Sentences with phrase «by chronic stress exposure»

Glutamate N - methyl - D - aspartate receptor antagonists rapidly reverse behavioral and synaptic deficits caused by chronic stress exposure.

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For one thing, exposure to chronic physiological stress response, indicated by cortisol response, has been found to be associated with negative health effects, including heart disease, digestive problems, weight gain and depression.
NK cells are suppressed by chronic exposure to stress hormones, which can lead to a weakened immune system and even cancer.
Food sensitivities are caused by leaky gut syndrome, imbalances in gut microbiota, chronic stress, and exposure to pesticides, chemicals, additives, and preservatives in food.
As research continues to accumulate on genetics, what have become undeniably clear is that most chronic disease is preventable and greatly influenced by your lifestyle, including your nutritional status, sleep quality, exercise habits, stress levels, chemical and toxin exposure and attitude towards your life.
They are compounded by chronic Candida (from 2 years going undiagnosed 10 years ago), heavy metal exposure, HLA - DR mold gene, stress, etc..
As long as you have these important micronutrients, your body will be able to resist aging caused by your everyday exposure to pollutants, chronic stress, and more.
Similarly, here we propose that by favouring social harmony over individuality, collectivistic cultural norms may have evolved to also serve an adaptive, «anti-psychopathology» function, creating an environmental niche that reduces the risk of exposure to environmental pathogens, such as chronic life stress, for group members.
Consistent with a gene - by - environment (GxE) theory of affective disorders, reduced exposure to chronic life stress for individuals living in collectivistic relative to individualistic cultures would then cause reduced prevalence of affective disorders among genetically susceptible individuals.
One final example is the prefrontal cortex, which is thought to play an important role in regulating behavior by suppressing impulses and emotions arising from the amygdala and other parts of the limbic system.50 — 52 In animal studies, exposure to chronic stress or glucocorticoids alters the synaptic connectivity within the prefrontal cortex, 52,53 and this may limit the ability of the prefrontal cortex to (1) suppress the impulsivity and aggression of the limbic system, and (2) execute adaptive responses (rather than maladaptive responses) to stress.54 — 56 Stress - induced changes in brain structure parallel the well - described impact of significant childhood adversity on a variety of brain functions, including the modulation of physiologic responses (hyper - responsive or chronically active stress response), learning (impaired memory), and the regulation of behavior (the ability to execute adaptive vs maladaptive responses to stress).3,stress or glucocorticoids alters the synaptic connectivity within the prefrontal cortex, 52,53 and this may limit the ability of the prefrontal cortex to (1) suppress the impulsivity and aggression of the limbic system, and (2) execute adaptive responses (rather than maladaptive responses) to stress.54 — 56 Stress - induced changes in brain structure parallel the well - described impact of significant childhood adversity on a variety of brain functions, including the modulation of physiologic responses (hyper - responsive or chronically active stress response), learning (impaired memory), and the regulation of behavior (the ability to execute adaptive vs maladaptive responses to stress).3,stress.54 — 56 Stress - induced changes in brain structure parallel the well - described impact of significant childhood adversity on a variety of brain functions, including the modulation of physiologic responses (hyper - responsive or chronically active stress response), learning (impaired memory), and the regulation of behavior (the ability to execute adaptive vs maladaptive responses to stress).3,Stress - induced changes in brain structure parallel the well - described impact of significant childhood adversity on a variety of brain functions, including the modulation of physiologic responses (hyper - responsive or chronically active stress response), learning (impaired memory), and the regulation of behavior (the ability to execute adaptive vs maladaptive responses to stress).3,stress response), learning (impaired memory), and the regulation of behavior (the ability to execute adaptive vs maladaptive responses to stress).3,stress).3, 39,57
McEwen has characterized these accumulated risks as «allostatic load:» As physiological systems fluctuate to meet the demands posed by a stressful environment, physiological costs of chronic exposure to recurring or heightened neural or neuroendocrine responses to repeated or chronic stress accumulate, resulting in interacting dysregulations in multiple physiological systems (10).
A harsh early environment was associated with an elevated flat cortisol trajectory across the stress tasks, suggesting that HPA axis functioning may have been compromised by recurring or chronic early life stress exposure.
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