Sentences with phrase «by caesarian»

Dogs must be delivered by Caesarian Section or the risk of death and complications for both is very high.
They also must deliver any puppies by caesarian section because of the size of their heads.
For example, because of the shape of Boston Terriers and Bulldogs, puppies of these breeds often need to be delivered by Caesarian section.
Whelping is equally difficult, and most bulldog puppies these days are born by caesarian section.
They are deliver only by Caesarian, have low litter sizes, and usually need to be artificially inseminated.
The calf was delivered by Caesarian section from a cow which had had a prolapsed uterus after delivering a healthy calf the previous year.
My baby Neo was born by caesarian section so I was not able to nurse him for almost 1hour whilst the doctors did tests on him.

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The physical changes manifested by uncomfortable breast engorgement, sore muscles, digestive changes, uterine contractions and healing of a caesarian scar or birth canal, take a toll on the mother in the postnatal period.
«I think a lot of consumers are really scared by the high cesarean rate, and they're becoming aware that Caesarian is a major surgical procedure,» said Beard.
The decision is up to you but opting for a scheduled caesarian should be an informed decision made well before her expected delivery date, which by the way, can be as much as five days prior to the traditional sixty - third day.
Caesar — Julius Caesar leant his name to the Caesarian Section (C - Section, by which method he was said to have been born), to his adoptive son, Augustus, and to the line of Roman Emperors that succeeded Julius and Caesar Augustus.
Birth injuries can include cerebral palsy from lack of oxygen, failure of doctors to perform a Caesarian section to avoid a traumatic delivery, Erb's palsy or shoulder dystocia (brachial plexus injury) caused by a traumatic delivery, or developmental delays caused by lack of oxygen.
These injuries can be caused by, among other things, a doctor's negligence in diagnosing or managing a prolapsed or compressed umbilical cord, negligent administration of anesthesia during Caesarian section (C - Section), or negligence in monitoring maternal and fetal vital signs.
Birth injuries related to Caesarian Sections (C - Sections) may be caused by the negligent performance of a C - Section or by the negligent failure to timely order a C - Section when one is indicated.
Her baby was delivered by an emergency Caesarian section.
First one was one of the first done by the dr when they were brand new... She didn't realise that I'd had two caesarians until I was on the table.
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