Sentences with phrase «by abnormalities»

The condition is slowly progressive and is caused by abnormalities that develop along the edges of the heart valves.
Neurologic or sensorineural deafness is caused by abnormalities of the inner ear, auditory nerve or in the brain itself.
Conduction deafness is caused by abnormalities of the pinna (external ear), ear canal, tympanic membrane (eardrum), auditory ossicles or middle ear.
The conventional medical view does not offer any specific treatments for Hashimoto's thyroiditis, unless it is accompanied by abnormalities in other thyroid blood levels, such as TSH.
The most significant outcome of the research was that cortical abnormalities which take place in individuals with migraine are a consequence of the balance between an intrinsic predisposition, as indicated by modification of cortical surface area, and processes related to disease, as indicated by abnormalities of cortical thickness.
CMT1, caused by abnormalities in the myelin sheath, has three main types.
A genetic disorder is caused by abnormalities in genes or chromosomes.
Experts suspect the disorder is caused by abnormalities in certain areas of the brain, the circuits that connect them, and the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that transmit messages among brain cells.
Integrated Genomic Analysis Identifies Clinically Relevant Subtypes of Glioblastoma Characterized by Abnormalities in PDGFRA, IDH1, EGFR, and NF1 Cancer Cell, 17 (1), 98 - 110 DOI: 10.1016 / j.ccr.2009.12.020
Macrophages from lupus - prone MRL mice are characterized by abnormalities in Rho activity, cytoskeletal organization, and adhesiveness to extracellular matrix proteins.
On the other end of the spectrum are Mendelian diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle - cell anemia, which are caused by abnormalities to a single gene.
A new study in the Journal of Dental Research suggests that dental problems commonly associated with cleft lip and palate may be caused by abnormalities in salivary glands and an imbalance of immune compounds in the mouth.
It's not caused by an abnormality in the knee and does not cause lasting damage.
Acid Reflux is caused by an abnormality which occurs when the -LSB-...]
Epilepsy is defined as recurrent seizures caused by an abnormality in the brain.

Not exact matches

If so, does it by proxy negate homosexuality as an abnormality?
My husband and I were shocked by the promotion of abortion and the tests for «abnormalities» that followed the positive pregnancy result.
For instance, a woman carrying a fetus that will develop abnormalities should not be forced to abort that fetus directly or indirectly (e.g., by refusal to grant insurance coverage if the fetus is brought to term).
Now associating ho.mose.xuality with «behavioral abnormalities» seems to be a stretch and I would think that any correlation between gay orientation and «maldevelopment of prefrontal cortical and ventral striatal dopamine systems» would be well docu.mented by now.
... Alcoholism is caused by biochemical / neurophysiological abnormalities that are passed down from one generation to the next or, in some cases, acquired through heavy or prolonged drinking (Ketcham, et al., Beyond the Influence: Understanding and Defeating Alcoholism [New York: Bantam Books, 2000], p. 46).
A highly scientific Western world creates so much that is new and effective in medicine and technology that, on the one hand, more and more persons are injured and crippled by the use of that technology; on the other hand, more and more persons severely injured or born with physical abnormalities are saved to life through technology.
When such a condition occurs in a male, the easiest form of plastic surgery by far, with a view to correcting the abnormality and gaining a cosmetically satisfactory appearance, is to remove all the male parts, including the testes, and to construct from the tissues available a labial and vaginal configuration.
Panerio is referring to the recent study made by scientists from India showing that the derived lines of Golden Rice produced abnormality and poor yield performance making it unfit for commercial cultivation.
A recent study made by scientist in India showed that the derived lines of Golden Rice produced phenotypic abnormality and poor agronomic performance making it unfit for commercial cultivation.
In fact, the American Heart Association admits that screening by history - taking and physical examination alone (without non-invasive testing) is insufficient to guarantee detection of many critical cardiovascular abnormalities in large populations of young athletes.
Sporadic, one - time pregnancy losses are often caused by random chromosomal abnormalities in the developing baby.
The Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing process, also referred to as NIPT, offers peace of mind for many expecting parents by ruling out the need for invasive screenings for a wide range of chromosomal conditions including Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13, and other fetal sex chromosome abnormalities.
Doctors believe chemical pregnancies are usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities.
Jacobsen Syndrome is a very rare genetic abnormality caused by a partial deletion of chromosome 11.
Amnio is only offered when the risk of pregnancy loss from amniocentesis is exceeded by the risk of a genetic abnormality in the baby.
With respect to the replacement of electrolytes, Dr. Yeargin agreed withthe report that electrolyte intake in children is usually «taken care of by normal dietary intake,» but also, as the report noted, that there were «some situations, particularly in the heat, or in the setting of prolonged, vigorous exercise, in which electrolytes foundin sports drinks might be warranted, and encouraged parents to remember» that severe electrolyte abnormalities can occur in each of these settings and and, as the report notes, «are serious and potentially life - threatening.»
Their sweet baby girl was born with Walker Warburg Syndrome characterized by severe hydrocephalus, Muscular Dystrophy, and many other abnormalities.
Low amniotic fluid is more common when women go past their due date because the fluid level decreases by close to half by the 42nd week, but it can also be associated with fetal abnormalities and birth defects if low fluid is detected during the first or second trimesters.
While no one can prevent miscarriages caused by chromosomal abnormalities, it is possible to take steps to protect your health and prevent problems related to lifestyle factors.
Aspirin should be avoided by nursing mothers because its blood - thinning properties can cause rashes or bleeding abnormalities in breastfed infants.
The data for hospitals does not exclude deaths caused by congenital abnormalities.
I've always found Jim to be a very gentle, non-judgmental commentator on the subject, not so much prescribing a single one - size - fits - all sleep pattern, but standing up to those who do, pointing out that there is enormous variability around the world, and that people who don't follow the standards laid out by some conservative pediatricians are not necessarily condemning their children to inevitable abnormality.
Most miscarriages are caused by a fetal abnormality that does not allow the fetus to develop properly and preterm labor is usually not a concern unless you have certain, predetermined conditions.
First, the epidural - exposed baby may have neurobehavioral abnormalities caused by drug exposure that are likely to be maximal in the hours following birth — a critical time for the initiation of breastfeeding.
A German study found uterine hyperstimulation occurred in 10 % of women during nipple stimulation, and in 1 % this was accompanied by reversible abnormalities in fetal heart rate patterns.
Moreover, ultrasounds administered by untrained technicians might reveal a complication or abnormality that's misinterpreted.
However, do keep in mind that many hospital IBCLC's have to abide by specific hospital rules and regulations which may make it difficult for them to offer advice on some issues, most commonly lip and tongue tie abnormalities in babies.
Although placing babies on their backs to sleep has been advised for several years, new research funded by the charity River's Gift is showing that some babies may be especially vulnerable if placed on their tummies to sleep: international research involving the University of Adelaide has uncovered a developmental abnormality in babies — especially in premature babies and in boys — that for the first time has been directly linked to cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
,» since most stillbirths are caused by congenital abnormalities — and most happen in the hospital where 98 % of babies in the US are born.
So even it were true that most stillbirths are caused by congenital abnormalities, shouldn't we still be trying to save them?
Can you cite references that support your claim that most stillbirths are caused by congenital abnormalities?
The exact reason for the link between morning sickness and miscarriage risk is not known, but one possible explanation is that non-viable pregnancies, such as those affected by chromosomal abnormalities, have lower hCG levels and this might lead to fewer pregnancy symptoms.
The abnormalities occur by chance as the embryo develops and have nothing to do with anything you did or did not do during or before your pregnancy.
However, investigating metabolic abnormalities in the brain has been hindered by lack of a good imaging tools.
These results unexpectedly establish that inner ear defects due to major morphogenetic abnormalities of the hair bundle can be reversed even after birth, with durable efficacy, by gene therapy.
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