Sentences with phrase «by cost per wear»

I believed I paid about Nok 400 ($ 50) for it, and it's definitely written off by now if you go by cost per wear!

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Divide the cost, $ 200, by the number of days and you end up with less than $ 2.00 per wear.
A study by the state Department of Transportation says the project would lower shipping costs by $ 500 per container while boosting the local economy and easing congestion and wear and tear on highways and roads.
But keep cost per wear in mind next time you're shopping and are tempted by that sparkly thing in the corner.
Or perhaps we're all broke and so turn to cutting down our cost - per - wear so we don't have to give up those sweet, short lived moments of retail therapy when our brains get hijacked by waves of designer endorphins?
Fashion should be fun and personal style should be a creative journey unmarred by overthinking things like cost per wear and «Can I wear this with three items I already own?»
I'm all about lowering my cost per wear (how much I paid for an item divided by how many times I've worn it).
I've worn the heck out of the black one — it has by far the best «cost per wear» out of all my bags.
Keep your insulation topped up and you'll reduce the wear and tear on these systems, and you can reduce your energy costs by up to 15 % per year.
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