Sentences with phrase «by a contraction»

Instead, it is caused by contractions of the uterus that are pushing your baby down and out of the birth canal.
By focusing on your breathing, you may find yourself better able to deal with any discomfort caused by the contractions.
Bubble describes an economic cycle characterized by rapid expansion followed by a contraction.
But this is accomplished by a contraction of the domain of existence; it is too easy.
Even the most experienced mothers can be fooled by contractions.
The end of early labor is typically marked by contractions that appear five minutes apart, which is when most doctors advise women to go to the hospital.
Many women are so distracted by the contractions and other pains that happen with labor.
This is characterized by contractions that are regular but not be very close together or last very long.
The strength is determined by contraction of the pelvic floor during the internal exam.
The loss of the mucus plug can be accompanied by contractions that increase in intensity and duration, and / or your water breaking.
Muscle forces and internal moment arm lengths can both be altered by joint angle; muscle forces are also altered by contraction velocity.
They are caused by contraction, impact stresses, and the loading of the crust by large mountains.
Some mothers find that they have no urge to push, the baby is simply pushed out by the contractions of the uterus.
Substantial rises in interest rates, designed to restrain inflationary booms, have been followed by contractions in demand and a reduction in inflation.
Research clearly shows that when opposing muscle groups are trained in superset the muscle contraction will be stronger when preceded by the contraction of its antagonist.
Digested material is moved through the intestines by the contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles.
As one reader points out, the proper versions were corrupted by contractions such as «must've.»
However, (inaudible) expanded loans were 3.2 %, mainly driven by the contraction in the corporate segment.
Scientists in Korea have designed a crablike robot that is smaller than the thickness of a fingernail and powered by contractions of cardiac tissue.
The hand does not have to be surgically attached; instead, it uses two electrodes that sit on the skin to pick up electrical impulses created by the contraction of muscle fibers in the body.
The kinetics of the acute response were characterized by rapid expansion of activated T cells, followed by a contraction phase.
One of the earliest posts on this blog pointed to commentary by Feringa in Nature «In control of molecular motion», which included commentary on Prof. Sauvage's work on molecular muscles implemented by contraction and stretching of a linear rotaxane dimer.
Stars are formed by the contraction of interstellar gas and dust.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), a physical activity it is «any bodily movement that is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle and that substantially increases energy expenditure.»
Are blood flow and lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue influenced by contractions in adjacent muscles in humans?
The ability of a muscle to produce full motor - unit activation may be enhanced when preceded immediately by a contraction of the muscle's antagonist.
Since the pelvis has muscle attachments from the trunk (abdominals and lumbar erector spinae) and from the hip (gluteus maximus, hamstrings, iliopsoas, and rectus femoris), it can be moved by contractions from various muscles.
In response, KIPP laid out plans to grow to 42 schools by 2020 — a formidable target under any circumstances, and made all the more challenging by the contraction in public school funding.
By capturing quakes caused by the contraction of the planet's crust, and hammering a heat probe down 5 meters below the surface, InSight should allow scientists to measure the thickness and composition of the planet's crust, mantle, and core.
Some studies have shown that a muscle group can work harder if it's preceded by the contraction of the opposite (antagonist) muscle group.
«Part of the [linear object] gets stuck somewhere, such as around the base of the tongue or in the bottom of the stomach, and the rest gets moved down the intestine by contractions,» explains Hayes.
The present level is about 70 % above that, and can be expected to be followed by a contraction in corporate profits over the coming 4 - year period, at a roughly 12 % annual rate.
Over-the-counter treatments, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen (Tylenol), are usually sufficient to treat tension headaches, which experts believe may be caused by contraction of neck and scalp muscles (including in response to stress), and possibly changes in brain chemicals.
A bubble is an economic cycle characterized by the rapid escalation of asset prices followed by a contraction.
These cramps are caused by contractions of your uterus as it shrinks back to its pre-pregnancy size and location after you have your baby.
Baby hiccups are caused by a contraction of the diaphragm and the quick closing of the vocal cords.
Hiccups are caused by contraction of your baby's diaphragm, which is the muscle below her rib cage that controls her breathing, accompanied by closure of the vocal cords.
In raising this possibility, Neves challenges the idea that time had a beginning and reintroduces the possibility that the current expansion was preceded by contraction.
However, this causes very little movement in the lower spine and this movement is mainly caused by contraction of the hip flexor muscles.
It's proven that muscles generate a stronger contraction when they're preceded by contractions of an opposing muscles group.
Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions (tightening) in the uterus (which is a muscle) by a chemical called prostaglandin.
Debt Bubbles A (debt) bubble is an economic cycle characterized by rapid escalation of asset prices followed by a contraction.
A pregnancy loss caused by the contraction of some bacterial infection may be completely treatable by an antibiotic.
And secondly, the challenges that have been brought on by the contraction of the Canadian business community, and their consolidation, and the resulting conflicts issues that have arisen — their impact on practice, business development, and so on.
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