Sentences with phrase «by conventional doctors»

After her son became chronically sick with asthma at the age of 2, she refused to accept the notion presented by conventional doctors that her son would live his life on medication.
This is surprising to many people as olive oil is typically the first «healthy oil» that they think of due to heavy promotion of this Mediterranean oil by conventional doctors and nutritionists.
This is due to the fact that most symptoms that are caused by the compromising of one or more body tissues by fungus are usually treated by conventional doctors as another condition entirely, therefore never addressing the real cause.
There are lots of syndromes in medicine that are discussed and recognized by conventional doctors.
In fact, there are 3 autoimmune disease tests that can help to evaluate your immune system that are unknown and never ordered by conventional doctors because this information is so advanced that it can take many years until it becomes a common practice.
I have been told by conventional doctors to use Phamasuelical Progesterone and that I need to have a D&C to get rid of the excess lining.
Symptoms are diverse and can easily be missed or misdiagnosed by your conventional doctor.
From time to time you do have real pathology so it's important to always have these mechanisms checked on by a conventional doctor.
Is that where you're looking to get diagnosed by your conventional doctor with?
Evan Brand: I think that's awesome that you mentioned that and you're never gonna get told to run that by your conventional doctor.

Not exact matches

That was NOT only by conventional Allopathic doctors but also by the Homeopaths at the Hippocrates Center.
Then, in the late 1950s, a genial, charismatic U.S. Navy doctor named George Bond, who had been trained as a diver, caused a stir by questioning the conventional diving limits.
While some bioidenticals have been approved by the FDA and prescribed for years, most have not, and doctors argue that these «natural» hormones could trigger disease as easily as conventional hormone therapy.
This means, at times, doubting conventional wisdom, questioning the advise of your doctor (gasp) or disregarding the «tips for flat abs» spit out by the latest beauty magazine.
Surprisingly, I've heard this recommended by conventional and alternative doctors, and it seems that it doesn't really have a downside.
Unfortunately, magnesium is not routinely checked by most conventional doctors.
While doctors may warn you of GERD risk factors (such as being overweight, smoking, and overeating), the conventional treatment is medication that soothes GERD symptoms, either by neutralizing stomach acid or blocking its production.
In this book, we use the term «conventional HRT» to describe the hormone treatment plans prescribed by doctors for the past 30 years.
It's really interesting how much treatment by conventional medical doctors is driven by acceptance from peers or just maybe uh — you know — what the — the so - called best practices are, right?
Elle joins Sharry Edwards on Sound Health Options Summary: Elle Russ's «The Paleo Thyroid Solution» dispels outdated, conventional thyroid wisdom still practiced by uninformed doctors, and provides the in - depth guidance...
In addition to incorrect interpretations of TSH by most conventional doctors, the TSH test is not the best test to diagnose Hashimoto's since, in the early stages, the TSH may fluctuate or remain within the normal limits.
Although most conventional doctors will tell you that IC is not caused by an infection, holistic - minded doctors believe that there's a link to infection.
Conventional treatment will generally include a vaginal estrogen cream temporarily which will be prescribed and monitored by your doctor.
Read about the cause, the lack of treatment by conventional medical means (your doctor probably never learned about it at medical school) and natural ways to reduce high homocyateine levels.
Dysbiosis can also be detected by your doctor by way of a serum or stool analysis to candida - antibodies through the conventional pathology labs.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Well, again, if you're prescribed a thyroid hormone by your conventional medical doctor, most of the time, 99 % of the time you need it because they're using TSH as a established range to dose thyroid hormone.
Dr. Norris is a holistic family doctor, which means she can address most of your health concerns by offering a blend of conventional and holistic / natural medicine.
It won't happen with the drug companies or the conventional mainstream doctors because there's — they're too entrenched with the pharmaceutical model and too funded by it.
The condition has only recently been accepted as valid by conventional medicine, and many doctors may still not know about it.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about fats promulgated by the food industry, conventional nutritionists and dietitians, doctors, and even the government.
Check out the ingredients of Pedialyte, one of the most popular drinks for adults and children for preventing dehydration and recommended by many conventional doctors:
A closer look, however, finds that the AMA is actually attempting to censor the free speech of doctors in media who draw attention to holistic medicine rather than the traditional Western treatments and medicines typically promoted by the pharmaceutical industry and conventional medicine.
First, it's important to recognize that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are recognized medical conditions by conventional medical doctors and there is a large body of scientific evidence on the subject.
They may also have liabilities for injuries caused by discouraging patients from seeking conventional care and, in some jurisdictions, for not recognizing when a patient's condition is beyond the scope of their form of treatment and subsequently referring the patient for treatment by a medical doctor.
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