Sentences with phrase «buying situation»

Meanwhile, anyone with solid employment and good credit is looking at an ideal buying situation: record low mortgage rates, and low but stabilizing housing prices.
The dealership came highly recommended and made the first time car buying situation very easy to handle.
In other word, what will be the likely buying situations and stories, in which we can be prepared for.
We love the convenience of making quick purchases anywhere, we love the benefits of all the rewards programs, and we love the flexibility of using different cards for different buying situations.
Before going into any life insurance buying situation, it is a good idea to know which type of life insurance may cost less overall.
«Clients want agents to be emotionally engaged specifically when it comes to understanding the reasoning through the emotions involved in a home buying situation,» Blocker writes in his research, in which he evaluated 130 agent - client pairs who were involved in purchasing a home.
In the past when working CRE brokerage exclusively, I would propose this to my buying clients when a competitive buying situation arose, but with the added caviot that my fee went into the deal on a pare pasu equity basis and I also got the management / brokerage work for the project.
(Giroud) this situation is a must buy situation for cover not a buy out of choice, and thats why we defiantly WONT see a stiker top tier or otherwise comming in this summer.
In complex company environments, the use of an Ideal Buyer Persona ™ can help in anticipating buying situations, processes, and which buying teams are most likely to be formed.
We posted a small list today of all the retail outlets carrying the HP TouchPad and we have breaking news on the Best Buy situation.
In a situation when the market is coming out of a correction or a bear market and one only trades 10 trend following breakout buy situations in a given year, and makes an average of 10 percent on each trade, one's entire account would be up 159 percent.
I'm sure you're finding the rental housing and condo buying situation very difficult and you may find Surrey, Richmond, and Langley your best bets.
The ideal buying situation is where you can have the vehicle checked out by a Range Rover specialist, who knows what to look for in different Rangie models.
Lots of us procrastinate and dilly - dally until we buy that tenuous - emergency - next - day - delivered - gift - not the ideal gift buying situation to be in!
The home owners contacted me right at the beginning of the process as well, and asked me to work with them to help them select finishes that would result in a home that was a personalized to them as much as possible in a tract - home buying situation.
Since you are working with a buyers agent, and I assume s / he is assisting with some of the sourcing of deals, you might consider this situation a learning experience as what to expect when you get into competitive buying situations.
And the reality is that they don't really understand what the buy situation is like at a lot of these large companies.»
So, if you think about buying a car or vacation trip or camera or laptop, these days you don't walk into that buying situation uninformed and at the mercy of a salesperson.
As your lender, we will work hard to ensure that you get the best financing and rate for your buying situation.
Educated clients on purchase / rental process; advised on investment properties, sell - and - buy situations
Your Accredited Buyer's Representative can coach you further on these and other points specific to your buying situation, helping you approach your negotiations smoothly and successfully.
Every home - buying situation is different.
You can not apply some arbitrary rule to every home - buying situation.
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