Sentences with phrase «by ageing societies»

A space where members of the British Society of Gerontology discuss contemporary issues raised by ageing societies.

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In fact, 40 % of retirees underestimate life expectancy of people their age by at least five years, according to a study by the Society of Actuaries.
The state government has invested $ 2 million to support Western Australian agriculture by granting free entry to the IGA Perth Royal Show and local Royal Agriculture Society - affiliated shows for children aged 12 years and younger.
People tend to underestimate how long they might live: 43 percent of retirees and 38 percent of pre-retirees fell short by at least five years when asked to gauge the average life expectancy for someone of their age and gender, according to a 2011 survey from the Society of Actuaries.
He said that half of India's population is under the age of 26, and it's that generation «that will use these technologies» enabled by an Internet - connected society.
Robert went on to win lifetime achievement awards, such as Winemaker of the Year by the American Wine Society, was inducted into the California Hall of Fame and even carried the Olympic torch in 1996 at age of 83.
During his time with Ad Age, he has been recognized with the Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Award for best range of work by a single author, as well as a Best in Business award for a feature story from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers.
The Knowledge Society (TKS), founded by tech entrepreneurs Nadeem (Next 36, 2011) and Navid Nathoo, is a first - of - its - kind after - school innovation program for students aged 13 to 17, which the...
What makes this novel a powerful description of the dawning new age is the fact that Jim can ward off the power of society to define him, and he does so not by way of a heroic loyalty to conscience (Rousseau, Emerson) or will to power (Nietzsche), but with the inchoate sense of the socially constructed contingency of society's imprisoning walls of honor and shame.
Pulling solely on the oar of capitalist individualism results in nihilism, as it did in the Gilded Age and in the 1920s and «80s, and is no more satisfactory than trying to steer society by the oar of Christian communitarianism.
About 40 % of evangelicals between the ages of 18 and 29 are likely to say homosexuality should be accepted by society, compared to 24 % of evangelicals who are older than 30, according to the 2007 religious landscape survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Our engagement in the world in an anxious age is made possible by our confidence in the gospel in a pluralistic society where people have profoundly different beliefs.
The individual, increasingly emancipated psychologically from the binding family context and social matrix of a neighborhood, imagines that he or she is floating somewhat indeterminately in society, blessed by a «freedom» unparalleled in previous ages.
He clearly sees a role for Marxism, which, he thinks, has enriched the myth of Golden Age found in many religious traditions by working towards building a classless society.
If we add to this the sexual activity of young men of the same age, of gay men and lesbian women at a later stage of life, and that of unmarried and divorced heterosexual couples, it becomes clear that the sexual practice of people in our society is quite different from that held to be normative by the traditional teaching of the churches.
Any children born in this day and age will grow up influenced not only by their parents, but to a much greater degree by the evils of contemporary society, which are now spread so quickly by our almost instantaneous communications.
The «Our History» page on the site notes «The modern age of the Flat Earth Society dates back to the early 1800s, when it was founded by Samuel Birley Rowbotham, an English inventor.
This in turn led to the commonly - held belief that the golden age of human society lay in the past, and hence true knowledge was to be gained by searching for the best that past ages had bequeathed.
This body of sin, molded through the ages by the set of society against God, suggests the permanent meaning of original sin.
In their age - long investigation, carried on by successive generations of scholars, history and society provided facilities in a sense comparable with those offered in modern scientific experimentation.
The technology of modern medicine, oriented to treating gross pathology and trauma by surgery, powerful drugs, and space - age technology, has little to do with either the degree of wellness of individuals or the general level of wellness in society.
If that typical product of the modern age, the newspaper, can be considered an adequate mirror of the life of modern society, the world of religion has now been relegated to an insignificant corner in the existence of man, which is otherwise determined by the events and decisions in the fields of politics, business, sport and art.
The most urgent immediate task, therefore, is the development of education on the basis of the sciences, both natural and social, for only with their help can society as a whole be taught to construct a life completely in accordance with that knowledge which has become the factor by which our age is distinguished from all preceding periods of history.
Now that we entering an age where sin is a freedom of choice to be applauded by certain segments of society, it has ushered in an era of madness.
by the grace of god — jesus may have simply appeared to be anything but the son of god... and thru charm and guise won over the sad and lonely turning humble men into preachers of dreams... he taught them how to look stylish in order to get what they needed while being perfunctory... all the while having the semblance of a godly man doing gods work... for hand outs — lets not forget they were poor, aging people on the fringes of society.
We are entering the age of the information society, characterized by an ever increasing media presence in all relationships, both interpersonal and intersocial.
How long can a society remain free when the lives of entire classes of human beings are, because of age or frailty, deemed by law to be Lebensunwertes Leben, just as they once were so deemed because of race or creed?
In an age when society was headed by kings and emperors it was natural to address God as king of kings and Lord of lords.
In an article on ministry and aging in a recent issue of the Connection, published by the American Society on Aging, James Seeber listed only three outstanding seminary aging progaging in a recent issue of the Connection, published by the American Society on Aging, James Seeber listed only three outstanding seminary aging progAging, James Seeber listed only three outstanding seminary aging progaging programs.
It is not necessary for certain ideas to have evolved, as is evidenced by other cultures (not to say in any way that they are wrong, however, there are practices that oppose the morals ingrained in us by the society we live in) so could a parent raise perfectly good children without the bible, in this day in age, probably yes, but you must recognize, that much of what they will be teaching will come from their society, adn quite honestly I'm not sure honoring your parents, and not killing are such a bad thing.
Its strategy is not based on the concepts of prosperity and power of the surrounding society, but rather it views the present age in the light shed upon it by the power of the coming Kingdom.
Rollo May, writing in The Cry for Myth, notes that the 20th century was once heralded as the age in which education would enable society to embrace a «religion cleansed of all superstition,» by which he meant any belief that went beyond rationality.
Considering the vast array of geopolitical issues with which a Supreme Pontiff is burdened in his solicitude for the whole of the universal Church, that Benedict should choose to close his pontificate (or Francis to open his own) with anencyclical on the theological virtue of faith indicates a very pointed discernment of the signs of the times made by the papacy in our age; namely, that what is most lacking in the century in which we live — what is most crucial to today's society and what this era of history most requires, therefore, from the Church — appears to be faith.
I would be more tolerent, but my understanding of history and society demonstrates that people who live their lives by stone age fairytales are screwing up the present as well.
In archaic societies, by which I mean typically the great Bronze Age monarchies of the old world in the second millennium BC., political power has become highly developed and centralized.
By a host of cultural indicators, American society was better off in the 1950s than it is today, and the constraint and self - censorship of that age's mass media had a great deal to do with this achievement.
«Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family... The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.»
The Abrahamic religions spread by the sword during the Middle Ages (the «dark» ages) and the colonial era, and by psychological coercion (evangelism) since force became outlawed by a more civil society.
grate cookie recipe - served them to a public meeting for the Historical Society - loved by all ages!
A 2016 report by the Vegan Society claimed that the number of vegans in Britain has risen by 360 % over the past decade, with more than half a million people between the ages of 15 - 34 living a meat and dairy - free existence.
In our society we all are concerned about high blood pressure (hypertension), as it is one of the serious health problems by which humans are suffering in this age.
What is now clearly a mutual admiration society, bolstered by the relationship the aging superstars have forged during team events over the years, was not always thus.
Meanwhile, the losers will be shunned by society... bullied by classmates for crying on national TV, forced into trying drugs and alcohol at an even younger age than the winning team before ultimately becoming lifelong criminals themselves.
Society made me feel like kids were expected to read, be potty trained, and behave perfectly in a grocery store by the age of 2.
Conventional attitudes about boys permeate all aspects of society — parents, grandparents, teachers, and coaches — and has created... a «boy code»: myths that boys» behavior is driven solely by their hormones and not the environment, boys need to learn to be tough at an early age, and so on.
The previous fall, an ad campaign sponsored by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) had warned, «Advancing age decreases your ability to have children.»
In our society of «get the kids out to daycare / preschool by age two», the idea of having a family that nurtures there kids close to their hearts and fosters family togetherness over early independence, they stand out strangely, I know.
In 2001, Belsky suggested that, «as more and more children were spending more and more time in non-maternal care arrangements, at younger and younger ages, even small effects, when experienced by many children, might have broad - scale implications for how classrooms, communities and even societies operate.»
New infant feeding guidelines were released in early 2014 by Health Canada, Dietitians of Canada, the Breastfeeding Commitee of Canada and the Canadian Pediatric Society stating that homogenized fluid milk should be introduced between the ages of nine and 12 months of age.
Despite the fact that the biologically normal age of weaning frequently happens anywhere between ages two and seven, in our society, women who let our children nurse until they self - wean are frequently considered as selfish, crazy, or worse; stereotypes heartily reinforced by the media.
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