Sentences with phrase «by bright eyed»

Since I don't typically have instant coffee powder or espresso powder (which is not really for drinking, it's a specialty ingredient used in baking) in the house, I found this awesome hack by Bright Eyed Baker to DIY my own espresso powder.

Not exact matches

Visitors to the town of Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico, are greeted by a sculpture of a skeletal man with pickaxes for ribs, a bright yellow helmet and one eye.
«As I lay in a dazed condition with my eyes closed (I experienced daylight as disagreeably bright) there surged upon me an uninterrupted stream of fantastic images of extraordinary plasticity and vividness and accompanied by an intense, kaleidoscope - like play of colors,» he continued.
The decision to return clean water to local communities wasn't an idea dreamt by a bright - eyed Coca - Cola employee, but rather a decision following years of mounting dissatisfaction from locals, consumers and NGOs who have seen the company exhaust local water resources in small communities in the developing world.
With a gaggle of bright eyed children enchanted by the littlest one.
Gothard's teachings involve rules upon rules all dealing with the outward, dress, hair, smiling, bright eyes, no birth control or dating, no higher education for girls who must stay in the home until the father decides what they should do, how God blesses and is happy with you if you do such and such, so many rules, those who really wanted to please God were under the weight of things they could never accomplish... plus the male regime and women having to be careful not to defraud men by their dress or looks made it so easy for sexual predatory behaviors to take hold and the woman at fault for the man's problems and such... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder some of the children of this regime became athiests.
«You might have known that he wouldn't give up easily,» Swett points out, «by one glance at his sturdy little figure, at his bright, wide - open eyes, his firm mouth, and his square, prominent chin; even the little, turned - up end of his nose looked resolute.»
Salisbury Steak with Beef Broth Gravy was a regular dish on our family table and it was truly loved by my bright - eyed, character of a grandfather.
These are often combined on a big «Balkan Platter,» a large serving of mixed grilled meats garnished with chopped fresh onions, hot or mild peppers, and thick kaymak (KAI - mahk, similar to clotted cream), accompanied by ajvar (EYE - var), a bright - red vegetable preserve made of roasted peppers and eggplants cooked with garlic and oil.
These bright - eyed fresh - faced ideologues, heads filled with dreams about the right way to play football, being bullied and provoked to the edge of tears by bigger, badder and straight - up better sides.
One of the greatest gifts of Bright Eyes joining our family is that I've gotten to know you in new ways, and the more I get to know you the more I'm impressed by your wonderful tenacity and your enormous heart.
The songs been completed the babe's in her arms Both teary eyed parents are moved by it's charms The song appears ended at least in this room But I'll hear it eternal with other bright moons.
A gender - neutral colour, its fresh and reviving tones are easy on the eye and perfectly reflect the natural light that is beginning to get brighter by the day (and longer lasting).
By Jillian Lauren I've been working on Bright Eyes» life - book lately.
With its bright colors, the Toy Electric Guitar by Dimple is a fun way to increase your child's hand - eye coordination, fine motor skills, and musical theory.
Crystalized Glow in the Dark Dinosaur Ornaments by Glittering Muffins Penguin Ornament by Kids Craft Room Unicorn Christmas Ornament by My Bright Firefly Simple Snowman Ornament by Easy Peasy and Fun Polar Express Ornament by The Resourceful Mama Corduroy's Christmas Surprise Ornament by Something 2 Offer Wood Slice Santa Ornament by The Eyes of a Boy
I delivered a lecture to some charming bright eyed and bushy tailed Cambridge University undergraduates last week, mainly historians but a few economists, still being force - fed the Keynesian / Monetarist claptrap by their down - at - heel dandruff - dusted dons.
«The brighter you shine in the public eye, the more disdainfully your colleagues may look upon you,» Clancy explains, citing Carl Sagan as an example of a brilliant scientist who was adored by the public but shunned by his peers.
This German cuckoo clock features a cabin framed by evergreen trees with eye - catching painted details that offer a brighter alternative to the darker traditional cuckoo clock.
By reflecting light, rather than refracting it, these outer eyes could produce brighter images with higher contrasts that lens - carrying eyes normally would.
About 4,500 light - years away in the direction of the constellation Monoceros, the nebula is large enough to be visible through small telescopes; if it were bright enough in the visible spectrum it could be seen by the naked eye, occupying several times as much of the sky as the full moon.
The comet, which is now about one - millionth as bright as the faintest star visible with the naked eye, can't be discerned in wide - field images taken by Rosetta's instruments.
Another shape - changing metal — a nickel - titanium alloy manufactured by NanoMuscle Inc. — helps animate the recently released Baby Bright Eyes doll.
Faint objects like galaxies and globular clusters are clear to the naked eye from here; the night I visited, the night sky was bright enough to read by, the Milky Way was lit up like a celestial highway and faint meteors continually peppered the heavens.
There is one exception to this rule — if you're in the path of a total solar eclipse, you may look at the sun with your naked eyes during the brief time when the sun is in «totality,» meaning the sun's bright face is completely blocked by the moon.
As naturalist John Burroughs wrote: «Your eye... will revel with delight in the masses of fresh bright color afforded by the purple loosestrife which... shows here and there like purple bonfires.»
Horizontal cells process visual information by integrating and regulating input from rod and cone photoreceptors, which allow eyes to adjust to see well in both bright and dim light conditions.
By understanding your dog's mind, you'll build a deeper connection with the personality behind the bright eyes that greet you every day.
A team of neuroscientists from the State University of New York now has discovered that the illusion is caused by the way our eyes perceive bright and dark objects.
It's easy to imagine the first modern humans staring up at the heavens in wonder, their eyes and minds dazzled by a beautiful band of light splashed across the night sky, the ever - changing moon so large and bright, and pinpoints of light in every direction.
Partial solar eclipses are hazardous to view because the eye's pupil is not adapted to the unusually high visual contrast: the pupil dilates according to the total amount of light in the field of view, not by the brightest object in the field.
We spoke with natural makeup artist Katey Denno, who has been working with all - natural brands for the last 10 years and knows exactly which products to use and when and about how to fight the fatigue by making our eyes look brighter.
And I did this morning and it was a trip like I was sitting outside on the chair outside by the patio, just — and by the time I opened my eyes, which is super bright green, the trees were green, the birds sounded louder, like I was tuned in, so I know that I made a significant shift.
But as evidenced by the fact she appeared in «Forks Over Knives,» she's not only alive, but quite the bright - eyed and bushy - tailed survivor.
Inflammation in the iris of the eye causes iritis, a painful condition that can be aggravated by bright light (photophobia) as the iris opens and closes the opening of the pupil.
By drinking water your skin will look more radiant, your eyes will be clearer and brighter.
«Symptoms involving impaired contraction of smooth muscles include constipation; urinary spasms; menstrual cramps; difficulty swallowing or a lump in the throat - especially provoked by eating sugar; photophobia, especially difficulty adjusting to oncoming bright headlights in the absence of eye disease; and loud noise sensitivity from stapedius muscle tension in the ear.»
This cat eye is achieved by choosing a bright colored liner and applying a thick line to your top lashes, extending to the middle of your eyelid or up to your crease, and then outward slightly to create a winged cat eye.
You should «dress» this natural coloring by wearing complementary shades on your face and you'll be amazed at how your coloring comes to life - brighter eyes, clearer skin and more intense hair color.
It keeps eyes looking younger, fresher, brighter by visibly minimizing first lines and signs of fatigue — including dark circles and puffiness.
With stardust in her eyes and an orbit that shines bright, the Out Of This World series is inspired by the galaxy and its shapes.
How I'm Wearing Them: For these bright purple tights, I started by scanning my closet, tights in hand, when my eye caught «splurge dress» I bought from Urban Outfitters.
Finish the eyes by lining your waterline with a white eyeliner: this will instantly add a bright - eyed appearance that's engaging and inviting.
A bright statement necklace made up of a thick chain and featuring gold and grey marbled teardrop shaped stones accompanied by multiple other stones and crystals for added eye catching detail.
Every time I visit Megan's blog, I can't take my eyes off of her adorable curls:) I was really inspired by her amazing style, creativity and bright look and that is how the illustration was born.
I can't get over how much brighter by under eyes look after using this product — which also can be used as a concealer for other blemishes — and how long it lasts!
Boost what nature's given you by drinking plenty of water, eating healthily and increasing your exercise to ensure beautiful, clear skin, bright eyes, and a restful, relaxed mood for when the time comes.
Mix it up by going for a velvet pair in a classic shape; a bright color makes them even more eye - catching.
You can be a unicorn too by using our Bright Eyes Creamy Long Last Liner to first coat your eyebrow hairs, and then layer on one of our fruit pigmented ® eyeshadows or tints for out - of - this - world color.
Mascara is an easy way to transform your eyes from tired to bright and awake in a pinch, simply by lengthening and thickening your lashes — if you use it correctly, at least.
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