Sentences with phrase «by cultic»

The priest sees God's goal as something much more immediately manageable; namely a world where life is regulated by the God - given law, and any margin of failure is covered by cultic atonement.
We can not at this point follow the tragic, challenging story of Jeremiah, but with reference to the law he saw, more clearly than any other man of his time, that its essence could not be fulfilled by cultic busyness at the temple.
It is less true of specifically religious organizations that are held together primarily or exclusively by cultic bonds.
In the first instance and frequently in the second, it is patterned after «secular» models (the father as leader of a cult - group, tribal organization paralleled by cultic set - up).

Not exact matches

The pagan Canaanite religious worship of the people of Sodom included the cultic, religious, se.xual activity which was forbidden by God in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 and Deuteronomy 23:17 - 18.
Although it would be foolish to demarcate too rigidly cultic and other depictions of the emperor, as in some way all imperial ideology was pervaded by religious conceptualizations of the imperial figure, the emperor was more than the cult, and imperial ideology was embodied in other forms and practices, many of which still require extensive examination (for example, its significance in the ideological construction of gender in the empire, and particularly of the body, is only just becoming visible).
We must reject extreme positions which seek to clarify all possible uncertainties in Old Testament prophetism by analogy with associations of cultic personnel in ancient Mesopotamia, the broader West Semitic areas, and in Arabia.
Thus, in the very things most characteristic of the religion of ancient man, namely altars, sacrifices and temples, the prophets of Israel took the first steps in the direction of their abolition, for YHWH, being wholly different from the ancient gods, neither required the old cultic offerings, nor did He dwell in a house made by hands.
this tendency unwittingly by emphasizing the narrowly cultic and liturgical elements in the Christian life to such an extent that the cry for desacralization becomes the inevitable extreme reaction against it.
But on this foundation it sets a temporary superstructure of cultic apparatus for mediating covenant communion with God; and this apparatus the New Testament replaces with the new and better covenant (that is, the better version of God's one gracious covenant) which is founded on better promises and maintained by the sacrifice and intercession of Jesus Christ, the better and greater high priest.
In the great Western civilizations, this manifests itself partly by their individual spheres isolating themselves and each of them establishing its own basis and order, and partly by the principle itself losing its absolute character and validity, so that the holy norm degenerates into a human convention, or by the attachment to the absolute being reduced, avowedly or unavowedly, to a mere symbolic - ritual requirement, which may be adequately satisfied in the cultic sphere.
Observing the practice of a cultic group, the outsider may be inclined to compare the «control» exercised by a religious leader to that in political or economic organizations without realizing that obedience may in each case be very differently motivated, and that it hence may not be really the same thing.
The kings were commissioned by God and responsible to Him, but they tended to sublimate the irresponsibility into a divine right granted without obligation and to regard their anointing as demanding of them a merely cultic acknowledgment of YHVH's kingship.
The great «I,» who was bound by no form and hence by no place, was progressively understood to be fully independent of his people and their cultic worship.
The distinction between ethical principles, on the one hand, and ancient taboos and cultic rules, on the other, may have been tentatively and provisionally made by some Pharisees, but in Jesus it took on unequivocal and uncompromising character.
The theme is simple and single: they stoutly refuse to make any theological or cultic compromise in the face of the King's dire threats (it is Nebuchadnezzar by name, but obviously Antiochus Epiphanes in intent), and through every trial they emerge unscathed.
Unlike the gods of surrounding nations, Yahweh does not appear mainly to create a sacred place, a cultic center, where human culture is protected by becoming close to unchanging divine reality.
So to ensure the return of the spring and to promote a successful and plentiful season he sought to win the favor of the gods concerned, by playing his traditional part in the cultic ritual.
Form criticism underscores the role of oral tradition by demonstrating that much of profoundest meaning in the Old Testament is closely related to a continuing cultic activity which was largely sustained by the mouth and memory of successive generations of participants.
As Christmas and Easter are commonly celebrated by perhaps the majority of celebrants, any latter - day «prophet» might be constrained to cry out, «Thus says the Lord, «I hate, I repudiate your feasts...»» It is perfectly clear, however, that the articulation and, indeed, the very preservation of Christian faith requires the cultic enactment of birth and death and resurrection — this appropriation of the past for the present and the consequent faithful union of time in hope and confidence in the future.
By thus extending the commandment to all the domains of life of the community and the individual, whether moral, juridic, or cultic, we only express the amplitude of this phenomenon without thereby really illuminating its specific nature.
Unless, the blacksmith can build a cultic following by his amazing speaking personality.
«Cultic worship» is a practice performed by a person empowered by the deity to serve as intermediary between human beings and divine powers by presiding over an esoteric ritual (usually a sacrifice) which evokes an appearance of divine power for the benefit of the worshiper.
As has been defined by Arvind P. Nirmal, religion, for me, is a «symbol - system» that not only reflects the world - view of the adherent community in talks and rituals but also has a profound influence on the very value - system of the community.9 And since the data consists mostly of observations by others I would pick up cultic practices like festivals and related rituals.
The first section is characterized by the formula, «If so - and - so... he (the offender) shall do thus - and - so...» This is termed «casuistic» law, and is generally thought to have been derived largely from the Canaanites; for the most part it has to do with what we should commonly call secular rather than specifically cultic or religious matters.
I myself was extremely surprised to find that in contemporary Buddhism, a much more central role is played by its liturgical and cultic elements.
Where intimations of eternal life do appear in the Hebrew Bible, they are driven by the same passion for monotheism and longing for communion with God that, at an earlier stage, had to exert itself against preoccupation (especially of a cultic sort) with the dead.
Perhaps the reminder is again in order that Israel's interest in the original «event» rests predominantly in its present and continuing meaning that the form of the narrative before us is unquestionably cultically conditioned, that is, shaped by the influences of cultic circles at centers of worship in which, the tradition was maintained; and that this cultic tradition returns an image of Moses formed out of long years of meditation on the total significance of his life and time through the succeeding generations of Israel's life.
4 - 9) is enigmatic: does it preserve the memory of actual casualties inflicted by serpents; or is it a cultic etiology to explain the presence of a bronze serpent in the Jerusalem temple in Hezekiah's time (II Kings 18:4); or is it distantly related to ancient, primitive cultic use of the serpent symbol?
By the time we read of such figures as Annas and Caiphas the role of the High Priest had both a cultic and a political side.
«2 Seeking the essence of Christianity, Troeltsch threaded his way between arguments for the knowledge of God by linguistic formulation and other arguments that discovered the path in mystical encounter.3 He located the bond between humanity and God in the cultic life of the community.
«Growing Kids God's Way — Not Ezzo's» «Clarifications» «On the Cultic Mindset, Ezzoism, and Sleeping Through the Night» by Dr. Bob Bixby, Morningstar Baptist Church
«The Cultic Characteristics of Growing Families International: More than a Parenting Ministry» PDF version by Kathleen Terner and Elliott Miller, Christian Research Journal
Kicked out of the Surrealist movement by André Breton at age 19, he served in the U.S. army during WWII, ran a restaurant in Tangier, invented a «cut - up» technique of Dada - inspired writing that he shared with William Burroughs (who called him «the only man I truly respected»), and created a brand of experimental art that ranged from cultic drawings to his famed «Dreamachine» of 1961, which used a flicker effect to mesmerize audiences.
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