Sentences with phrase «by coming prepared»

By coming prepared with examples of situations in which you have taught or guided others, then you will be able to demonstrate that you have the clarity of thought, communication skills and patience needed to be an effective people manager.
So next time, you can avoid the amateur pitfalls by coming prepared for contingencies and comfort just like the pros!
Foster your mentee's autonomy and independence by encouraging your mentee to «own» the mentoring relationship by coming prepared to your meetings, setting the agenda, doing the follow - up, and so on.

Not exact matches

Prepared by a coalition of the National Venture Capital Association, Dow Jones VentureSource Database, Rooney & Associates (a New York public relations firm), and DeSantis Breindel (a New York marketing agency), the report seeks to answer a number of questions about the role of «branding» when it comes to the venture capital business.
You do this by thinking through all the objections that a qualified prospect might make, then develop logical, complete answers to each of these objections so you're prepared if and when they come up.
By preparing yourself for what it's going to be like and making agreements from the get - go, you're more likely to come out better should the relationship take a turn for the worse.
You should be prepared for the fact that loans won't necessarily be easy to come by.
Hajdu and Bains opened the meeting by outlining the extent of coming technological change, like automation, that could displace workers, as well as the need to craft policies to prepare workers for new jobs.
The music industry had failed repeatedly to develop its own digital - music sales site before Apple came along with iTunes, which was by then prepared to become a store for buying music.
Each chapter comes with a lengthy rumination on the different ways humans prepare food, and how, in Pollan's view, those age - old methods have been corrupted by the modern, corporate food chain.
If you are planning on asking your superior for more money, come prepared for your meeting by doing your research.
When people who want to «become an entrepreneur» start, they come up with their solutions by themselves, often keeping them secret so they can prepare bigger launches.
A decision by Foxconn to give Sharp the lead would come as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe prepares to travel to the United States to meet U.S. President Donald Trump, who in his inauguration speech vowed to put «America first.»
By preparing a cash flow statement, or cash flow analysis, you will be able to keep tabs on your finances and effectively plan for the next quarter or year to come.
The company is reducing senior management by 5 to 10 per cent, replacing veteran executives with a younger generation in their late 30s or close to 40 and putting more responsibilities into fewer hands, while preparing the company for succession in the coming years, sources said.
Both the homeowner and business training come with checklists and resource guides that are step - by - step tools to help employees and businesses prepare for, and build resilience to disaster.
[35:40] Tony Hsieh example [37:15] Winter is coming [37:45] Most businesses will be destroyed by winter [38:00] Winter is an opportunity to grow geometrically [38:55] Baby boomers are heading into retirement [39:30] Prepare now for winter and you'll find opportunity [40:30] The better entrepreneur looks for winter [41:15] You will be terminally intermediate unless you challenge yourself [42:40] Tony's seminar in Canada [47:20] Getting crystal clear on where you want to go [48:50] What would the best year of my life look like?
«As we prepare to come back to Ottawa for the fall session of Parliament, it is also important to ensure Canadian middle class families understand the threat posed by Thomas Mulcair's risky and dangerous economic plan,» said the memo, from Conservative national campaign manager Jenni Byrne.
Facebook has been preparing its chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, who is uncomfortable speaking in public, for a grilling by several congressional committees in the coming week.
Whether you are currently single or married, it's important to prepare yourself for the realities of marriage by understanding that each of the six categories above will come with a set of obstacles in some way, shape, or form; and then do your best to learn and prepare for those times.
By the time 13 - year - old Bokiya Gooloo came to her for help, Elema was prepared.
By being prayed up, we tend to be more spiritually prepared when we come across people who have been hurt by the churcBy being prayed up, we tend to be more spiritually prepared when we come across people who have been hurt by the churcby the church.
After four weeks of waiting for the coming of Christ, we too should be prepared to be overtaken by joy at his arrival.
And what is more, he is prepared to enter human personalities by his own Spirit to make such dreams come true.
It must be made quite clear that he who, not on the fringe of the christian mystical tradition but at its point of fullest development, was able without imprudence to engage in this formidable battle with matter had prepared himself for it by the most rigorous asceticism: first, in childhood and youth, the asceticism of an unwavering fidelity to the christian ideal; later, that of a careful and constant obedience to the exigencies of a vocation which would lead him on without respite up the steeply climbing road to perfection till he came to that solitude which he himself described: «he would henceforth be for ever a stranger..., he would inevitably speak henceforth in an incomprehensible tongue, he whom the Lord had drawn to follow the road of fire.»
So the antichrist is preparing the stage for that by sending his forces (US forces) to fight Muslims and the Christ (his killer) When he comes back.
And as we are strangers and pilgrims on earth, help us by true faith and a godly life to prepare for the world to come; doing the work Thou hast given us to do while it is day; before the night Cometh when no man can work.
He noted that ridding the world of Hitler was not everything, for worse could come by others; but it should accomplish something; there should be «a change of circumstances, of the government... the «thereafter» had to be so carefully prepared.
John, Jesus continues, is the messenger promised by Malachi, sent to prepare the way for the Lord's coming in judgment (Mal 3:1).
34 «Then the King will say to those on his right, «Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.
(Regarding helping others — Matthew 25:34 - 40) «Then the King will say to those on his right, «Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.
The believers and the sympathizers who expected inspiring personalities at key positions in the Church were disappointed by a procession of tired bureaucrats who lacked the magnanimity, vision, and creativity necessary to prepare the Church for the coming decade.
Prepare your selves for the worse coming now others will try to copycat him... shame really that human is over taken by the evil forces whether he is Religious or non religious... killing is evil.evil.evil..
Yet death comes to all of us, and we do better «by knowing the truth and being prepared for it.»
Come you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.
If these new Catholics were properly catechized before their baptism or reception, they were also prepared for the Christian reality of failure, which the Church calls «sin:» they would have come to understand that every one of us lives by the divine mercy alone; that we are all «worthless servants» (Luke 17.10); and that we are, finally, saved by the merits of Jesus Christ alone.
It comes from the fine study paper, prepared by the Strasbourg Institute for Ecumenical Research, «Baptism and the Unity of the Church: A Study Paper,» in Root and Saarinen, eds., Baptism and the Unity of the Church, op.
You prepare for them by YEAR ROUND sending out teams, evaluating the environment and weather trends, comparing past trends (firestorms in Cali come about every 3 to 4 years on average), future projections, and physical efforts to stop new burns from going out of control.
They could have guessed that they would be faced by Muslim propagandists and come prepared.
As for the adults who came to us claiming to have discovered their «true» sexual identity and to have heard about sex - change operations, we psychiatrists have been distracted from studying the causes and natures of their mental misdirections by preparing them for surgery and for a life in the other sex.
In this prophecy as well as in the one given by the angel (1:13 - 17), John is described as the Holy Spirit - empowered prophet of the Most High who would lead the people to repentance for the forgiveness of sins and prepare them for the coming Savior.
Whereas in Isaiah, Ahaz is merely told about the extraordinary sign by which God would redeem the people, in Matthew 1:18 - 25 the sign comes as a lucid dream of instruction to Joseph, who had not asked or been prepared for one.
The Reformers probe this mystery, but never move from the view that love comes by grace alone, not by what men can think or prepare or grasp with their own power.
Her comments come as the House of Lords prepares to scrutinise the Assisted Dying Bill brought forward by Lord Falconer.
First, by acting as a humble servant he would wash the soiled feet of his disciples, not only to prepare them for the coming celebration but also looking forward to the time when they would sit at table with Abraham in God's banquet in heaven (Luke 13:29).
In the parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31 — 46), he tells the righteous, «Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; -LSB-...] I was in prison and you visited me.»
Moreover Haman said, «Besides, Queen Esther invited no one but me to come in with the king to the banquet that she prepared; and tomorrow I am again invited by her, along with the king.
Unlikely as it may be for the Court to go beyond the arguments presented by the parties themselves to rule RFRA unconstitutional, the phrase «extreme religious liberty rights» is one defenders of religious liberty ought to prepare to hear a lot of in the coming years.
Before couples come to an enrichment event, encourage them to prepare by reading and discussing a book on growth approaches to marriage.
It is interesting to note that in the field of international politics the P.P.T.I. seeks to obtain peace for humanity by preparing itself for the coming of the Imam Mahdi, the Expected One, whose coming is near.
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