Sentences with phrase «by affecting the animal»

Some may work by interfering with the molecular events leading to memory; others by affecting the animal's general level of physical activity.
Domestic animals like dogs and cats as well as people are most commonly exposed by being bitten by an affected animal.

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Despite the complex rules, there are plenty of factors that affect food quality that aren't addressed by kosher laws — like whether an animal ate organic feed or a steady diet of garbage before it was butchered.
How will the grocery prices of everyday staples be affected by growth in automated vertical farms, aquaponics, in vitro meats, and artificial animal products?
You can provide a general donation by clicking here, paying for items on the organization's Amazon wish list, or signing up to be a foster parent for some animals in the areas affected.
«It's been eye - opening to learn about all the animals affected by natural disasters like Hurricane Irma, so when I heard about this event, I knew I wanted to be involved,» said Warriors center Zaza Pachulia.
He has achieved fame by experiments in which, after removing the amygdalae from the brains of cats, he observed that the cats veered «helplessly from one inappropriate affect to another, boredom where there should be fear... sexual arousal where there was nothing that would stimulate an intact animal
To think of the self relationally is to think of its very existence as affected or constituted by the world external to the body, that is, by other humans, by plants and other animals, by the earth, and by the sky.
Some evolutionary social scientists refer to our species as «the moral animal,» which I suppose means that we have the potential to reflect on the affects of our behavior rather than simply be blindly driven by survivalist insticts.
Another — one that acknowledges that human beings are, as William Hazlitt once put it, poetical animals, that we are deeply affected by beauty and form — would be to cultivate in Christian circles an understanding of true beauty.
The world is dependent on and affected by inter-relationship (communication) between all things - even animals and what we have thought to be inanimate objects.
It makes me so sad when people claim that vegans / vegetarians care more about animals than people, because making good food choices affects humanity just as much as it does the animals... by the way, that bowl looks divine!
I was a little panicked because Julian loves to chew on those darn farm animals, but I checked our model number and it was not affected by the recall (which was for loose screws on the stall doors anyway, not lead paint).
Epidurals slow labor, possibly through the above effects on the laboring woman's oxytocin release, although there is also evidence from animal research that the local anesthetics used in epidurals may inhibit contractions by directly affecting the muscle of the uterus.18
So the animal studies give us only a hint at how early experience can affect development — the way human babies are treated by caregivers has even more effects on them than for any other animal because they are born so immature.
As part of the Microbial Ecology Lab, he will help survey the many distinct habitats of Shedd's animal populations, analyzing how unseen members of complex ecosystems are impacted by changes in the environment, advancing the understanding of how these tiny microbes affect animal health.
While caring for animals affected by human activity such as overfishing, habitat degradation, plastic pollution and rising ocean temperatures, the team seeks to increase public engagement and advocacy along with inspire new individuals to make a difference.
In a sign that the horsemeat scandal continues to affect consumer sentiment around food quality and safety, new consumer research published by the NOAH suggests that shoppers are more confused than ever about animal medicines and how they are used to protect the health and welfare of animals on farms.
«You can argue that the animals that are affected by rodenticide are weaker,» Thompson says, «and that the predation rates on them, as I suspect, are higher.»
But depression does not affect everyone, and the molecular biology of resilience for psychiatric disorders can be clearly seen by inspecting the brains of lab animals.
While the vaquita is the animal most critically affected by the illegal fishing nets now, the lives of many other important species are also in jeopardy from the very same nets.
So your pets, kids, or even other animals won't be affected by RatX if they get their hands on it.
Crowley believes that gaining a better understanding of how animal mobility has been affected by the loss of species and habitat will be beneficial to current and future conservation efforts on the island.
«By providing support for these research studies, we hope to generate more definitive answers about how human - animal interaction affects health,» he said.
These include wildlife, domestic animals and humans — mostly children — who are commonly affected by schistosomiasis in tropical parts of the world.
As noted by Dr. Vicki Ellingrod — the Chair of this session, «Current state - of - the - art research in both animal models as well as humans point to the link between the gut microbiota and mood and anxiety models, as well as the potential for psychiatric medications to directly affect the gut microbiome.»
Polar bears, the poster - child for climate change, are among the animals most affected by the seasonal and year - to - year changes in Arctic sea ice, because they rely on this surface for essential activities such as hunting, traveling and breeding.
Arnold Kriegstein, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco, also argues that though the scientists found inhibitory interneurons strikingly depleted in the brains of the oxygen - deprived piglets, this alone can not account for the dramatic shrinking of the animals» overall brain size and the diminished number of cortical folds «The interneurons are part of the story but not the entire story of how the brain is affected by this kind of [lack of oxygen].»
Katzner said these findings suggest that environmental assessments of alternative energy facilities like Altamont Pass should take into consideration that animal populations affected by wind turbines might not be just local.
The National Park Service is using the map to identify places where humanmade noise is affecting wildlife — animals such bats and owls, whose ears are up to 20 decibels more sensitive than human ears, for example, are affected by humanmade noise because it drowns out the faint rustles of insects and rodents they need to hunt, they say.
New evidence from animal studies supported by the National Institute of Mental Health suggests that a specific gene may affect learned fearfulness.
But the molecules also affect the cells of the animal ingesting the food, by damaging the DNA, proteins, and other critical parts of the cells in their body.
Evans - Freke also says that animal studies show that normal functioning of PDGF RTK in healthy cells is not affected by the drug.
«By grouping waterbirds, such as plant - eating birds and fish - eating birds, we showed that the degradation affected a wide range of different plants and animals in the wetlands; declines in these waterbirds means their food levels are also falling,» says Professor Kingsford, who is Director of the UNSW Centre for Ecosystem Science.
These changes, by affecting how animals identify potential mates, are key to the creation of new species, says animal behaviorist Michael Ryan of the University of Texas, Austin.
BTW the cilmat changes affects animals not only by destroing their food.
Ever since a pheromone secreted by a female moth that attracts the opposite sex was identified in 1959, scientists have pinned down numerous chemicals that affect behavior in a wide variety of animal species, from insects to mammals to humans.
Our results also raise questions concerning the aging of other animals affected by urbanisation, and humans for that matter,» says Pablo Salmón.
The results showed that short - term sensitization to tail touch was absent in aged Aplysia californica, and that the sensory and motor neurons were affected by aging in specific ways, which resulted in an inability of old animals to learn.
The introduction of rapeseed - based animal feed into the diet of ruminants improves efficiency in the use of digestible organic matter by between 4.4 % and 10.1 % and cuts the fermentation of the diet by between 6.2 % and 11.8 %, without adversely affecting its digestibility for this reason.
Animals that rely on river conditions at a certain time of year in order to breed or find food could be affected by surprise floods.
One area that requires scientific expertise is environmental assessment, in which the site that will house the turbines is studied to determine whether drinking water, plants, or animals will be affected by a new wind - power facility.
By analyzing the affected animals, the scientists isolated an aggressive new flavivirus, a class of viruses that includes yellow and dengue fevers — the first flavivirus ever identified in ducks.
Although dogs» individual personalities are bound to affect their group's behaviour somehow, animal psychologists have long been unclear as to whether a group of dogs — playing in a park, say — is governed by the behaviours that evolved in their ancestors.
Together they have used traditional methods from climate research to study how animals are affected by changes in the climate.
«Climate change risk for half of plant and animal species in biodiversity hotspots: The Amazon, Miombo Woodlands in Southern Africa, and southwest Australia will be among the most affected places in the world, according to comprehensive new paper and report commissioned by WWF.»
Instead, the hardy little bird became a pest by eating crops, displacing some native birds, and harassing others, carrying 29 diseases that affect humans and domestic animals.
Because the timing of those life - history milestones can be affected by various environmental pressures, the tusks provide a way to «look directly at how the animals themselves were impacted by, and responded to, changes in their environment,» Cherney said.
«While preferred body temperature is a good index of when most behaviors are affected by temperature, it is not a good representation of the biology of the animals because they are actually active cooler and warmer than their preferred temperature,» said Leal.
According to Richard Goldstein, a kidney specialist at Cornell University's Animal Health Diagnostic Center, all of the animals affected by the recall showed similar signs of the poisoning.
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