Sentences with phrase «by absorbing glucose»

Agar Agar liquid extract works by absorbing glucose in the stomach, passes through the digestive system quickly and inhibits the body from retaining and storing excess fat.

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The glucose released in this process is used by bacteria in the colon, preventing it from being absorbed into the blood stream (for this reason the product also has negligible effects on blood sugar).
Instead of being cleaved in twain by our enzymes and absorbed as glucose, resistant starch (RS) travels unscathed through the small intestine into the colon, where colonic gut flora metabolize it into short chain fatty acids.
The laser generates a specific wavelength of light that is absorbed in a stoichiometric fashion by glucose molecules — the more glucose molecules; the more photons are absorbed.
The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy.
Food absorbed by our bodies is converted to glucose that powers the body — and the brain.
In healthy people, glucose is absorbed from the blood for use by various tissues.
Patients with Type I diabetes lack insulin, which is normally produced by the pancreas and regulates metabolism by stimulating muscle and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the bloodstream.
But that production stops after a meal, when insulin is released by the pancreas and performs its main task of removing sugar from the blood and shepherding the glucose to multiple types of cells that absorb it for energy.
In a normal human body, the liver helps regulate blood sugar by stimulating the body to absorb glucose as glycogen (for future use as energy).
Depending on the scope of your daily activities, this glucose will either be absorbed by your muscles and turned into muscle glycogen, which is very important for muscle recovery and growth, or shall be stored as fat.
A certain amount of the glucose is absorbed by the liver cells and converted to glycogen, which is your body's reserve energy source which is activated when you have low glucose levels.
As it pertains to blood glucose levels, cooking them changes their starch into sugars that are absorbed by your body faster, raising blood sugar levels faster than they would raw.
For example, the carbohydrates in the food break down into another type of sugar, called glucose, which is then absorbed by the stomach and small intestines and released into the bloodstream.
Therefore, asparagus can help diabetes by stimulating an increased production of insulin, in addition to enabling the body to absorb more glucose.
A good part of that glucose gets absorbed by individual cells directly for energy.
Stevia contains stevioside, a non-carbohydrate glycoside whose glucose - containing particles are absorbed by bacteria in the gut, rather than into the bloodstream.
Enterocytes only absorb monsaccharides either by active transport as occurs with glucose or by passive diffusion as with fructose.
While glucose is absorbed directly into the blood from the digestive tract, to be used as energy by our cells, fructose must first be processed by the liver, where is shunted into the metabolic pathway that leads to fat synthesis.
Fructose is absorbed slowly and must be converted to glucose by your liver before being able to be used by the body, so that alone will not improve performance either.
Backed by scientific research, chlorogenic acid changes the way glucose is absorbed in the body, which may result in weight loss, as well as many other health benefits.
Only about 10 % of the ingested isomalt is digested to glucose, sorbitol and mannitol in the small intestine, the rest passes to the large intestine where it is broken down (fermented) by the beneficial bacteria into gases and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which are partly absorbed in the colon and partly used as a food for the bacteria [1,2 - p. 184].
Psyllium exerts its beneficial effects by binding to glucose in the small intestine and preventing or slowing it from being absorbed.
But it's transported across the intestinal wall by a different mechanism, so you can have both glucose and fructose being absorbed at the same time.
Although glucose is highly fermentable by bacteria, it is typically absorbed in the upper portion of the small intestines; thus, if SIBO exists in the lower portion of the small intestines, it may be missed.
Deglet noor dates are about 63 % sugar by weight (according to USDA nutrient database)[24 % sucrose, 20 % glucose, 20 % fructose], and after digestion of the sucrose in the GIT, 32 % glucose and fructose both, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream.
Insulin, a hormone made by the beta cells in the pancreas, is vital in order to turn food particles into glucose that can be absorbed by the bloodstream.
While glucose (the other primary simple sugar) is absorbed by the digestive system and can be used by the body for energy, most fructose is not absorbed and is instead sent straight to the liver for processing.
Intermittent fasting forces the body, which normally uses glucose for fuel, to convert certain types of fat into fatty acids that can be absorbed by the blood.
Fat on the other hand is easily absorbed and stored by the body, and the process for its conversion to glucose is also inefficient, and leaves waste byproduct in the body.
Glucose is a vital substance that provides much of the energy needed by cells, but it must first be absorbed by the cells.
The glucose that isn't being absorbed by the cells enters the blood causing your cat to urinate more.
Any extra glucose that is absorbed into the lens is converted to sorbitol by an enzyme called aldose reductase.
insulin A peptide hormone secreted by the pancreas that helps cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream.
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have discovered that adding vitamin C, glucose, or other electron - absorbing agents to a powerful plastic manufacturing method can reduce the needed copper catalyst by 1000 times.
When this happens, too much sugar or glucose builds up in the body and is not absorbed by your blood cells properly.
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