Sentences with phrase «by an audience member if»

Not exact matches

If you knew anything about this blog's audience and community, you would know that a lot of them have been directly impacted by amateur midwives, either through the deaths or injuries of their own children, or those of their family members, or via hospital transfers that they have cleaned up after as medical professionals.
It's loaded with delightful twists, the main one perhaps guessed by the most prescient members of the audience, though if you read the Welsh novel «Fingersmith,» which features even more detail than the movie, you will of course know the dramatic ending.
It proves that bad jokes can bomb not once but twice if offered consecutively (Bad Company, because it fears correctly that its target audience won't understand a joke unless it's repeated, does two Czech language jokes and two New Jersey jokes one after another to a rising chorus of crickets), and it will demonstrate by its inevitable box - office failure that even the dumbest members of the audience have the animal sense not to sit through something this appalling a second time.
It is in no way surprising that among the first words uttered by an audience member upon the conclusion of the advance screening of «Chappie» involved the phrase «if «Robocop» and «Short Circuit» had a baby.»
Asked by one audience member if she has had the opportunity to discuss public education in a one - on - one conversation with the Governor, Atkinson responded that she's had several occasions to talk with him, and that she was pleased he said on a TV program recently that not giving teachers raises is inexcusable.
If only a few hundred have sold, that's likely friends and family members, which means the book is more or less undiscovered by its audience.
If you have recently released a new title, one of the most important things to do is to get a few good reviews for the book to further encourage its purchase by members of your target audience.
I call it «The 3 E» of successful presentations, even if, I know, one of them does not start with an E. My wish is that by doing all this some members of audience will be motivated to take action to reduce the threat of climate change for my nieces and nephews.
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