Sentences with phrase «by biology»

On the other side of it, understanding how the brain functions as a computing device will help inform our engineering of computers that are inspired by the biology of brain - circuit architecture.
My interest in science began in my childhood, inspired by the biology class at my school.
Alongside the widespread use of IQ tests in the 20th century was the argument that the level of a person's intelligence was influenced by their biology.
It is partly driven by biology to help secure the survival of the species, and partly due to the fact we are taking on the toughest and most important challenge of our lives.
No one told me parenting by adoption would be different from parenting by biology.
Modern mothers were discouraged from breastfeeding, and given the impression bottle feeding represented the next stage in human evolution in which they would no longer be controlled by biology.
She didn't get interested in science until she was 15, inspired by her biology tutor, who is now an oral surgeon.
Though I think the issues raised by biology and medicine are important; I fear that this area may receive more than its share of attention because of the resources it can command.
Gender is determined not just by biology but by a number of factors, including what society considers masculine and feminine behaviors and how male and female attributes are reflected in media and culture.
The range of behaviors exhibited by Web users, for instance, may, relative to the entire space of possibilities, be constrained by biology, by cultural history, or both.
I have always been fascinated by biology in general, but more specifically ancient animals and plants.
Although he was bitten by the biology bug early on, he stepped off the track to a research career entirely during a difficult period in his training.
Students can choose any of these categories according to their convenience and get their hands on the exclusively - written assignment material drafted by the biology assignment experts.
Publishing research motivated by biology, enabled by chemistry.
No one told me parenting by adoption would be different from parenting by biology.
Previous materials inspired by biology could only heal microscopic cracks.
Curricular enhancements in early childhood education that are guided by the science of learning must be augmented by protective interventions informed by the biology of adversity.
You are exactly right, the process of death is not defined by biology alone, as any real nurse who has decades of caring for the terminally ill konws.
Therefore, as we are extremely limited by our biology to understand the physical universe, we must be very arrogant if we, in fact, wish to make conjectures concerning knowledge beyond the physical universe.
Genders prescribed by biology are now discarded and transformed at whim according to the dictates of our disembodied wills.
Brooke said that a person not related to a child by biology or adoption may still be considered a parent if they and the other parent agreed to have and raise the child together — regardless of whether the adults are married.
Muller, a native of Munich who grew up in Germany and France, had his curiosity captured by the biology of aging when he was 12.
As it turned out, many of my colleagues were as confused by biology as I was by Bayesian statistics.
She underscored how human ambition is bound by biology — and by society's sense of right and wrong.
«These processes are largely spontaneous and effortless, and they may be somewhat shaped by biology and / or early childhood experiences.»
The food industry, while not often considered by biology majors, has high demand — particularly for microbiologists — both in the R&D and QC areas, says Pennock.
«There are definitely parts that can't be replaced by biology,» says team member Raman Nelakanti of Stanford University.
We are reliably informed by biology professor Russell Foster of Imperial College London that the rectal temperature of second - year physiology students fluctuates rhythmically, with a low point around 4 to 6 am and a high...
Even as a small child I was intrigued by biology — dissecting dead goldfish, or probing into the eye of a head chopped from a chicken being prepared for dinner.
We can learn by biology, and we can also fuse biology with our electronics.
«Originally we didn't set out to try and confirm or refute» whether the carbonate globules in ALH84001 were «formed by biology or not.
«At least a part of the interpersonal dynamic that exists when men and women are getting to know prospective romantic partners is being governed by the biology of a woman's body and men's sensitivity to these biological factors,» says Michael Kaschak, PhD, the senior author of the study and an associate professor of psychology at Florida State University, in Tallahassee.
«Weight is controlled by our biology more than our willpower.»
A comparison of Figures 2a and 3a highlights the differences between all of the activities and applications that physics teachers reported using on their laptops, compared to those reported by their biology colleagues.
Afterward, I dropped by my biology adviser's office to inform him of my decision.
A separate speed - dating study by Houser, Horan, and Furler (2008) noted that while physical attraction was partially pre-determined by biology that speed - daters could enhance their chances of securing a second date via nice clothes, maintaining eye contact, and through using a pleasant tone of voice.
Mental health disorders in children and adolescents are caused by biology, environment, or a mix of both.
What started as an intuition years ago among us at 3Rivers Center for Relationship, has now been validated by biology, neuroscience, and research.
What the plucked string and the dragonfly and the kingfisher do as determined by biology, or physics happens with us when Christ lives in us, Christ living the Christ way in us, in the truth of our lives, playing through our limbs and eyes to the Father.
The intervention models that have been generated in the past year — and are currently in various stages of development, implementation, and testing — are based on approaches that have been heavily influenced by the biology of adversity.
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