Sentences with phrase «by a therapist with»

When clients are confronted persistently by a therapist with whom they are involved, they are forced repeatedly to decide whether they will take the responsible path.
Psychological and behavioral causes of erectile dysfunction can also be treated, but they are much better addressed by therapists with expertise in sexual behavioral medicine.
This insightful and practical guide, written by a therapist with nearly a decade of experience counseling those considering divorce, will help you evaluate your marriage to determine whether you should stay or go.
Cognitive therapy was based on a specific cognitive module with an associated manual and delivered by therapists with specialist training who received regular supervision.
The most expensive rates are adopted by therapists with decades of experience.
The most expensive rates are adopted by therapists with decades of
Ideally, patients with DID should be treated by a therapist with specialized training in dissociation.
, which is exactly what sets it apart from so many of the good - intentioned but misleading «self help» books written by therapists with only anecdotal experience working with couples.
This book is based on decades of empirical research, which is exactly what sets it apart from so many of the good - intentioned but misleading «self help» books written by therapists with only anecdotal experience working with couples.

Not exact matches

He was encouraged by his speech therapist to pursue acting, but to this day, he still struggles day - to - day with his stuttering.
You would do that by talking with a counselor or seeing a therapist.
Dear Abby hopeless Mom and wife ism, you have been bored in suburb by sexual fantasies pool boy, hooker and Abbyism, feeling guilty, by committing Abbyism fantasy not with husband ism against innocent of marriage, now it is time for vibrator to leave Abbyism, faithful ism and Abby adultry ism, hopeless romantic ism, be sexual fantasies pool boy and act according to lust of American housewife boredom with hubby muscular suntan ism GOD HE»S HOT, free yourself from sexual fantasies pool boy, filth of genitals is, fantasy, you two martini's at noon micro bikini pizza dare and act like slut by flaunting hot bod of massage therapist ism of One mom under boredom with hubby muscular suntan ism GOD HE»S HOT and bulge inequality.
collaboration with the therapist, but the directions of change desired by the persons receiving therapy usually should be ultimately respected.
As if this were not enough, alcoholics defeat the therapy by missing appointments, arriving late, not paying their bills, and trying (often with self - defeating success) to deceive the therapist.
It achieved this by its disease conception of alcoholism and its positive conception of man, allowing the therapist to establish a nonjudgmental relationship with the patient.
In his case, the turning point came when his young son, plagued by nightmares of his father being killed, asked in a session with a therapist if his dad still had legs.
Rogers emphasizes unqualified acceptance of the client by the therapist whereas Buber emphasizes a confirmation which begins with acceptance but goes on to helping the other in the struggle against himself for the sake of what he is meant to become.
If anything, the Puritan case was more like a clinical setting in which clients talk about feelings in highly codified terms that have been provided by psychoanalytic theory, learned by interacting with the therapist, and sanctioned by ideas about the value of self - examination.
The process of therapy is, by these hypotheses, seen as being synonymous with the experiential relationship between client and therapist.
Finally, it implies for both a laying aside of the preoccupation with professional analysis, diagnosis, and evaluation in favour of an acceptance and understanding of the client based on true attitudes of respect which are deeply and genuinely felt by the therapist.
By conveying unconditional acceptance and empathy, the therapist provides the reassurance for the client that enables her or him to see the past, no matter how debilitating, as meaningful — leading to the present and the possibility of newness of life — and a future pregnant with potentialities that otherwise might not have been envisioned.
The assumption that the individual is acceptable is a more profound ontological assumption than is ordinarily acknowledged by the therapist, who does not arrive at this assumption, but begins with it.
He discussed these plans at length with the crisis counselor, who was able to help him by suggesting a qualified therapist.
By conveying unconditional acceptance and empathy, the therapist provides the reassurance for the client that enables her / him to see the past, no matter how debilitating, as meaningful, leading to the present and the possibility of newness of life, and a future pregnant with potentialities that otherwise might not have been envisioned.
Ader anticipated by several decades some of the key insights of feminist psychologists and therapists He saw that our male - dominated society saddles women generally with an additional burden of inferiority by treating them as inferior.
Research findings reported by Charles Truax and Robert Carkhuff show that the therapeutic triad — empathic understanding, positive regard, and congruence — are highly correlated with constructive change in therapy whatever the conceptual orientation of the therapist.
But in a time when value confusion reinforced by growth - strangling faith systems often is at the center of the problems that bring people for help, it is essential that counselors, therapists, and teachers be competent and free to deal with these issues explicitly whenever appropriate.
This can be done by doing anything from making sure the other children of the family are being taken care of when the parents and victim have to go to court, to helping connect the family with a qualified trauma therapist.
Our coconut oil massage oils are a unique combination of oils and esters that are not processed with high heat or solvents that have been developed by a professional massage therapist.
I am lucky to be surrounded by some inspirational nutrition and wellness experts, my lovely mum and my dearest friend Lorna Driver - Davies, a qualified Nutritional Therapist and herbal medicine expert; she keeps me in check with her extensive knowledge and experience.
Is if I am asked to remember a therapy session three years after the fact, and those therapists originally made me very, very upset with the way they conducted therapy, then my retrospective memories are very likely to be influenced by that.
Off the field he had prevented an eight - year - old boy from getting hit by a truck in Boston during an April road trip, and last week, upon making a $ 200,000 donation with his wife, Cynthia, to a children's mental health center in Washington Heights, had proudly revealed that he is seeing two therapists.
This has been shown to be greatly reduced by rehabilitating your ankle sprain with a physical therapist.
Those were the words spoken to me by my therapist a couple of weeks ago and they've stuck with me ever since.
In addition to medication (Zoloft and very occasionally 1/2 of a Xanax), the laundry list of things that are helping me recover (in no particular order) includes: sleep, finding more time for myself, yoga, exercise, abdominal breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, educating myself by reading books and web sites about anxiety disorder — what causes it, who it often affects, how to deal with it, etc., seeing a therapist on a regular basis, reiki, taking vitamins and supplements, and reducing my commitments.
I went ot see a therapist by myself and after three sessions for evaluation, I was told «There is nothing wrong with you except that you are in a toxic marriage.
One of the best resources for how to parent for a secure attachment in the first few years of life is the new book Raising A Secure Child by Kent Hoffman, Glen Cooper, and Bert Powell, all therapists who have worked with many different kinds of families for decades.
The following is an excerpt from Life Over the Influence, the program created by Kimberly Abraham LMSW and Marney Studaker - Cordner LMSW, therapists and experts in helping families who are struggling with substance abuse issues.
* Editor's Note: This article is an excerpt from Life Over the Influence, a new program created by Kimberly Abraham LMSW and Marney Studaker - Cordner LMSW, therapists and experts in helping families whose members are struggling with alcohol or drug use.
It was founded in 2014 and is led by a Physical Therapist with board certification in pediatrics.
If you hear, meet or find out about a therapist who has experience working with women, couples and families who have been impacted by birth trauma, please submit the therapists name to Solace for Mothers at [email protected].
The «Your Modern Family» blog was begun by teacher - turned - therapist Becky Mansfield, whose goal has been to raise her four boys with her husband in a healthy, educational and fun environment.
Seek the advice of your pediatrician and / or an early intervention evaluation by an occupational therapist or speech therapist trained in infant feeding if your baby has difficulty with coordinating the suck / swallow / breathe pattern, chokes or gags during feedings, loses a lot of liquid during feedings and can't form a seal on the nipple or has a tongue tie.
«This «protocol» is thoughtful and reasonable, and I expect that we will see it adopted with frequency by therapists and doctors far and near,» said Dr. Weiss.
Justin Waring Crane is a pediatric occupational therapist whose work with children has given her an understanding of the ways brains develop and are affected by the world.
When her typically developed twin, Max, asks why his brother Ben «doesn't have words» or has therapists come by the house to «play» with him, she simply replies that «Ben needs help doing certain things» — a simple explanation that has so far satisfied Max's curiosity.
Therapists who interviewed the boy say the child would benefit by having contact with the father, but the two sides are at odds about the father's level of involvement, especially since he and the mother are not on friendly terms.
By reaching out to a select few, starting medication, and being open and honest about how I was feeling with nurses, doctors, the social worker who was sent by my OB - GYN to visit me in recovery after a traumatic c - section, [my son's] pediatrician, lactation consultants, a doula, my therapist, and my husband, I surviveBy reaching out to a select few, starting medication, and being open and honest about how I was feeling with nurses, doctors, the social worker who was sent by my OB - GYN to visit me in recovery after a traumatic c - section, [my son's] pediatrician, lactation consultants, a doula, my therapist, and my husband, I surviveby my OB - GYN to visit me in recovery after a traumatic c - section, [my son's] pediatrician, lactation consultants, a doula, my therapist, and my husband, I survived.
However, children with RAD are experts at manipulating therapists by «giving them what they want» and becoming the ideal patient.
As recommended by many family therapists, every minute you're home, spend it with your child.
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