Sentences with phrase «by ancient scholars»

Cannabis appears in almost every known book of medicine written by ancient scholars and was used as a treatment for headaches, asthma, pain, depression and epilepsy.

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Also Richard Elliott Friedmann PhD «Who Wrote the Bible», and «How the Bible Became a Book... the Textualization of Ancient Israel» by William Schniedewind PhD are great books by real scholars.
19th century, archaeological finds (e.g. earth and timber fortifications and towns, the use of a plaster - like cement, ancient roads, metal points and implements, copper breastplates, head - plates, textiles, pearls, native North American inscriptions, North American elephant remains etc.) is not interpreted by mainstream academia as proving the historicity or divinity of the Book of Mormon.This evidence is viewed by mainstream scholars as a work of fiction that parallels others within the 19th century «Mound - builder» genre that were pervasive at the time.
It was used by Greek literary scholars in the ancient world to interpret the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, and it was employed by Jewish thinkers — for example, Philo of Alexandria — to interpret the Pentateuch.
Historical criticism is the process by which modern scholars examine the text of ancient documents and try to determine when they were truly written and whether or not they were authored by the person whose name is on the document.
These and other examples from the ancient world have led several scholars to conclude that the term arsenokoites likely describes economic exploitation by some sexual means.
It is increasingly clear that Deuteronomy and the Priestly writings contain at least some material much older than is indicated by the usual dating of the documents.9 Increasingly, too, it would appear that scholars are disposed to accept the substantial reliability of the persistent tradition which sees Moses as a lawgiver.10 That law was an early and significant aspect of Israelite culture is further attested not only by ancient Near Eastern parallels but even more strikingly in the life, the work and the character of the first three great names in Israel's national history: Moses, Samuel and Elijah.
Along more conservative lines, a distinguished German scholar, Martin Noth, has recently proposed and presented evidence for a more ancient source than J (he does not commit himself as to whether it was an oral or written source) underlying both J and E and utilized by both.
The changes cited by modern scholars, he maintains, «represent nothing other than the self - same ancient halakhah applied in changed circumstances.»
In the words of Oxford scholar Larry Siedentop — and in contrast to ancient pagan society — «Christianity changed the ground of human identity» by developing and uniquely stressing the idea of the individual person with an eternal destiny.
Some background: that site was put together by a Jewish Talmudist (a scholar of the Torah (the first 5 books of the Old Testament) as well as ancient Jewish commentaries on the Bible).
(This conclusion had already been reached by the ancient Christian scholar Lactantius, c.240 - 320).
But, long before Eusebius, the ancient Israelite scholars had laid sketch plans for such a universal history in their Hebrew Scriptures (the Christian Old Testament), and this was carried further by the Jewish scholar Josephus (37 -100 AD) in his book, Antiquities of the Jews.
By some modern scholars the ancient script is regarded as forgery.
The Greek scholar Eratosthenes later came remarkably close to computing the size of the globe using the stadium, a standard of measurement equal to the length of an ancient Olympic footrace, which by modern calculations was between 607 and 738 feet.
It's been mind - blowing to read ancient books by scholars and doctors whom I call the «Master Physicians» to see how similar their caveats are to what you'd read in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Indian culture is one of the most ancient that has been accepted by all historians and scholars of all streams.
With well over 2,000 entries by more than 350 scholars from all over the world, this set endeavors to provide users with a single comprehensive resource in English to consult for information on the classical Roman poet best known for composing the influential Aeneid, the epic poem of ancient Rome and a major part of the Western literary canon.
For the past decade, Brian Doerries, a classical scholar, translator, writer and director, has been bringing performances of the ancient Greek tragedies to communities devastated by loss and grief, and with them a surprising and cathartic healing.
Following a trail of ancient clues designed by the twelfth - century queen to entrap a body identical to her own when young, Merlin and Jay are in a race against medieval scholar and former SS officer Dr Hermann Kreuz for the treasure that caused the deat...
The specific acupuncture points have been well charted for both humans and animals, and were conceptualized by ancient Chinese scholars to be connected with each other and various internal organs via meridians or channels.
The Catalogue A fully illustrated exhibition catalogue features essays by notable scholars of ancient Greek art and archaeology: Seán Hemingway, Curator, Greek and Roman Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; Carol Mattusch, Mathy Professor Emerita of Art History, George Mason University; John Oakley, Chancellor Professor and Forrest D. Murden, Jr..
The richly illustrated 264 - page book was written by Dr. Anne R. Bromberg, Ph.D., the DMA's Cecil and Ida Green Curator of Ancient and Asian Art, with contributions by scholars Catherine B. Asher, Frederick M. Asher, Robert Warren Clark, and Nancy Tingley.
During the early Middle Ages, many scholars maintained the spherical viewpoint first expressed by the Ancient Greeks.
But this workshop ventures in a different direction: it will invite scholars to compare the workings of a number of existing alternative systems, both ancient and emerging, that achieve some of the policy goals commonly thought to be promoted by copyright.
First, the need to prove that a right stems from some ancient time when Britain claimed one piece of latter - day Canada is what McLachlin J., followed by a number of scholars, have described as «frozen rights.»
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