Sentences with phrase «by academic tenure»

But scientists are supposed to be insulated from the kind of base influences which motivate the rest of us by their own innate desire to discover the truth, and by a certain independence of thought guaranteed by academic tenure and the privileges of the university system.

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Not surprisingly, in a book by a modern academic, Rosenzweig turns out to be much like any other academic looking for tenure.
I have not had to appeal to that oldest and best argument for the institution of academic tenure, the unqualified freedom of a scholar to move as his or her research and thinking lead, without being bound by past assumptions or present colleagues.
SIGNED: JACK MITCHELL, football coach at the University of Kansas, to a lifetime academic tenure similar to those held by professors.
David Albert, director communications at the New York State School Boards Association, says the board is encouraged by the academic gains Elia sparked in Florida's Hillsborough County school system during her tenure as a teacher and administrator.
There's a myth in academia, perpetuated by other unhappy academics that says you can only be a successful PhD if you become a tenured professor and continue to publish in academic journals.
By academic career I mean the classical path in universities: PhD, hopefully n x post-doc (in different countries), hopefully tenure, hopefully professorship.
The likelihood that a young American - trained Ph.D. would land that coveted tenure - track job was the same in 2003 as it was a decade earlier; however, the new academic posts are supported mainly by soft money and are off the tenure track.
The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career: A Portable Mentor for Scholars From Graduate School Through Tenure, by John Goldsmith, John Komlos, and Penny Schine Gold (University of Chicago Press, 2001), aspires to give graduate students and junior faculty a candid introduction to an academiAcademic Career: A Portable Mentor for Scholars From Graduate School Through Tenure, by John Goldsmith, John Komlos, and Penny Schine Gold (University of Chicago Press, 2001), aspires to give graduate students and junior faculty a candid introduction to an academicacademic career
However, academic jobs, including both tenure - track and nontenure - track positions, make up only 42 % of jobs obtained by former postdocs.
How do we break the mindset that the Ph.D. is the qualification for an academic career, and that if a postdoc appointment is not followed by the offer of a tenured faculty post that this represents some sort of failure?
Sadly, these days such aspirations are overshadowed by fierce competition for papers, grants, and the tenured positions trainees need to build independent careers in academic research.
For the majority of scientists who won't get tenure - track positions — and may not want them — Research Universities states that the great need is to «better position new PhDs for the careers they will have by providing more information about career options and by providing opportunities to acquire, in addition to the knowledge of one's field, skills that are useful for academic positions (teaching, grant writing, publishing, presentations) and positions in government, business and non-profits (oral and written communication, project management, regulatory compliance, business ethics and innovation.)»
JGU aims to make academic careers easier to plan and more transparent by establishing tenure - track professorships throughout the university...
A new study by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), a research project based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has revealed that climate, culture, and collegiality are more important to the satisfaction of early career faculty than compensation, tenure clarity, workload, and policy effectiveness.
During his six year tenure, the district raised student achievement by elevating academic standards, aligning the curriculum and focusing on principal leadership and teachers» quality of instruction.
During her tenure at Hamilton, student achievement improved in all subgroups as evidenced by growth on the California Academic Performance Index.
During Henderson's five - year tenure, test scores have improved, schools have beefed up academic and extracurricular offerings and the system — once considered among the most dysfunctional in the nation — has been hailed by President Obama as an example of promising reform.
During Bennett's tenure he signed Indiana up for the Common Core, a set of new academic standards adopted by 46 states and the District of Columbia.
A one - time study of teacher evaluations from the 2003 - 04 academic year, for instance, showed that 98.9 % of all tenured teachers were said by supervisors to have «met standards.»
This paper describes teacher tenure reforms first enacted by the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) during the 2009 - 10 academic year (AY) and the changes in the district's teacher workforce following the reforms.
During her tenure, LCW, another «diverse by design» school, received an Academic Performance Index (API) score of 932 in 2013, compared to a district wide score of 750 and statewide score of 790.
Throughout the academic tenure, a scholar's dexterity and competence get assessed by various measures and standard.
Listed below are the Mechanical Engineering topics which have been covered by our academic writers over their tenure with us.
Schutte's tenure has been marked by several landmark projects, including the construction of five new academic buildings and the renovation of the institution's 14th Street campus.
This may be why there seem to be so few tenured UK academics speaking up about the bad climate science — compared to other countries — and so much bad science put out as official answers to sceptics by BBC, Royal Society and Met Office.
Any such discussion in the US starts with, the obsessively known to academics, but little known to non-academics and students, fact that tenure track faculty are only paid for nine months work and research faculty are not paid even bupkis by the universities.
He also was a very successful businessman, who turned esoterica into actual useful commerce, unlike all those peer - review academics who still are stuck in low paying university jobs desperately seeking tenure by churning out junk to get published and recited.
Childhood socioeconomic deprivation, family housing tenure other than consistent home ownership, family disruption, lack of parental interest, behaviour problems, low academic test scores and health difficulties were each clearly associated with poor mental well - being in adulthood when estimated by analysing each childhood measure individually, adjusting for cohort and gender, and in the full model considering all childhood measures, although they were to some extent attenuated.
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