Sentences with phrase «buying unprocessed foods»

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Their parents simply can't afford to buy food - let alone organic veggies & fruits, ANY fruits or veggies at all, and unprocessed food.
Nestle: Right, but our food system has changed and right now because of farm policies that support the production of cheap ingredients in processed foods, processed foods are much cheaper per calorie than our unprocessed foods and vegetables per calorie; so that if you look at the studies that have been done, if you look at the cost of processed foods, it is a much greater bargain for somebody who is poor to buy junk food than it is to buy foods that are fresh.
What you'll notice from the list above is that you can easily avoid these ingredients if you buy organic and stick to unprocessed, whole foods.
If all you buy are whole foods like meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other unprocessed foods in their whole natural state, you can be certain to avoid all of the worst things that plague our food supply.
«But when we get our food to 90 percent whole foods, as unprocessed as possible, as much of it as possible that we prepare from home where we know what the supply chain is and we know we just bought organic fresh produce from Costco or wherever we buy it, that's when our health really shifts.
But in reality, just because you're eating mostly whole, unprocessed, organic food or buying natural, chemical - free cleaners and beauty products, it doesn't mean that you need to have an astronomical... [Read more...]
So give your body the nutritional support it craves by buying whole, unrefined, unprocessed, high quality foods.
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