Sentences with phrase «buzz about your book»

I'm not sure they will all have that same buzz about books again until they are fully independent readers, so I'm making it my business to help get them there.
The featured book, along with a destination link, is also promoted on the Home page and Buzzing About Books page of our website for one month.
Create buzz about your book before it's even finished.
So we had a few Google Alerts configured to help us track the buzz about the book on the Web, and we quickly realized how haphazard the modern editorial process is for content sites the world over, some of whom link to Amazon as affiliates, some of whom link to the publisher page for the book, a few of whom were enterprising enough to link to Adam's site directly, and some of whom link to nothing at all.
Traditional publishing houses use multiple impressions to create buzz about the books they publish.
Reviews are one of the best methods to generate buzz about your book, without you being the one shouting from the rooftops.
But what if you could reach a much larger, highly targeted audience from the comfort of home, and get people buzzing about your book?
Self published authors have to rely on their own resources, be more creative in finding retail shelf space for their books (as a rule, self published authors have far less access to chain bookstore shelves than the big publishers who spend millions on marketing dollars), and have to work very hard to create any sort of buzz about their books.
If you've published a book or if you're about to publish your first book, you must have already heard the buzz about book reviews!
You can create a buzz about your book being at the Frankfurt Book Fair by blogging about it, putting it on your Facebook and website.
HarperCollins needs to create buzz about its books and step up its marketing efforts.
Authors and publishers can hire companies to produce a book trailer that generates buzz about a book prior to its release.
There is an additional feature of your Amazon Author Central page that will help you to build an interactive community and create more buzz about your book.
What could be a more perfect way to create buzz about a book than to watch it travel all around the country, passing from hand to hand, creating small ripples of visibility and interest wherever it goes?
There you have it: a chance to create buzz about your book.
The hash tag helps you search, share, and file the entire buzz about your book.
The one - day blog blitz will give you a lot of exposure and create a buzz about your book in a concentrated period of time.
Before I Go to Sleep by S.J. Watson — Possibly one of the most buzzed about books of the year, it has been selected as one of Amazon's Best Books of June 2011, and as this summer's hottest titles.
[return][return] There was a lot of buzz about this book earlier this year and how it was a sort of superhero story with a lesbian main character.
I picked up the ebook on sale because there's been tremendous buzz about this book, and I figure it will be up for award contention in these next few
You can create a buzz about your book being at the book Fair by blogging about it and mentioning your book will be at the fair on your Facebook and / or website.
Reviews keep buzz about your book from dying down and offer third - party validation.
Apart from creating buzz about your books and brand, this is one of the biggest benefits of a book giveaway campaign.
In order to gain success or sales as an indie author, you have to create a buzz about your book.
It's wonderful to see people buzzing about your book — but you're giving up something to see that happen.
I've been pushing myself outside of my social media comfort zones the past couple of weeks, trying to create buzz about my book.
Reviews help generate buzz about your book and offer third - party validation.
The best way to generate buzz about your book is to give out preview copies before the release date.
You can also create a Featured Author Group on Goodreads to interact with readers and create buzz about your books.
Traditional means for generating buzz about their books work great for extroverts or authors without children at home, but what about authors who are too shy to stand up in public to discuss the topics of their books or don't want to leave their children at home while they travel the globe promoting their books?
Sell Your Book Like Wildfire: The Writer's Guide to Marketing and Publicity by Rob Eagar Learn how to: • Increase your book sales by driving readers to bookstores and online retailers • Build a brand that makes your books stand out from the crowd • Secure more media interviews and speaking engagements • Connect with key influencers who spread word of mouth • Create raving fans who buzz about your book on social media (2012)
If you need to learn how to get the media buzzing about your book (and if you need to learn how to use social media effectively, rock it on Amazon, plan a virtual book tour, get speaking gigs, and do lots of other things to publicize, promote, and market your book), register for this course now, before the price goes up in 2014.
Marketing & Promotion MARKETING PACKAGE: $ 1200.00 Your Word Association Marketing Package is designed to help you light a fire, build a bridge, and start the buzz about your book.
Creating buzz about your books without boring the pants off people is not easy, and what little you can do is time consuming.
This embargo period effectively eliminates for libraries the benefits of any positive early buzz about the book, or any marketing push by the publisher.
A virtual book tour helps create a buzz about your book and strengthens your author brand.
After 90 days, a traditional publisher is starting to receive returns on books that did not sell, and a self - published author is just getting started as they use each positive review to fuel the fire in building the buzz about their book.
They include business cards to let potential buyers know how to contact you and place orders; bookmarks to keep a synopsis and the cover design of your book in front of readers; postcards to send to hundreds or thousands of potential readers; and publicity flyers to create buzz about your book.
With an effective book marketing plan you can target your readership, create buzz about your book, attract the media and ultimately generate more sales.
by Dana Lynn Smith What if you could promote your book to a large, highly targeted audience from the comfort of home, get people buzzing about your book and sharing it with others, and get valuable backlinks to your website?
This will generate buzz about your book and its release.

Not exact matches

Leading author and speaker, Brian Solis, spent three and a half years working on his latest book, X: The Experience Where Business Meets Design, during which time he found clarity about why «experience» is a topic we won't be dismissing as buzz or hype any time soon.
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few months, you must have heard the buzz about the new book from the Paleo Parents, Matt McCarry and Stacy Toth.
Her newest book, Power Moms: The New Rules for Engaging Mom Influencers Who Drive Brand Choice, offers a guide to engaging the Power Moms — influential mothers who help spread the word about products and services — to drive sales to your bottom line by creating a buzz online and offline.
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few months, you must have heard the buzz about the new book from the Paleo Parents, Matt McCarry and Stacy Toth.
«You should taste the garlic, of course, but also the hot pepper, the olive oil, and the good salt and freshly cracked pepper — they combine to make it all lively,» says chef Peter Miller, the author of Five Ways To Cook Asparagus (from which this recipe is excerpted), one of this season's most buzzed - about books.
Of all the trailers that dropped this week, Jon Favreau's The Jungle Book was the most buzzed and talked about.
But how cool is it to have your old grade school companions buzzing about your new book?
She got so much buzz about her decision to turn down a trad pub contract to go indie, that everyone wanted to read or at least look at the book.
Be consistent in creating buzz about your brand and book by communicating daily on your social media sites.
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