Sentences with phrase «by delegating responsibility»

Develops success by delegating responsibility to qualified subordinates, always planning ahead for network needs and staying up to date on the latest technology.
By delegating responsibilities according to individual strengths, we are able to best serve the dogs we are all here to help.

Not exact matches

Leaders don't succeed by barking orders and imposing their will but by delegating, trusting and taking responsibility.
Do not delegate this responsibility to one person by hiring a vice president of customer experience.
That will leave us more time to focus on the core responsibilities of our jobs unencumbered by things we can easily delegate to a robot or automated machine.
The Board has delegated certain of its responsibilities to two committees, each of which has specific roles and responsibilities as defined by the Board.
Perform any other duties or responsibilities expressly delegated to the Committee by the Board from time to time relating to the Company's compensation programs.
As the highest executive body within the SFC, the ExCo is charged with administrative, financial and management responsibilities delegated by the Board.
The Managing Member owns 90 % of the Company and is therefore in control of the Companys operations, the Securities Member owns 10 % of the Company and while it has no management or control rights, it does have the ability to supervise and help run this Offering in the place of the Managing Member, as well as any other responsibilities delegated by the Managing Member in their mutual discretion.
In addition, the HR and Compensation Committee may delegate any of its duties and responsibilities, including the administration of equity incentive or employee benefit plans, to one or more of its members, to one or more other directors, or to one or more other persons, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable laws or listing standards.
The HR and Compensation Committee may create a subcommittee consisting of one or more of its members and may delegate any of its duties and responsibilities to such subcommittee, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable laws or listing standards.
As a player who has had responsibility thrown at him by club and country from a very young age, Rooney hasn't always found it easy to let go and delegate duties to others.
In his absence, the master of ceremonies responsibilities fell to LG Bob Duffy, who offered praise from the podium for the «four courageous Republican senators who crossed over to support that bill» and called for a round of applause for them — a call that was heeded by only a smattering of delegates more interested in political gossip and eggs.
Silver arrived at his ninth floor office in the L.O.B. shortly after 9 a.m., and was soon joined by the five members he had proposed to delegate some leadership responsibilities to: Majority Leader Joe Morelle, Bronx Democratic chairman Carl Heastie, Joe Lentol of Brooklyn, Cathy Nolan of Queens and Denny Farrell, who chairs the chamber's Ways & Means committee.
ALBANY — Some lawmakers reacted with skepticism to a proposal by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to retain his post while delegating some responsibility to five senior members.
That view is backed in a report by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC), an industry - funded nonprofit to which Congress has delegated responsibility for ensuring the reliability of the electric delivery system.
The Executive Committee shall have responsibility for all general business affecting the welfare of the Pacific Division that is not otherwise delegated by the Bylaws, including the organization of any meetings of the Division held in conjunction with its affiliated societies.
In fact, they saw it as a foundational responsibility of any government and determined that it was best left to the states under the Tenth Amendment, which says, «The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.»
By deliberately grouping students with varying technical expertise, teachers can delegate computer training to students, thus shifting some instructional responsibility to students.
«The General Assembly can not constitutionally delegate this responsibility to unregulated private schools by use of taxpayer opportunity scholarships to low income parents who have self - assessed their children to be at risk,» he said.
The Chief Executive holds responsibility for the day to day operations of the Learning Trust, as delegated by the Board of Directors.
The responsibility for education resides with the states which, in turn, have delegated substantial authority to local educational agencies, which are governed by local school boards.
Prior to delegating the proxy voting responsibility, CSIM will review each sub-adviser's proxy voting policy to determine whether it believes that each sub-adviser's proxy voting policy is generally consistent with the maximization of the value of CSIM's clients» investments by protecting the long - term best interest of shareholders.
The second piece is to empower people to do the job, by delegating and giving people responsibility.
Retailers who try to micro-manage will alienate everyone, so they must be willing to delegate responsibility and accept decisions made by others if they prove successful.
Western delegates said they were disappointed by the characterization of the talks as a rich - poor struggle over responsibilities to address climate change.
Trustees should set out in writing the limits of any delegated authority while remembering that they can not delegate their overall responsibility — trustees always remain collectively responsible for all decisions made and actions taken by them on behalf of the charity.
In response to a series of corporate scandals in recent years, the American Bar Association House of Delegates yesterday adopted new lawyer conduct rules based on three proposals submitted by the ABA Task Force on Corporate Responsibility.
This will depend on whether the additional responsibilities will be supported by the necessary resourcing to support their CIGO role and their current position, and whether they are able to delegate, as appropriate, current responsibilities to ensure they can dedicate sufficient time to their Information Governance responsibilities.
Where the responsibilities of the office created by statute are such that delegation is inevitable, there will be an implied power to delegate.
As a business owner, you most likely realize the importance of delegating responsibility, so let a Trusted Choice ® member agent help you with your insurance search by doing the legwork for you.
Show your boss you are management material by demonstrating you can delegate work to others and are willing to take responsibility for not only their successes, but their failures as well.
Perform leadership responsibilities within areas and limits of authority as delegated by director.
Flexible work arrangements, for instance, are prioritized by people who have responsibilities at home that can not be delegated.
Specific work elements Delegating, supervising and reviewing responsibilities of subordinates, keeping detailed books, accounts and records of the company, maintaining internal accounting controls, hiring and training personnel required in achieving accounting goals, monitoring account receivables and solving payment problems, making recommendations about new accounting programs and performing other duties assigned by management.
Managed multiple construction projects by efficiently delegating responsibility and implementing effective communication policies.
They do this by delegating some of their responsibilities to the junior staff and taking up supervisory duties in order to ensure that an office functions smoothly.
Responsibilities Interacted with existing clients and provided customer support Performed client analysis and developed product solution strategies Overseen employees and delegated work Improved customer service through feedback and by implementing new policies and procedures Recruited and trained service representatives
Developed direct reports by delegating appropriate tasks and responsibilities.
The feedback you get from references, along with other information provided by the company, should make you feel comfortable about delegating the management responsibilities for your property.
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