Sentences with phrase «by aerosols during»

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Despite its smaller ash cloud, El Chichn emitted more than 40 times the volume of sulfur - rich gases produced by Mt. St. Helens, which revealed that the formation of atmospheric sulfur aerosols has a more substantial effect on global temperatures than simply the volume of ash produced during an eruption.
Like the particles emitted during volcanic eruptions, sulfate aerosols cool the Earth by blocking a portion of the sun's rays.
Aerosol spread (small droplets) is when the organisms which cause the disease are spread from the infected person via droplets in the air (caused by coughing, sneezing or during close conversation) and then inhaled by another person.
And the sort of FF burned during the first half of the 20th century was produced by the fuel most likely to generate sulfate aerosols: coal.
If you want to assume that aerosols resulting from pollution produced by the burning of fossil fuels were responsible for the cooling evident from 1940 through the late 70's, then you have no reason to claim ANY degree of warming due to CO2 forcing during any earlier period.
During the subsequent period, you have aerosol forcing of 0, by Victor's assumption, and sure enough, the temperature rises higher than it had previously been, when the forcing was 2.
And for those of you who want to insist that aerosols produced by the uncontrolled burning of coal neutralized the effects of AGW from 1940 to 1979, please explain how the same argument could not be made for the effects of coal - induced aerosols during this earlier period, when no constraints on the polluting effects of coal combustion were present at all.
Since pollution prevention laws in the US and other first world nations resulted in a lowering of such aerosols after the period in question, the steep runup in temperatures during the last 20 years of the 20th century is then explained by the unleashing of heretofore suppressed CO2 emissions, no longer inhibited by industrial aerosols.
«the steep runup in temperatures during the last 20 years of the 20th century is then explained by the unleashing of heretofore suppressed CO2 emissions, no longer inhibited by industrial aerosols
The team found that 74 percent of the warming that occurred during 1964 to 2010 was indeed masked by the aerosol cooling effect.
Here we find a long list of climate components that «are now changing at rates and in patterns that are not natural and are best explained by the increased atmospheric abundances of greenhouse gases and aerosols generated by human activity during the 20th century.»
All absorbed radiation must be returned to space, except for very minor imbalances (e.g., of the order of currently estimated 0.9 W / ^ 2) during forcing by CO2, solar changes, aerosols, or other climate drivers.
This aerosol driven increase in energy reaching the surface is much larger than any increase caused by GHGs during that same 11 year period: a potential aerosol driven forcing of 3.4 to 5 watts / M ^ 2.
Hmmm... don't suppose it occurred to anyone to check the amount of anthropogenic aerosols that were emitted during this time frame 1940 - 1970, or the fact that aerosols have an immediate cooling effect on troposphere temperatures that can mask the underlying warming caused by the CO2 emissions that also accompany the aerosols.
The mean physical and optical properties of regional haze dominated by biomass burning aerosol measured from the C - 130 aircraft during SAFARI 2000.
During a dry winter, the reduction of aerosol concentrations in weekend days may overwhelmingly impact on the DTR through a direct effect, i.e. by increasing total solar irradiance near the surface and raising the daytime temperature and maximum temperature, and lowering relative humidity.
The cooling and leveling off of average global temperatures during the 1950's and 1960's is attributed primarily to aerosols from fossil fuels and other sources, when the greenhouse warming was overwhelmed by aerosol cooling.
About 90 % or more of the rest of the committed warming of 1.6 °C will unfold during the 21st century, determined by the rate of the unmasking of the aerosol cooling effect by air pollution abatement laws and by the rate of release of the GHGs - forcing stored in the oceans.
During this period, the aerosol amount varied with dust export from Africa, but also from major eruptions by two volcanoes (El Chichon in 1982 and Pinatubo in 1991), each of which left a reflective layer of sulfate droplets in the lower stratosphere for a couple of years.
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