Sentences with phrase «by cultural norms»

These findings are encouraging because they suggest that brief interventions, targeted specifically to the intended population, can be effective in overcoming barriers established by cultural norms that transcend 2 generations.
Many families introduce solid foods and liquids other than breast milk or formula early in life, often within the first few weeks.1 — 4,21 Reasons for the early introduction of food suggest that big infants are considered to be healthy22and solids are regarded as having more nutritional value and ability to satisfy infants, compared with formula.21 Mothers often look to their infants for cues regarding hunger and satiety and reason that with solid foods their infants will feel satisfied and will cry less and sleep through the night.21 Therefore, many mothers are encouraged by cultural norms transmitted through their families to start solid foods early in life, contrary to the recommendations that they may receive from WIC or from their pediatrician.
Furthermore, since human perceptions and responses are shaped largely by cultural norms and other social and economic forces, they are most appropriately studied through social research.
Barter economies, limiting carbon footprints, self - discipline («I will NOT buy that»), and critical thinking aren't new, just beyond the reach of many due to brainwashing by cultural norms... let's change that!
So even if you have not personally struggled with an eating disorder, it is impossible not to be affected by the cultural norms and expectations about weight and diet.
The misunderstanding about Catholics and their relationship with Mary is unfortunate because Mary as model offers much to the women CURE serves» women often gravely oppressed by cultural norms.

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Yesterday, Dara Khosrowshahi took his next step forward by publishing what he's calling «Uber's new cultural norms» on LinkedIn.
This precious metal carries an important cultural norm over in India, as the value of each family is often determined by the amount of gold that they possess, in the region.
A book, written by greedy patriarchal elite, re-written, edited to fit the cultural norms of the day says so... so why not buy it hook, line, and sinker?
While this relativity can be interpreted to mean that values are wholly defined by the circumstances of culture and are merely expressions of cultural exigencies, the insistent pressures of the human conscience, oftentimes in contradiction to accepted cultural norms, render this interpretation doubtful.
Maturity is won by the trained capacity to negotiate the conflicting discourses between cultural norms and instinct.
Each awakening has occurred during a period of profound cultural disorientation, when the whole cultural system was jarred by disjunctions between old beliefs and new realities, past norms and present experience, dying patterns and emerging patterns of behavior.
It is the fundamental reality, from the people's perspective, that throughout history, religio - cultural institutions have often been dominated by the powerful; their norms, contents, styles, communication and transmutation, have been controlled by the powerful elite.
Such cultural violence may take the form of cultural deprivation through the monopoly of cultural institutions by the power elite of a given civilization, or cultural repression through the arbitrary imposition of the values and norms of the powerful.
If we want to be places that embrace the contributions of women, value their giftedness, and encourage them to tell their stories, we need to start by confronting the ways we too have become complicit with cultural norms and narratives.
«Interestingly, [our] study did not find significant clustering of muscle - enhancing behaviors within schools,» said Eisenberg, which suggests that, «rather than being driven by a particular sports team coach or other features of a school social landscape, muscle - enhancing behaviors are widespread and influenced by factors beyond school, likely encompassing social and cultural variables such as media messages and social norms of behavior more broadly.»
Going against the cultural norm isn't easy so everyone that does EC is probably best served by not behaving like a berserker defending the cause.
Passionate Journey: My Unexpected Life, by Marian Tompson, Just Released by Hale Publishing What does it take to change established childbirth practices, hospital procedures, infant nutrition standards, and cultural norms that work against the best interests of mothers and their babies?
The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that breastfeeding continue throughout the first year of life and that «As recommended by the WHO, breastfeeding should ideally continue beyond infancy, but this is not the cultural norm in the United States and requires ongoing support and encouragement.
«As recommended by the WHO, breastfeeding should ideally continue beyond infancy, but this is not the cultural norm in the United States and requires ongoing support and encouragement.
Baby beds are commonly used in countries affected by modernization, employed by the majority of parents as a substitute to sharing a bed or due to social and cultural norms.
Whether breastfeeding is your cultural norm or not, attending a workshop like this led by a passionate doula provides the education, troubleshooting and positive thinking for a head start in the learning curve.
For the record, the American Academy of Family Physicians has said: «As recommended by the WHO, breastfeeding should ideally continue beyond infancy, but this is not the cultural norm in the United States and requires ongoing support and encouragement.
I hope we can learn from our mistakes because I think people are being hurt by the accepted cultural attitudes of social norms.
These include the introduction of territorially autonomous regimes that can be formed without the need to have been part of other pre-existing political - administrative divisions, but on the bases of ethno - cultural features; the recognition of community justice as parallel and coexistent with ordinary justice, exercised by the «native indigenous peasant nations and peoples» authorities according to their principles, cultural values, norms and proceedings» (Art. 199); and the consolidation of a system of collective land titling following ethnicity - based criteria.
«Women of Ondo State, let us inspire, encourage and demand change in the workplace by being educated and empowered, by being determined and passionate and by empowering ourselves, by changing some harmful cultural norms limiting our daughters such as early marriage, female genital mutilation and so on.»
«Cultural differences in gender norms provide North African French boys less freedom to deviate from traditional gender roles and norms than that experienced by European French boys,» explains Isabelle Regner, professor of psychology at Aix - Marseille Universite and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), who coauthored the study.
The differences are dictated by known cultural differences in cognition and social norms
AAAS has encouraged the development of ethical standards by scientists to encourage responsible conduct, stressing the importance of protecting established cultural and ethical norms of information privacy and data integrity.
The paper emphasizes the cultural norms that underpin China's fisheries management — norms that are often overlooked and misunderstood by Western scientists.
All of our looks are breaking the cultural barrier by wearing things outside of the perceived «norm
Without social media, teenage - centric style norms were created by merging cultural influencers with must - have pieces (separated by brand hierarchy) to establish a relevant aesthetic.
On the other hand, the theory of cultural relativism is based on the idea that there are no objective criteria by which people with different social and religious norms and perspectives can be distinguished.
However, because corporal punishment is a cultural norm in some conflict environments, teachers may react to disruptive kids by beating them, especially those who display their trauma by acting out violently, Corbin says.
Never underestimate the power of The Hidden Curriculum — it represents a set of unspoken cultural norms that don't find their way into most textbooks, but that your students will be judged by as they go forward in life.
The authors also point out that sustained programs of professional development and support are required «if the substantial rewards promised by the research evidence are to be secured,» so that each teacher can «find his or her own ways of incorporating [feedback] into his or her own patterns of classroom work and into the cultural norms and expectations of a particular school community.»
By addressing cultural and ethnic norms reflected within a group of culturally diverse students, teachers can support student success.
Students, faculty, and staff are held accountable for living these values, and they are reinforced by authentic «cultural norms» shared by all.
The 688 students attending orientation at Harvard Graduate School of Education last week were asked to go even further by practicing some of these cultural norms at the «Building Positive Multicultural Environments» session led by Lecturer Josephine Kim.
Among the many powerful benefits that can accrue when students work together lies one potential danger: the possibility of cheating, which can arise from complex group dynamics and a school's cultural norms, and which can be masked by the very collaboration that educators want to encourage.
These expectations are based on cultural norms and education is highly regarded and supported by the general populous in both countries.
Community cat issues are complex and varied, impacted by geography, climate, the presence of other animals including predators, past and current community cat programming, cultural norms and numerous other factors.
The exhibition, presented by LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes and California Historical Society, will examine a group of murals produced in the greater L.A. area from the 1970s to the 2000s that were threatened or destroyed, and explore how their iconography, content, and artistic strategies challenged dominant cultural norms and historical narratives.
In practice we do go beyond fulfilling the norms and Regulations from the Park (Sernamp and the Cultural Peruvian Institute) when all the operators by ethics and principles must fulfill it, some operators use to make a good impression of themselves and surprise their clients but many of them neither respect or follow correctly these norms and regulations.
His prints, videos, sculptures, and performances challenge established social norms by giving visibility to the cultural outsider.
His performances» raw intensity often included the graphic acting out of taboo ideas and behaviors, acting out against the imposition of cultural norms by television programming, Disney.
Several norms, cultural practices and identity are intricately intertwined with items of trade brought in by the trading companies in the 17th and 18th centuries.
We talk about culture and mindset as the operating system of your business, and the only way to make sure that this kind of turmoil doesn't impact your business is by proactively building cultural norms.
His paintings and drawings are built up by combining multiple disparate references, often with the result of lampooning or critiquing politics or cultural norms through a method that has been termed «reverse anthropology.»
In Yee's work, the feminine body is marked both by its biological functions as well as the social and cultural norms that regulate it.
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