Sentences with phrase «by biblical themes»

Church culture justified by biblical themes.
I think James Cone is right when he says: «Theologians of the Christian Church have not interpreted Christian ethics as an act for the liberation of the oppressed because their views of divine revelation were defined by philosophy and other cultural values rather than by the biblical theme of God as the liberator of the oppressed.»

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The Jeremianic theme of idolatry as falsehood has been recently explored by Thomas W. Overholt, The Falsehood of Idolatry: A Study In the Theology of the Book of Jeremiah (Studies In Biblical Theology; Naperville: Allenson, 1970).
Nygren gives an important suggestion about the history of doctrine when he says that the Church Fathers were saved from falling completely into a Greek pattern of thought by the three biblical assertions of Creation, Incarnation, and Resurrection.32 But rather than conclude, as Nygren does, that these themes require us to reject all metaphysics, why not say that they require us to reconsider our metaphysics?
Steve... I think we're floggin» a dead horse here, but for what it's worth, understand that I'm not trying to convince you to think like I do, rather I wd hope that room wd be made for many theological differences.To think discuss and debate theology is well supported by the New Testament and history, and is perfectly within the bounds of what it means to engage our minds with the subject at hand.Theologians and biblical scholars have done this very thing for centuries, revealing a plethora of opinion on the evolving world of biblical studies.Many capable authors have written and debated the common themes as well as the differences between Paul, John, Jesus, the synoptics, etc..
Among his writings are the following: Christian Apologetics in a World Community (InterVarsity Press 1983); Let the Earth Rejoice: A Biblical Theology of Holistic Mission (Crossway 1983); Christian Art in Asia, (Rodop Amsterdam 1979, distributed by Humanities Press); Themes in Old Testament Theology, (InterVarsity Press 1979); Daniel in the Television Den: A Christian Approach to American Culture (Western Baptist Press 1975; and Rouault: A Vision of Suffering and Salvation (Eerdmans 1971).
I have been thinking, speaking and writing on this theme for many years, but I find myself a bit intimidated by the fact that I face an audience of Biblical scholars from the different theological seminaries of the country.
In our search for America's myth of origin we have considered the function the new continent served in the European consciousness and the way in which biblical themes, particularly as heightened by the Reformation, shaped its meaning.
Ultimately this elliptical, even eccentric involvement of biblical themes, figures, and narratives does not make for a work of superior accomplishment in either religious or literary terms, whether by comparison to masterworks of the past or the finer novels in Coetzee's own oeuvre.
At the close of two weeks of daily growth group sessions, participants in one workshop could identify these biblical themes in their shared experiences: bondage and liberation, salvation by grace, judgment, death and rebirth, alienation and reconciliation, mutual caring, the transforming power of love, becoming a spiritual unity, growth.
Is there a flaw here in one's use of Scripture or is it in the nature of Biblical materials that singleness of theme can be achieved only by their violation?
Niebuhr introduces his own constructive discussion with several statements which are not only a correct report of the biblical - theological situation in our time, but also provide material for our effort to say something useful about the theme of this lecture: what are the requirements for preaching which are suggested by this search for a proper theological method?
And so, by virtue of its having this character of prevenience, it is an indispensable notion for any theology that takes seriously the biblical theme of promise.
In the last two chapters, the authors make their concluding assessment: first in social and political terms by analyzing the positions of evangelicals and Catholics with regard to main themes in American history; second in more biblical and theological terms as they seek to answer the question they set themselves in their title.
As you can tell by the title, the theme of the book is discovering love as the biblical ethic for mission and is taken from 2 Corinthians 5.
If I am correct in my reading of the Bible, then the revisions required by the renewal of the Hermetic model support the recovery of primary biblical themes, especially those of the New Testament.
The theme of the wanderer or exile so central to the biblical story can amplify the cry for global citizenship by today's refugee.
The precise meaning of the Kingdom is still being investigated by biblical scholars, but we can confidently say that its significance is at least partially grasped in terms of two other prominent biblical themes: justice and liberation.
Sermons on these themes are undergirded by carefully selected biblical passages.
In a bold and important study, Recovering Theological Hermeneutics, Jens Zimmermann has argued that the postmodern critique of the Enlightenment was anticipated by major themes in the biblical and theological work of the reformers.
«Creation,» based on the book written by Darwin's great - great - grandson and entitled Annie's Box, is a secular hagiography of Darwin, which is not surprising, given that modern films have a proclivity towards themes that fly in the face of biblical teachings.
Based on the best seller of the same name by Nechama Tec, Defiance is an epic tale of Biblical proportions which explores a variety of universal themes ranging from vengeance to salvation.
Biblical themes or mythological subjects were portrayed by a wide range of Renaissance artists such as Albrecht Dürer and the German «Little Masters.»
Exodus I, 2004, for example, was inspired by Hall's identification with the themes of expulsion and journey in the Biblical account of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt.
He possessed an extraordinary facility for weaving a rich tapestry of literary, biblical, mythological, popular culture, and western and non - western themes in his prints that were also informed by his African - American cultural experiences.
Numerous college degrees directly focused on biblical themes are offered by online universities across the nation.
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