Sentences with phrase «by an unknown author»

Studies show that bad reviews on books by unknown authors actually result in a spike in sales.
And finally, consider this beautiful quote by an Unknown Author: Love is like playing the piano.
How does a novel written by an unknown author end up as national bestseller?
Are other genres that appeal more to traditional aging boomers and written by unknown authors selling in this format?
But I know I'd be very willing to buy enhanced versions of traditionally published books rather than applications by unknown authors.
An ancient book by unknown authors, which makes wild extraordinary claims such as snakes talking, a man living in a giant fish for days, the dead rising, and so on.
This quote by an unknown author codifies the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
I would respond with a passage, or two, or three, from a book that was a translation of some biographical fragments written 50 or 60 years after Ingersoll died by some unknown author (s) who probably didn't even know Ingersoll, but just wrote what was passed down to him (or her), that was later compiled with other anonymous books and mandated as «HOLY» by the early Ingersollists some 1,700 years ago.
Nearly every commentary I consulted, including those most lauded among biblical scholars, identifies Esther as a diaspora story, composed by an unknown author in the 4th of 5th century BC.
The Gospels were written by unknown authors at least 40 years after Jesus died.
I searched for a quote related to topic of this post and I found this one by an unknown author — «The pearl is the queen of gems and the gem of queens.»
Numerous studies have been conducted on how books fare at different price points, even within the genre - based breakdown: a book of a certain word count will sell really well at one price if it's a crime thriller by a bestselling author, for example, but at the same price may fail abysmally if it's a beach - read romance by an unknown author.
However you can get lucky if they see a book that they fancy that isn't a best seller by an unknown author.
Many ebooks by unknown authors are normally impulse buys and in order to reel in potential sales, you have to make sure your cover is interesting enough for people to want to know more about your ebook.
All they know is that the books of better - known and mid-list authors are too expensive compared to books of comparable length by unknown authors self - publishing.
Bollinger Bandit Trading Strategy — a trading system based on Bollinger bands indicator by unknown author.
A blog established by unknown authors (I asked) has also been set up dedicated to the suit.
Works by unknown authors or done for hire will remain protected at least until the end of 2047.
«So technically, not a bad launch, for a first book by an unknown author.
Not only that but what is attributed to a person allegedly named Jesus was written by an unknown author and uncorroborated with any source outside of itself....
blacks must have their own Bibles written by unknown Authors, therefore they have position of their own, not known to whites.
The Bible is a «symposium» of works by a number of persons, composed of many writings, written over a period of hundreds of years, some only preserved in fragments, by unknown authors, written on animal skins (for they had no paper as we know it), with no printing presses to preserve the writing... It's a marvel we have the Bible at all.
Can you read the mind of every imaginary person that was created by people living in the stone age and our only record of it was written by an unknown author that can not be verified?
This KS1 lesson plan explores the autumn - themed poem The Leaves (by an unknown author) which describes the sights and sounds on a windy night in autumn.
However, that made no sense because several picks have been books by unknown authors.
When Avon set up a digital first arm, the team thought the books for Impulse would be by unknown authors.
Unfortunately, the big publishing houses will very rarely take a book by an unknown author.
Out of 10 library books by unknown authors, I dump 7 after initial sampling.
Readers can try before they buy, decreasing their inbuilt risk aversion to a new book by an unknown author.
The Kirkus website quotes Chan as saying, «Kirkus» review of The Mill River Recluse played an important role in encouraging readers to take a chance on a first novel by an unknown author
This arrangement kept inventory on the bookstore shelves and helped create exposure for books on obscure topics or by unknown authors, but the logistics and waste added substantially to the cost of publishing.
Question: How much does the origin of a new book by an unknown author, whether from a small press, academic press, Big Five publisher, or indie publisher, affect your choice to purchase?
And Matt Cutts has done a tremendous job in distributing books by unknown authors, who in most cases, or at least in my case, could have never done it on their own.
The Thermostat Trading Strategy — by unknown author.
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