Sentences with phrase «by astronomer tycho»

Dramatic evidence of a strong linkage was provided by another astronomer, Walter Maunder, who at the age of 70, in 1922, linked the lack of sunspots between 1645 and 1715, to the bitter cold of that period.
Lucia made a heroic attempt to explain to Rice that there are more than two positions in the debate — read her précis here — but to little progress, such is the limit on dialogue imposed by the astronomer's personality or capacity, it's not clear which.
Another derivation is by the astronomer Herschel (1850) who got the Gaussian from simple assumptions on measurement error.
Both claims, which are of course false, were made in a comment on MBH98 by MM that was rejected by Nature, and subsequently parroted by astronomer Richard Muller in a non peer - reviewed setting — see e.g. this nice discussion by science journalist David Appell of Muller's uncritical repetition of these false claims.
Starting in Marrakech, explore the UNESCO - listed kasbah of Ait Benhaddou and visit the Hollywood of North Africa at Ouarzazate before a camel trek into the Sahara where you'll be joined by an astronomer for the night's spectacle.
The Drake equation, developed by astronomer Frank Drake and promoted by Carl Sagan, is used to estimate the number of intelligent civilizations in the universe.
The Harvard system is a one - dimensional classification scheme by astronomer Annie Jump Cannon, who re-ordered and simplified a prior alphabetical system.
Just this year it captured the most distant single star yet, learned more about a strange stellar ring, watched two galaxies merge, and created lots of new images of the Messier objects, the distant smudges first described by astronomer Charles Messier in the 18th century.
It was discovered by an international team led by astronomer Guillem Anglada - Escudé at Queen Mary University in London.
Neuroscientists have finally solved the mystery behind an optical illusion first described by the astronomer Galileo Galilei.
In 1996, an 18 - member committee headed by astronomer Alan Dressler recommended that NASA develop a space telescope to succeed Hubble.
The star's proper name of Gacrux, like Acrux, may have been created from its Greek letter Bayer designation by the astronomer, Elijah Hinsdale Burritt (1794 - 1838), the author of several editions of an Atlas of the Heavens published between 1833 and 1856.
As described by astronomer Steven Soter:
The first one was spotted in 2007 by the astronomer Duncan Lorimer, who together with one of his students stumbled upon the signal accidentally in old telescope data; at the time, few believed it.
In 1988, however, numerical calculations of the outer planets showed Pluto's orbit to be «chaotic» and the idea of a chaotic solar system was proposed in 1989 by astronomer Jacques Laskar, now at the Paris Observatory.
An infrared shot of Uranus and its rings, taken by astronomer Mike Brown using the adaptive optics system at Hawaii's Keck Observatory.
The binary nature of Alpha Centauri AB was first recognized in December 1689 by astronomer and Jesuit priest Jean Richaud.
The first definitive detection of an exoplanet was made in 1992 by an astronomer at NSF's Arecibo Observatory collaborating with a postdoctoral researcher at NSF's Very Large Array.
But more and more FRBs kept showing up — 26 have been counted so far, including the Spitler burst, detected by the astronomer Laura Spitler in data from 2012 — and scientists had to agree they were real.
The term was first invoked nearly 80 years ago by the astronomer Fritz Zwicky, who realized that some unseen gravitational force was needed to stop individual galaxies from escaping giant galaxy clusters.
The observations are consistent with the hypothesis that Vega is viewed with its pole of rotation pointing toward Earth (first proposed by astronomer Richard O. Gray), so that the relatively cool equator corresponds to the darker «limb of the star» and heightens the gravity - darkening effect.
Directed by astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger, the Institute has built an entirely new research group, spanning 10 departments and including more than 20 faculty who focus on the search for life in the universe.
A STAR system that may have strayed into the Milky Way from another galaxy has been discovered by an astronomer in the US.
The method was developed by the researchers, led by astronomer Eric Fossat of the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur in Nice, France.
The very existence of the exoplanet dubbed Gliese 581g has been called into question by astronomer Francesco Pepe who was unable to find the planet in the data.
A team led by astronomer Paul Kalas of the University of California, Berkeley, detected a planetary candidate orbiting Fomalhaut, a star 25 light - years away in the constellation Pisces Australis (the Southern Fish), using visible - light observations from the Hubble Space Telescope.
The team, led by astronomer and lead investigator David Jewitt of the University of California, Los Angeles, announced their conclusion yesterday.
But I was puzzled by astronomer Karen Meech's...
First, a team led by astronomer Jon Miller of the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, used the European Space Agency's XMM - Newton satellite to study two bright x-ray sources in the nearby galaxy NGC 1313.
By monitoring this resonant pattern, a team led by astronomer Geoffrey Marcy at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, noticed a distortion that pointed toward a third planet.
International discussion about this prediction, fueled largely by astronomer Carl Sagan, forced the leaders of the two superpowers to confront the possibility that their arms race endangered not just themselves but the entire human race.
Back in 1994, a team led by astronomer Lewis Snyder of the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign announced preliminary evidence of the simplest type of amino acid, glycine, but the finding did not stand up to closer examination (New Scientist magazine, 11 June 1994, p 4).
As first noted more than a decade ago by astronomer Luc F. A. Arnold, particularly large panels or groups of panels flying in formation — even bigger, perhaps, than the star itself — would cause huge, discrete dips related to their geometric shape as they transited.
To conduct the new study, the Hawaiian team, led by astronomer Istvan Szapudi, combined two large - scale observations of the cosmos that already had been completed: the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which represents the last, dying embers of the big bang, and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which comprises images of millions of galaxies.
A team led by astronomer Eiichi Egami of the University of Arizona, Tucson, used the signal to determine that the stars are 125 million to 200 million years old.
A team led by astronomer Kevin Luhman of the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, found extra emissions of infrared light from a faint dwarf with just 15 times Jupiter's mass — at the threshold of what astronomers consider «planetary mass.»
The mysterious world was discovered in 1801 by astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi, who named the object for the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships.
They were discovered in 1834 by the astronomer Sir John Herschel.
It shows a solar eclipse from 1919, the same eclipse that was used by astronomer Arthur Eddington to prove Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Upon closer examination of the data — compiled from nearly 500 hours of observation by the 64 - meter Parkes radio telescope in Australia — a team led by astronomer Duncan Lorimer of West Virginia University in Morgantown estimated that the blast actually came from about 3 billion light - years away.
How did you reconcile Burroughs's version of Mars, which was influenced by astronomer Percival Lowell's idea that it was home to a civilization depleting its resources, the barren, hostile world we now know it to be?
The issue of mixing science and religion is particularly sensitive at Ball State at the moment because the university is investigating accusations that a course by another astronomer professor, Eric Hedin, «has crossed a line from being about science to being about Christianity,» according to an earlier article in Inside Higher Ed.
Also in this Hubble image is another pair of probably interacting galaxies — they are hiding to the right of NGC 5256 in the far distance, and have not yet been explored by any astronomer.
The other side of darkness In April's Sky Lights [«A Lighter Shade of Black»] Bob Berman presents the paradox suggested by astronomer Heinrich Olbers: «If we live in an infinite universe containing an infinite number of stars, then... every point of the sky, no matter how small, should be filled with starlight....
To take a better galactic census, a team led by astronomer Rodrigo Ibata of the Strasbourg Observatory in France took the most detailed images yet of the space around Andromeda, exposing swarms of faint stars distributed near the galaxy.
The pair, discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1784, form part of the Virgo Cluster, a gravitationally bound collection of nearly 2000 individual galaxies.
Xena, the «is / isn «t» planet discovered by astronomer Mike Brown and his team, is the farthest object orbiting the sun that anyone has managed to find — roughly 10 billion miles out, more than 7 billion miles beyond Pluto.
A team led by astronomer Garik Israelian of the European Southern Observatory recently examined nearly 500 stars, including 86 with planets, and found that most of the planet - bearing stars contained very little lithium, a trait they share with our sun.
Tycho's supernova was witnessed by astronomer Tycho Brahe in 1572.
A team led by astronomer Kenji Hamaguchi of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, used the XMM - Newton and Chandra x-ray satellites to study a stellar nursery just 550 light - years from Earth.
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