Sentences with phrase «by feeling very»

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Not so at RFRK, which has increased both its employee retention (in the high - turnover food - service industry, no less) and its rep as an employer of choice (the firm recently got 350 applications for an admin position) by making its people feel something very powerful: that their work matters.
«If you have a huge bookshelf in your perception room, you likely weren't very well educated when you were a child, and you want to compensate for that by feeling close to literacy,» he says.
Vulture, or Adrian Toomes, played by a very well - cast Michael Keaton — who probably got this role for appearing as another man with wings in «Birdman» — is one of the rare villains in the MCU that has a personal vendetta against the superheroes who doesn't feel like a desperate tie - in.
She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife.
«I was just lying on the bed thinking and came up with all this bizarre imagery... I think also the idea that because I was in a foreign city by myself and I felt very dissociated from humanity in general, it was very easy to project myself into these two characters from the future who were out of sync, out of time, out of place.»
Let's be real: Every month, it feels as if a new dating app launches on the promise that it is the «non-creepy» (or, at the very least, «less creepy») version of Tinder, the ubiquitous photo - based mobile - matchmaking service that's taken the online dating world by storm.
I don't have any hard data to back this up, but I'm increasingly getting the feeling that if you were to inform yourself of what's going on in the world solely by using Twitter, you'd probably go through life as a very angry individual.
Yes, this means that we can not only stop our desire for them but actually feel repulsed and disgusted by the very thought of it!
Indeed, the very action of creation — whether composing a song or even starting a company — can help you redirect and reduce stress by using these negative feelings as catalysts to spark innovative ideas and products.
Employees want to feel aligned with your company and you do that by making your operating values very apparent.
A simple log of your sexual activity is not very useful by itself, except to perhaps make people feel good or bad about themselves, said Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a specialist in female urology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
When spending the requisite time analyzing your staff and looking for gaps, don't forget that you need to treat your best employees very well, so that when they receive a call from a recruiter, or are approached by a rival CEO, the only answer they'll feel obliged to give is a firm «Thanks, but no thanks.»
If banks promote themselves as a high - tech hangout or café, and still maintain a very aggressive service culture, they risk making people feel seduced and sucker - punched by a hidden agenda.
In that sea of options in my closet, there are a very select few that I really love — the ones that I know the feel of by memory and actually remember which company makes them so I can tell my friends when they ask.
«We're at a very important point with the company and its perception,» said one shareholder into the microphone, noting the disappointment felt by investors after the excitement of the BlackBerry 10 launch quickly dissipated when financial results were posted.
Soderbergh was very open about feeling that he had lost the plot with those films, but they're still highly fascinating documents of a frustrating moment in global politics, featuring a stellar performance by Benicio Del Toro.
But when the pullback doesn't come, or is very minor, such as a sideways correction by time instead, they begin to feel strong feelings of regret.
In a twist of great irony, the reason so many of us embrace the «It Can't Happen to Me» syndrome is because from a psychological standpoint, it preserves our immediate to short - term feeling of well - being by disassociating ourselves from reality and encouraging inaction, even though from a long - term perspective, it is very likely to destroy our self - preservation abilities.
By the end of the week, every single attendee felt very confident about their new endeavors and we wish them the very best on their journey's to financial success.
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Finally, Kelly notes it is very important for organizations to have products and services around which employees can feel proud and that organizations need to leverage the talents of the employees by letting ideas come forward.
With dividend growth investing being a very popular method for creating a growing passive income stream for the long haul, many first time investors might feel intimidated by the process of actually building up and creating their own dividend investment portfolio.
I'm never very good at talking about myself, but I feel I should introduce myself as you have taken the time to visit my blog, so firstly, thank you for stopping by.
Many people feel that Bitcoin taxation should be decided upon by the European Union, which may very well be the case in the end.
«Many Americans already understand the importance of this concept, evidenced by the fact that more than half of those surveyed said they feel it is very or extremely important that guaranteed income products offer the possibility for income to increase over time.»
A gentler mercy followed in which pulse and breath joined in the kind of visceral, somatic prayer that felt upheld by the grace St Paul renders, «The Spirit intercedes for us in sighs too deep for words...» And, in awe, it occurred to me that my very breath proclaims the presence of the God who breathes me.
I have struggled with this a great deal as I want very much to maintain a close relationship with my family but find myself growing increasingly distant because it is just too painful to be close to people that I love dearly but feel completely rejected by for something that I have come to recognize as a core part of who I am and how I view myself and the world around me.
There are many songs written and played by people against whom I have the most fundamental and passionate disagreements in the moral and intellectual realms (which are the most important ones), yet hearing their songs can evoke ecstatic feelings that are very much like feelings of worship and longing for God.
Plus people (particularly in this case women) who are feeling oppressed by this teaching can find public support very helpful.
I feel sorry for you and I do hope your god «saves» you or whatever, because you are not doing a very good job of it by yourself.
They could assert their manhood by killing and being killed... I knew Italians — not very many, perhaps — who felt this.
In relation to the space around it the Earth is weightless.But early man felt that the Earth (a very huge object) must be held up by something.
By what we see around us in the creation, for our Creator, made us to see in color, not just black and white, to have a series of senses that allow us to thoroughly enjoy life, such as the capacity to feel very minute things with our fingertips.
It all seems very vague, where people can make it mean a particular thing, try to figure out what you are saying, feel guilty that they are doing something wrong by being warm, dry, comfortable in their house, enjoying their family, food.
John good question thats why i like this site because you can ask questions like that and not be judged for even thinking it.We should discuss these issues if we feel threatened by these questions our faith is nt very secure.brentnz
Consequently one feels less inclined to reject as unscientific the idea that the critical point of planetary reflective consciousness which is the result of the forming of humanity into an organized society, far from being a mere spark in the darkness, corresponds on the contrary to our passage (by a movement of reversal or dematerialization) to another face of the universe: not an ending of the ultra-human but its arrival at something trans - human at the very heart of reality.
It feels very wrong to pick on the father of modern British worship music, and on the song that was named among the nation's favourite hymns by the BBC in 2005, despite having only been written in 1987.
Irving might feel threatened by anything other than «Yes» men and women and dictate how they ought to proceed with a billion situations (in which case, Irving probably has a very high turnover rate.)
What I experience as I stand in face of — and in the very depths of — this world which your flesh has assimilated, this world which has become your flesh, my God, is not the absorption of the monist who yearns to be dissolved into the unity of things, nor the emotion felt by the pagan as he lies prostrate before a tangible divinity, nor yet the passive self - abandonment of the quietist tossed hither and thither at the mercy of mystical impulsions.
The hungry and thirsty: those haunted by justice, who ache for the shalom of God, for things to be put right, those who feel in their very bones the pain of their own inadequacy to change the way the world works.
(And I highly doubt most felt very loved by that experience.)
When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to - day this poor people is plundered and exploited.»
It is very easy to be religious by fits and starts, and to keep up our feelings by artificial stimulants; but regularity seems to trammel us, and we become impatient.
Even, at times when I truly begin to feel intensely guilty for my thoughts and fear punishment, I remind myself that God even has mercy towards Satan, the very enemy of God, by not utterly and completely destroying his existence but given him free will to operate in this world and to do evil.
This continued a theme pervading all his previous work, and paralleled very closely a statement by Whitehead in Process and Reality, where he says that triviality (in effect, the opposite of qualitative meaning) «arises from lack of coordination in the factors of the datum, so that no feeling arising from one factor is reinforced by any feeling from another factor» (PR 132).
It's very easy for those who have not been hurt by this man, his ministry, and his teaching to sit on the sidelines and tell me and others how to feel.
The only source of information for the report is the very doctors who feel the procedure is justified, and who are unrestrained by the long - forgotten oath «to give no deadly medicine to any one, even if asked, nor to suggest any such counsel.»
after 30 years of moving around the country and participating in various churches that were glad to have me be part of their work & ministries (as a musician), I find myself now living in a small, very isolated, undereducated and underexperienced town, where I've been rejected by more than one church on the basis that I know too much (I apparently make everyone else feel stupid) and have too much experience (i.e., I make everyone else feel inadequate).
The pain and anguish we feel every day, the suffering of being separated from God that has so numbed our souls, the despair and fear that drives us to live as we do, was felt for the very first time by Jesus on the cross when sin came upon Him.
Do you, in chairing a meeting, find yourself pouring oil instead of helping to clarify conflicts because you yourself feel threatened by the very fact of the conflicts?
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