Sentences with phrase «by counting people»

It's like estimating the population of Denver by counting people at the bus station.

Not exact matches

Last week, HBO released a documentary on the Church of Scientology (COS), called Going Clear, which was watched by 1.7 million people (not counting those who streamed online), more than any HBO documentary in nearly a decade.
Internet trolls love to mess with people (or chatbots), and they don't seem to care when they cross a line — by hiding their identity behind a screen name, they count on never having to experience serious retribution.
Each time an influential person retweeted something I wrote, my follower count shot up by about a dozen people.
Under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, adopted in most states, information counts as a trade secret if it meets three criteria: The information must have independent economic value to people outside the company, the information must be generally unknown and unlikely to be discovered by lawful means, and the owner of the secret must make efforts to maintain the secret.
There's always a right and a wrong side of every street, and before you rent your retail space, stand out front and count how many people walk by the door.
Show people they can count on you in good times and bad by living up to your word.
Both companies haven't released updated user counts lately, but it's evident that Facebook Live continues to eat up a lion's share of the livestreaming pie, simply by being available to a wider range of people.
The bridge story shows that people can count on you and your company by sharing specific moments of proof.
In fact, Repole says a greater focus on calorie counting by other chains will only drive more people to Energy Kitchen and prepare the way for a national expansion.
By prompting people to set reasonable goals, exercise, and count calories — and by offering encouragement from their social networks — mobile apps may prove to be the missing link between what doctors know we need to do and what we actually do in everyday lifBy prompting people to set reasonable goals, exercise, and count calories — and by offering encouragement from their social networks — mobile apps may prove to be the missing link between what doctors know we need to do and what we actually do in everyday lifby offering encouragement from their social networks — mobile apps may prove to be the missing link between what doctors know we need to do and what we actually do in everyday life.
«I have realized about myself that I'm very motivated by people counting on me,» he says.
In his new book, The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us, American psychology professor James Pennebaker explains how he can gauge what people feel and think — even if they're lying — just by counting pronouns.
«A few years ago, I could probably count on my hand how many people had more than 500 LinkedIn connections,» says Ryan Bethea, who goes by the title of Chief Connecting Officer at Socialnomics.
Since then, additional sources and reports continue to point to the same conclusion: that hundreds, not dozens, of people died from the storm, despite claims by President Trump and Puerto Rican officials that the count is 62 or fewer.
This measure, which is less widely used, adds up all of the incomes of the people surveyed and divides that figure by the number of people counted.
Facebook at first said just 10 million users had seen ads bought by the IRA, but later explained that when organic un-paid posts were counted, 126 million people had seen the propaganda group's Facebook posts and another 20 million had seen its Instagram posts.
Unemployment, Marginal Attachment and Labor Force Participation in Canada and the United States Stephen Jones, McMaster University Craig Riddell, University of British Columbia Jones and Riddell build on two previous papers: one by David Card and Riddell (originally published in Small Differences that Matter) that studies the reasons for higher rates of unemployment in Canada than the U.S. in the 1980s, the other by Jones and Riddell which uses data from the U.S. Labor Force Survey to study the differences in rates of job creation for people who are counted as unemployed versus those who are counted as out of the labor force.
As long as PS Fund (along with any of its Related Persons) does not otherwise engage in (or has not otherwise engaged in) conduct that would otherwise result in its becoming an Acquiring Person by becoming the Beneficial Owner of 10 % or more of the shares of Common Stock then outstanding, PS Fund's solicitation and receipt of one or more revocable proxies from the Company's stockholders to be counted toward the number of shares of the outstanding Common Stock needed to cause a special meeting of stockholders to be called pursuant to and in accordance with the Bylaws, which proxies are given to PS Fund in response to a public solicitation of proxies made pursuant to, and in accordance with, Section 14 (a) of the Exchnage Act by means of a solicitation statement filed with the Commission on Schedule 15A, should not, of itself, cause PS Fund to become an Acquiring Person.
VANCOUVER — While visiting with families affected by the fentanyl crisis, B.C. New Democrat Leader John Horgan spoke out about the need for a new government that will address the problems people face and deliver the services people count on.
The skill does this by asking how the person is feeling each day and records which pollen counts were high.
It's not those who antagonize us, but the pariahs, the socially awkward — the people with boundary issues, the guy with the wildly inappropriate jokes, the girl who talks like she's paid by the word count — who pose the real challenge.
Well seeing as only 33 % of people on this planet believe in your version of a god, that means 4.6 billion people (and counting) are going to be burned in hell by your god.
She counted the cost all the way, exhausting people around her by eliciting sympathy from them, and then moving on to others.
You also have people who can register as a specfic party and run on a ticket to strengthen their careers and yet they only espouse one or two things that could count them into the party in the first place.There's also a huge issue of people really thinking that a vote for a 3rd party candidate is a waste, If the only way you feel your vote matters is by voting for one of 2 parties (even if you are unsatisfied with both) does it actually matter?
I keep reassuring people who say that the flesh is meaningless and weak, and that only the spirit counts for anything, that they should act on their beliefs, pray up a storm of requests for forgiveness, and then do themselves (and, not so incidentally, the rest of us) a favor by killing themselves.
«The creationist side use to stick to the 6000 year calculation based on ages of people recorded in the Bible until certain trees have been demonstrated to be over 10,000 years old by counting their growth rings.»
If we still have our laws determined by the European Court of Justice, then our parliament is no longer able to make all our laws, and the votes of the British peoples do not count because our laws are made and interpreted by a foreign court.
By actual count, less than one third of the people who attended the postservice discussion were able to make a clear statement of the sermon's central question and the «answer» that it offered.
Each activity should make itself count by contributing significantly to the growth of persons in their ability to live creatively and to love themselves, others, and God more fully.
I count myself lucky that I am where I am today, and that even though I am with my deepest regards sorry for what has happened to 9/11 and other radical Muslim attacks, I am also sorry for those poor boys in Afghanistan, who believe they have no life in this world, the boys who will never get a good education, the boys who will never be thought of boys, but terrorists, murderers, and worthy of nothing but dirt by people, never to truly lead a good life.
New forms become necessary when people lose confidence in the older ones, and Judaism, by anyone's count, is very old.
There it means, according to Luke Johnson, «to «cover over» something by overlooking or forgiving or not counting against» people the wrong they have done.
I don't know the total number killed in the Netherlands during the revolt, but I know at least a thousand people were executed by the council after they had the counts of Egmont and Horne decapitated; they were Catholic nobles loyal to the King of Spain, but were executed under the premise that their tolerance for Protestantism was treasonous behavior.
Asked to «count your many blessings, name them one by one» as the old hymn puts it, most people could find things to be thankful for — events, circumstances, persons — experiences that have yielded happiness.
The Pietistic movements, initiated by such people as Philipp Spener and Count von Zinzendorf, and spread by the Moravian Brethren, did much to revitalize Protestant church life.
So if you accept that all are effectively trying to name after the same person then the count of all those permutations means that Mohammed is the most popular If you are the BBC or a Government official then you want to hide the fact that the Muslims are out breeding the indigenous population by counting each spelling as an unique instance
If something new happens — that means, that forgiveness is not a necessary result determined by the nature of the man who forgives, something upon which the offender can count (if he did, he would obviously be unworthy of it); but it is an act arising wholly from the free good will of a person, wholly a gift.
He has a presentiment of the dreadful event, that a jealous criticism will many a time let him feel the birch; he trembles at the still more dreadful thought that one or another enterprising scribe, a gulper of paragraphs, who to rescue learning is always willing to do with other peoples» writings what Trop «to save appearances» magnanimously resolved to do, though it were «the destruction of the human race» — that is, he will slice the author into paragraphs, and will do it with the same inflexibility as the man who in the interest of the science of punctuation divided his discourse by counting the words, so that there were fifty words for a period and thirty - five for a semicolon.
I've been warned by more people than I can count that if I don't say just the right thing, if I don't toe the party line when it comes to sexuality, I could lose speaking engagements, book deals, readers, even fellowship with other believers.
we only know by observing externally or what is being shown to us... so in my opinion what he has inside of him is between him and his The Creator... and I would not put myself in a sit of judge as I am not assign to do that... all i care about that he is doing the right thing for American people and the people around the earth... thats all count to me...
by your description i think the population of godly people on the planet can be counted on the fingers of a leper's hand.
Hence the destruction of rural communities does not count against the gain in per capita income achieved by reducing the number of persons living on the land while producing the same quantity of agricultural products.
When saying Merry Christmas has become a bad thing, when we can no longer have the peoples vote counted and respected by judges and elected officials, when health care for aids and other associated dieses is covered, when kids in school have to be subjected to demonstrations of gay bedroom life when the mayor of NY will no longer without reason and against the law rent churches public buildings, when teen pregnancies up 45 percent will be paid for by us the people of the US with all the cost completely covered.
Polycarp: «I would have counted you worthy to be reasoned with; for we have been taught to give honor as it is fit, where we can without harm, to governments and powers ordained by God, but I do not think the people are worthy to hear any defense from me».
The 19 % count is based on aggregated surveys of 19,377 people conducted by the Pew Research Center throughout 2011 and reported by USA Today.
Follow - up questions about what people meant by «attending church» revealed that a few were counting things other than attending worship — such as going to weddings, funerals, committee meetings, Sunday school and choir practice.
So of course I was all up in arms when I found out that a bunch of publishers and politicians tried to «civilize» these documents by taking out the parts they didn't like — the n - word from a new edition of Huck Finn and those embarrassing sections about slaves counting as three - fifths of a person in Congress» reading of the Constitution.
the messianic judge will count every act of charity rendered to the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, and imprisoned as done unto him and every such person neglected as the neglect of him, a thought briefly and concisely summarized by the extra-canonical saying of Jesus, «If you have seen your brother, you have seen your Lord.»
To his meal came old friends, including Spalatin; and following them came newer friends and a hundred other people, so that he was «greeted and visited through the whole night by many counts, barons, gilded knights and nobles, ecclesiastical and lay».
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