Sentences with phrase «by abuse»

The former head of a group of academy schools has denied six charges of fraud by abuse of position.
There is the material kind of poverty, which is primarily caused by abuses of power or deficiencies in access to the markets that produce goods and services.
The series reflects the absurdity and information overload of the internet era and questions the ways in which people are affected by abuses of power.
As part of her clinical work, she provides outpatient psychotherapy to children and adolescents who have been impacted by abuse and trauma.
One unconscious strategy that is often used by the abuse victim in order to maintain a fragile relationship is to take the blame for the partner's abuse.
However, we know that sometimes nursing home residents are hurt by the abuse or neglect of nursing home staff.
The decision of whether it is worthwhile to sue can only be made on a case by case basis by the abuse survivor in consultation with their lawyer.
A childhood destroyed by abuse at the hands of his vicious father and neglect by his overwhelmed mother leads him to drug addiction and despair.
Unfortunately, this is still the response of many church leaders when confronted by abuse.
The issues raised by the abuse of advertisements are real, even urgent, but they are issues long with us and long understood.
There is a global water crisis created by the abuse of the environment.
Of course, many of the great family fortunes have been made by the abuse of their workers (decent wages) and the oppression of unions.
I finally reached a point where I felt whole, no longer defined by the abuse from the men that had taken advantage of me in my teens.
Your logic is like calculating the necessity of education by the abuse done by a few criminal teachers.
If I always leave and everyone who is distressed by the abuse of power always leave then how do the abuses end?
She shouldn't be held captive by the abuse.
The female bodybuilders you see with giant muscles get that by abusing steroids.
I love to see white men with military, patriotic gear, who show me my place by abusing racially, religiously.
Yes, there are scenes of animals abuse, but it's not described in graphic detail, and most of the other characters are disturbed by the abuse, as well.
Make any dog of any breed vicious by abusing them, and yes they will attack — anyone.
Once you figure out what angle and how much power you could put into a shot, you could score a good amount of points by abusing that position.
Possibly the most difficult question to answer is what recourse was available to the woman after her privacy, and her security, were compromised by this abuse of her personal information?
It's a repair - or - replace scheme, but if you've damaged the Fit by abusing it, then it won't be covered at all.
However, fathers stand to gain by abuse protection in the family court too, as more than 40 % of domestic violence victims are male.
They are more interested in obtaining psychic reward by abusing and punishing the mothers.
I am able to help individuals heal old wounds created in childhood by abuse, neglect, substance abuse and divorce.
I often felt her behavior was more affected by her abuse, however.
Throughout her career, she has provided therapeutic services for youth and families who have been impacted by abuse, neglect, and attachment disruptions.
The only way religion continues to infect people is by the abuse of the mind of children while they are in their developmental modes..
When not working with kids and families at the GDC, Ann will often be found volunteering at Ralston House, an advocacy center for children victimized by abuse.
Over the weekend, a whistleblower revealed that the British data company Cambridge Analytica illicitly obtained information from as many as 50 million Facebook profiles by abusing Facebook's data - sharing features.
Joyce's childhood was tragically marked by the abuse she experienced at the hands of her father: sexual, verbal and mental.
And as opioid overdose deaths are mostly due to respiratory suppression, safer prescription opioids could ultimately decrease the number of deaths caused by abusing prescription opioids.
On Friday, it was revealed that Trump - linked data company Cambridge Analytica, a United States - based subsidiary of UK - based firm SCL, had obtained as many as 50 million Facebook profiles by abusing Facebook's data sharing features.
Tesco's former UK managing director Christopher Bush, finance director Carl Rogberg and UK food commercial director John Scouler were each charged with fraud by abuse of position last week and are due to appear in court on 22 September.
And they are in a difficult spot, since many laymen, humiliated by the abuse scandal, have demanded strong episcopal action.
It's no wonder you are outraged by the abuses people have committed against those things then, and I include crimes against people, like murder and molestation.
There are high - conflict marriages characterized by abuse, violence, or serious and frequent quarreling in which divorce is a vital option.
Now we know Facebook collected call and SMS history for years by abusing Android permissions.
«I beg your forgiveness, too, for the sins of omission on the part of Church leaders who did not respond adequately to reports of abuse made by family members, as well as by abuse victims themselves,» Francis said in the homily, according to a text of the statement provided by the Vatican.
Supervisors and workers at a Signal Construction Unit at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's (MTA) Metro - North Hudson and Harlem Line have manipulated the payroll system by abusing overtime rules that inflate their salaries and pensions according to a forensic audit of overtime practices released by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.
@CARLOS, If I were a Christian, I would be offended by the abuse of my religion in the manor portrayed by this «cross».
In Watson's case, Michael Egelhoff, who had been molested by him as an 11 - year - old Little Leaguer in Riverside in 1975, was so haunted by that abuse that he asked a private detective to see if Watson was still coaching children.
«I have never seen a report as strongly worded as this, it is clear that the committee was shocked by the abuse of public money.
He was horrified by the abuse of ordinary people, including the «false understanding» of sin and forgiveness to which the practice gave rise.
«As Governor, Andrew Cuomo leads a state prison system marred by abuse, neglect and escapes.
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