Sentences with phrase «by crucifixion»

Crucially, the Koran contends that Jesus did not die by crucifixion.
3 Jesus did not die on the cross Surah 4:157 in the Koran denies that Jesus was killed by crucifixion, but states that it was only «made to appear so».
And I am grateful to have been redeemed by the crucifixion of the Lord.
The endorsing of genocide, rape, torture, slavery, misogyny, infanticide, etc. is not erased by the crucifixion.
A: God wanted to damn everybody, but His vindictive sadism was sated by the crucifixion of His own Son, who was quite innocent, and therefore a particularly attractive victim.
And then he also proceeds to explain to him that his calling will mean death by crucifixion in his old age.
The Prophets condemned the Temple system, as did Jesus and that is why he was assassinated by crucifixion by the Jewish clergy who were in the control of the Romans.
Simplistic growth models such as unfolding flowers are deceptively attractive but inadequate when applied to the complexities of human life The recognition that «dying» precedes rebirth is a valuable part of ancient Christian wisdom (expressed symbolically by crucifixion preceding resurrection).
True, Ivan's Christ has offered the world freedom, which the world has forsaken for bread, but what Ivan leaves out of his «respondeo» to his brother is that Christ by his crucifixion has also offered the world the divine exemplar of suffering, the one interpretation of the mystery of human suffering that can stand up to Ivan's withering attack.
During this process of pacification, Christians were tortured and executed by crucifixion and anazuri, the practice of hanging a victim upside - down above a pit until he bled out or apostatized.
«It's strange that Christians so rarely talk about failure when we claim to follow a guy whose three - year ministry was cut short by his crucifixion.
No doubt they would have agreed before the festival that fast action was to be taken against any disturbance and that a few examples by crucifixion might be especially useful at the outset.
The New Testament proclaims that no matter how evil the sin, God stands ready to receive the sinner and to forgive the sin, He stands ready to receive into his own being all the evil of the world to bring about its transformation, and this experience of evil is the divine suffering epitomized by the crucifixion.
Shortly after creating a male or female character, the player is convicted of a crime and sentenced to death by crucifixion until Conan manages to save the day.
When he faced death by crucifixion, he spent the night in prayer and told his disciples, «My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.»
Perhaps that is why, in debate with Muslims, many Christian apologists have focused on the case for Christ's death by crucifixion.
The question with which we should approach them is, how did his followers, who knew that he had been put to death by crucifixion, come to be convinced that he was still alive?
We not only have the Gospel accounts of Jesus» life, but his death by crucifixion is one of the most widely attested events in the ancient world, written about by contemporary historians such as Josephus and Tacitus.
The hinge on which that faith turned was the belief that Jesus, having been put to death by crucifixion, «rose from the dead.»
«He was delivered up by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, and you, by the agency of men without the law, killed Him by crucifixion» (ii.
Virtually every serious historian acknowledges the following basic facts about Jesus: that he died by crucifixion, that his disciples genuinely believed that he rose from the dead and that they had seen Jesus, and that the early Church exploded in numbers soon after Jesus» death.
And in his own death by crucifixion, Jesus himself died the death of an outcast abandoned even by those who had been closest to him.
Death by crucifixion was quite probably the most shameful situation imaginable for an individual at the time of Jesus.
Certain key historical facts are well established: the death by crucifixion and burial of Jesus, reports that his tomb had been found empty, and that some of Jesus» followers had experiences (they believed) of the risen Jesus.
That is why only Muslim scholars deny Jesus» death by crucifixion.
Pilate ordered Jesus put to death by crucifixion, the most horrible form of execution that the callous Romans had been able to devise; the sentence was carried out on a hill named Golgotha just outside Jerusalem on a spring day in the year A.D. 30.
Multiple ancient sources report Jesus» death by crucifixion, including Jewish, Gentile, and Christian records.
Ally advanced the koranic view of Jesus: that, despite all the reports, Jesus did not die by crucifixion.
Jesus» behavior did not allow the threat of a cruel death by crucifixion to deflect the focus of attention.
An awareness of promise often miraculously blossoms even amidst the most absurd circumstances: barrenness and infertility; conditions of oppression and slavery; exile from homeland; death by crucifixion.
His parents are X and Y — his aunts and uncles are A, B, C D. His father's occupation will be Z. 33 years after his birth, at such and such a place, he will be charged by ZZ, and condemned to die by crucifixion.
«While the brute fact that of Jesus» death by crucifixion is historically certain, however, those detailed narratives in our present gospels are much more problematic.»
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