guys like Adam Sessler are upset over something completely different and it has to do with them being able to record video for reviewing games, there seems to be an issue with that right now, either that, or only a select group of gaming journalists are being aloud into this Sony Preview event, naturally people are gonna be pissed because it gives every other journalist an edge over them making it harder for them to attain readers intern messing with their lively hood, but thats about it, and GT seems to be nothing but excited about the PS, teasing stuff for the VGA's it seems.
A console is like any other investment, you know going in that there are just associated costs that come with buying the device.
Resolution in games is hardly the reason I and many others, decide on buying a console.
I'd buy every Nintendo game on the other consoles if that day ever comes.
Why buy a $ 500 console that doesn't have all the features it's promised and are up and running in other countries when you can but a $ 400 console that's more powerful and doing just fine.
I buy them for the social aspect of gaming, whether it's playing solo and joining a friend later, forming a party and playing together, or simply talking to each other, this is why I play console, and in this regard, X1 simply offers a better experience for me over PS4.
Obviously because these guys are playing side by side they can tell, but how many of us are going to buy both consoles and two copies of battlefield just so we can play them next to each other?
Most don't want to wait, and will pick the game up for a system they already own, and if they do wait to buy the Switch version, the other console versions are likely cheaper, creating another dilemma.
If I had to guess, I'd say that Persona 5 likely won't get a bundle — it seems like the bundles they do are really just for their commercial slam - dunks, and while Persona 5 is a day - one must - buy for me and a lot of other people, I think the fact that the series hasn't seen a proper console release since PS2 (I personally got into the series with P4 Golden on my Vita, but I accept that most people don't have a Vita) means it's more of a second - tier release for them.
Many have tried to get a hold of the hybrid console by buying it from eBay and other trading websites well over the $ 299 retail price.
Whether they only had the means to buy one console or for other reasons unknown, the fact is no one wants to admit their system has issues; no one wants to make these claims as it would make them feel (and look) foolish for making said purchase.
The game has to be worth giving up a lot of other games or worth buying a Wii U as a second console purchase.
More than 1m Microsoft Xbox One games consoles bought in the first 24 hours of being on sale in UK and 13 other countries
«Three or four years ago if someone made an investment in an Xbox One, they bought that they bought their library of games, I want them to feel they get a full generational use out of their console, same with the Xbox One S. [But] at some point, we see this usage and other things can drop low enough where you kind of move on to things.»
Gamers aren't buying it because there aren't any games on the console that can't be played on a different cheaper console, and other consumers are more than contempt with gaming on smartphones and tablets.
You, and others, should stop pretending that most people buy consoles because of the power.
Now he says that MS buying Majong and some of its other steps are them carefully and strategically planning for a future without consoles.
People who buy just because of power are not gamers, its about games and as it stands one console has more variety and exclusives than the other, judging by E3, this will not be changing any time soon.
People buy the console that they enjoy playing games on hardware is not the be all end all as long as the competing systems are comparable to each other.
@Zichu The DW and DBZ sales pass 1 million regularly on all platforms, that means the fan base is dedicated, and like I said they are just an example, one group of DW fans, another group of DBZ fans, another group of Souls fans, another group of indy fans another group of MMO fans... This is diversity, CoD is the biggest franchise in gaming but just about 15 % of console gamers buy it, what do you think the other 85 % buy?
So you have a situation where one console with a big install base with tons of other options goes up against two different devices where there is pretty much nothing else to buy but that title.
Part of the appeal of the Nintendo Switch is its ability to shift from console to handheld experiences instantly, and if enough third - party developers make games for the system, it could essentially overthrow the necessity of buying other platforms; the Switch could stand as the choice system that can run Nintendo's iconic titles alongside third - party titles.
But really, I don't buy a console for ports of games that appear on other consoles.
More than other consoles, most people will find themselves buying a lot of accessories to maximize the experience, and some of these bundles also come with great games for the same price as if you were to buy them separately.
Pretty color and I like the feel of this one, but as I have experienced with the other controllers I've bought that were not shipped with the console, there's a weird lag every so often and from time to time the «input» doesn't stop when the control is released.
Thanks to my investment into making games with the PICO - 8 fantasy console, I recently bought an old TV at the thrift store and hooked it up to my Raspberry Pi so I can play those games and other old retro emulators.
Not to mention it could be quite annoying to buy a whole other console every year or every other year.
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