Sentences with phrase «by convection»

As a result, only the top 20 metres of the sea heat up by convection in the summer.
This is a gravity convection system in which water heated in the collector rises by convection to a storage tank mounted above.
Since the energy transmission took less than 19 seconds, it wasn't by convection!
It also didn't need pumps or electricity and could move the water by convection.
Although back radiation is real, it does not play a major role in the greenhouse effect — mostly because of the lapse rate, which is mostly set by convection.
Most surface heat is lost by convection not radiation.
Without significant up or down currents, heat can only be exchanged by convection and that is a heck of a slow process.
Next we have water where the movement of the water shifts the energy around by convection and induced horizontal movements etc..
Working by convection, this is installed in the floor in front of the glass and covered by a grille.
It is set in motion by the convection caused by the cooling of the core.
But small planets and moons cool too quickly for a magnetic field to be maintained there by convection several billions of years after they form.
Is heat generated by these into the oceans and moved by convection.
A solar chimney is a device for harnessing solar energy by the convection of heated air.
... that is almost OK... but I know if I am standing at the top of a mountain then the wind is usually very strong... thus the wind chill factor kicks in (which I assume is adding heat loss by convection) and I feel colder and may not notice the sun coming out from behind a cloud... and if I am sweating after a long climb up the mountain then I will feel very cold very quickly — regardless of the sun.
There are other processes like evaporative cooling and diffusion followed by convection which can not be affected by backradiation, and which will tend to compensate for any slowing of the radiation.
You can ask Jennifer for my email address or I could send it via her (if she also want a copy) Heat transfer from the surface only by convection fits in with Nasif's, Wayne's and my observation that the radiant heat absorption by CO2 is insignificant.
Local Winds — air currents created by convection.
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