Sentences with phrase «buy things now»

I'm learning to not buy ALL THE THINGS now and stepping back to remind myself that doing so takes time and that I need to fill my home with things I love and not settle with what I think fills that purpose now.
Both allow you to buy things now and pay for them later.
Credit cards let you buy things now and pay for them later.
I'm super bored with my current wardrobe but I don't know if it's a bad idea to buy things now when hopefully they won't fit in six months.
The same customers who bought our clothes, are buying my things now.

Not exact matches

Now, many people appreciate Facebook's ability to target ads to themselves for things they actually want to buy.
Now, whether you should buy a warranty depends on two things.
Also, notwithstanding a silly fiscal policy and the ongoing political impasse, the U.S. economy has some very good things going for it now, as even king of doom, Nouriel Roubini, couldn't help but note: the Fed is going to stick to its asset - buying regime for the foreseeable future, providing a monetary protein shake the recovery still very much needs; the housing rebound is well on its way, which is helping Americans rebuild their wealth and is boosting employment in many states with high jobless rates; and the shale oil and gas revolution continues to power investment, job creation and revenue growth.
We buy things because we think they are worth more to us than we are paying for them and - more importantly - when we are convinced that they deliver something we don't now have, but definitely want.
«If I can find a bra that fits a woman, she's now willing to buy many [other] things from me.»
Charlie Harris, who was our CEO of Intellon — Intellon went public, then it was bought by Atheros and it's now closing a deal with Intel — Charlie, I just had breakfast with him, and he's looking at a number of things.
2) More service revenue: If Apple were to buy Netflix, its service revenue would climb to 14 % of its overall revenue instead of the 11 % it's at now, Sacconaghi says, and that would be a good thing.
Resnick said that «pension funds are conservative investors and the things they buy aren't kicking off yield» that would justify higher investment targets than the ones they are setting now.
«There some things that sometimes we pick up and maybe we might need them next week — and it's fine to go ahead and buy them next week — but right now you probably don't [need it].
If I could buy a house or gold (a physical thing) for $ 100 in 2013 and its selling for $ 400 now, then that is how I treat the inflation in terms of «investment».
«What once was a retail center where people bought things is now a spiritual center where the most important thing in life is offered free,» says senior pastor Jay Dennis.
[00:08] Introduction [02:50] Tony introduces Ray Dalio [05:30] Ray's upbringing and early life [06:00] The first stock he bought [07:00] Getting hooked on the market [07:30] Why he wants to share his secrets now [08:15] The three stages of life [08:45] Finding joy in helping others achieve success [09:15] Creating principles in life [09:45] Why his new book is a recipe book [10:45] The two things you need to be successful [11:10] You have to stress test your ideas [11:50] The power of making mistakes [14:00] Public humiliation in 1982 [15:30] The most painful experience became the most powerful [15:50] Learning to ask: «How do I know I'm right?»
For now, make a bold statement or question addressing the main great thing that will occur in your prospect's life when they buy your product.
Now that Ethereum can also be bought through Anycoin Direct, exciting things are on the horizon for this European exchange.
Just in time for the hectic holiday season, Curbside makes finding, buying and getting the things shoppers need from their favorite local stores faster and easier than ever before — it's a new way to shop, built for the era of «Get It Now» commerce.
I think I agree, of course he says only a part, which could mean do other things now, wait 8 years when rates might be better and buy annuity then.
Now things are up for grabs: Netflix buys stuff from the studios, but it's making its own stuff, too, and it's selling it directly to consumers.
So it occurs to me that now the smart thing to do is just buy a ton of cheap coins, the ones that are moving, and sit on them.
If you stayed the course during that time, things worked out pretty well, because you bought at the low point of the stock market, and you contributed more and can you imagine that tax lot that you invested in, in March 2009, where that is right now.
Only other thing I can contribute is that TD Direct is the only platform I know of which allows you to buy I - L gilts directly (though who knows if this will change now they've been bought by iii).
That's right, you «did the right thing» by putting your $ 100 into a non-risk savings account but now you can't afford the TV and you are a $ 1 short for the same TV you could have bought last year!
People just end up using them to buy things they think they need now, but probably won't be used again after 6 months.
Basically, you can buy things on your mobile in Vietnam now with 1Pay, and merchants can check and collect all their sales in a dashboard provided by 1Pay.
I don't hope he dies that's a horrible thing to wish on anybody especially when he didn't kill anybody I hope he gets better but I wish people would quit buying his crap he said the world was gonna end in 1980 something and look where we are now 30ish years later!
Only thing I'm able to glean from what this guy is saying without having to buy his book is that he apparently is now an arrogant jerk who cares for no one but himself.
But one thing I do know is that when people are alive those who are non believers go through as you are now buy on your death bed it is hard to be an atheist.
and also if i have and your answer is yes then if there is a way to get the holy spirit back then please tell me and also please pray for me for a few days and i also want to know that really is the unforgivable sin unforgivable and really i swear on my mother that i don't want to go to hell forever and i am very scared of it please help me urgent and also i am sending a friend request to you on facebook and please accept it so that we can talk on this matter together and also i think you will like my page and i couldn't sleep properly because of this and in my half sleep in my dreams i was just visiting your website and finding my comment missing and i as pleasing god and the holy spirit but as i was receiving my spirit again and again as i mentioned this in my previous comment i was abusing in my mind i couldn't stop abusing and i have a very good mother she tried to wake me but i told her not to do and it was happening same things again and again and i told my mother again the half truth because i don't want to break her heart and she told me that there is nothing like ghosts and they are making me fools (you all) and i am telling you honestly before this i irritate my mother a lot i just watch tv and surf the internet or play games in my pc and i eat and brush late and also don't listen to my parents but after i saw your website i became obedient for a few days and again the same i am disobedient your webpage or article ruined my life but this is not your fault and now days i am buy searching about this topic and my father (Vivek Saraf) broke his hands on the 6th May while riding at a very high speed he normally don't go at a very high speed but he had a very important work so whole he was riding a dog was running on the way and to save his life he gave a very hard brake and he with his nebiour fall down and got injuries in his legs and broke his hands and at first he walked with difficulty and then the local people helped him on his way and took him to the local hospital but the doctor told that we need to go to Kollkata (the capital of west bengal, India) and so he went with his loyal staff because he is a business man and in the hospital he got cured but he still have the fracture in his hands so i request you to pray for him and his negibour also and i will tell you the rest in facebook bye and sorry for spelling mistakes in my previous comments.
Hence Rabbit's constant remembrance of things past: his fading stardom as a high school basketball hero in Mt. Judge, Pennsylvania; his youthful marriage to the store - clerk Janice Springer; their many sexual felicities and infidelities; the deaths that each so horribly caused in their own house; their moral enmeshment in the lives of their friends and families, especially their elderly parents and their own son Nelson; Rabbit's jobs as a typesetter and car dealer, and now Janice's belated career in real estate; their financial prosperity during the boom of the «70s when they bought vacation homes in Florida and the Poconos; now their fear of economic ruin amidst the coming Depression.
When you're earning your own dollar you can buy organic until your hearts content but for now don't get hung up on all the little things.
Therefore, I excitedly bought a pound on impulse after spotting them in my Whole Foods and am now at a loss as to what to do with the things.
I am on my way to the store right now to buy the things I am missing.
Oh, if I could buy one thing right now it'd be flowers... they fill up the room with joy and life.
You could do it to secure any low price running right now, you could do it so you'll get yours first (it will ship the second it's released), or to buy gifts for any friends / mamas / brides who you think would be into this kind of thing.
Ive seen this method called for (especially in lots of classical European cuisines, think Julia Child's Bourgignon, which I've adapted to a vegan diet on numerous occasions, and Italian recipes for things like Ratatouille) but never bought into it, seeing it as extra unnecessary work... But now Ive see the light!
I'm really needing to use things up and clean out my pantry (and freezer) too, but now I want to rush out and buy some dates so I can make some of these.
I've been quite pleased with other Nutiva products, so if I had purchased it from Amazon, I am sure that after just now reviewing their options, I would have ordered the exact thing I bought at Costco.
One of the best things you can do is just get started - choose something «better than» what you are choosing now like opting for butter instead of margarine, or butter from grass - fed cows if you currently buy butter from cows in confinement.
However, M&C Saatchi's Graham says Coke needs to take care that the $ 2 can doesn't erode margins: «When McDonald's introduced their loose change menu, all that drove was a decrease in profitability because loyalists were now buying things they loved cheaper.»
I've had popsicle molds on my «things to buy» list for years now too!
Although you somehow magically managed to make fruity and yet still crispy granola with that Apple Pie Granola recipe of yours... wow one instance where Brandi was MORE fruity than me LOL The store - bought stuff is the most boring thing now that I've had homemade so many times!
Now you can add them to the list of things I will NEVER buy from a store again.
These days, after taking a month - long break from refined sugar, I'm pretty sensitive to overly sweet things, and this one doesn't set off any alarm bells (compared to my usual store - bought granola, which now makes my head feel like circus music is playing at frat - party volume).
I just bought that giant container of feta from Costco and now have one more thing I can do with it.
I have so few things in my kitchen right now since I «m moving soon, but I only had to buy chocolate and grab some rosemary from outside to make this... can't wait!
While coconut oil may be the «trendy» thing right now, I'm buying in!
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