Sentences with phrase «by diabetics for»

Pure glucose is sold in tablet or dextrose syrup form and is commonly used by diabetics for low - blood sugar, but alone is not the ideal energy choice for running.
It's often feared by diabetics for that very reason.

Not exact matches

The prototype, which Google says will take at least five years to reach consumers, is one of several medical devices being designed by companies to make glucose monitoring for diabetic patients more convenient and less invasive than the traditional finger pricks.
By junior year, he and a friend launched Dropsense, a mobile alert system for diabetics, and had a clinical trial all lined up to go.
So please do me the honour take this time to check out all the amazing recipes created by my participating bloggers, because I am so touched that they all wanted to take part and to take a stab at creating a diabetic - friendly recipe for World Diabetes Day.
Pomegranates have been shown to be beneficial for Type 2 Diabetics in some studies, by increasing insulin secretion and assisting in weight loss.
Yacon — The perfect sweetener for those on a diett or diabetic, as this South American root is not absorbed by thee body, therefore it has a low callorie impact on it.
By mixing up the variety of offerings, we can be friendly to diabetic and non-dairy customers while offering ice cream for the non-frozen yogurt customer.
Do you have tasty recipes you'd like to share or are you looking for a recipe which is used by other diabetics?
I had this recipe recommended to me by someone on the UK Diabetic web site forum and tried it because I am a newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetic and I was looking for low carb meals.
It possesses outstanding health benefits especially for the diabetics and those challenged by obesity and high cholesterol issues and is about ten times more expensive but worth every penny.
For a number of years I've been following the Blood Type O Diet By Dr Peter D'Adamo after deciding to lose weight so I didn't become diabetic — it runs in my family as does Celiacs.
I am not gluten intolerant but diabetic and controlled by diet which means NO flour — after making 72 + dozen hamantachen (which I can't eat) I was wondering about using Almond flour and got your great recipe — So I substituted Waldon farms rasperberry spread (zero carbs) for jam and took out the agave nectar (used DaVinici sugar free Vanilla and Cocomut spyrups — I don't use agave nectar as it is a fructose and can cause high triglicerides) but oh to have a hamantash that I can eat — Thank you!
Sure you can minimise risk at home by having at least two CNMs who are accredited with the local hospital, a minimum standard for prenatal care and testing, strict risk - out criteria (no primips, twins, breech, PIH, diabetics) and liberal transfer policy, but there will always be unforeseen complications.
Anyone who has ever received what looks like a local call on their cell phone but then gets a robocall sales pitch for discount diabetic supplies or a free Bahamas cruise may appreciate what the Federal Communications Commission is doing by cracking down on «spoof calls.»
but by your logic, someone high on drugs can just tell the cop they re diabetic, ask for juice and be let off with a pat on the head and a warning... is that enough outside of the box thinking for ya?
I was diagnosed as a diabetic in 1994, my control was very poor and by 2007 I was warned that I was entering a high risk zone for a stroke or heart attack.
Developed by Google's secretive Google X arm, the initial prototype is designed to monitor glucose for diabetics.
By the late 1970s Boyer's company, Genentech, was churning out insulin for diabetics using Escherichia coli modified to contain a synthetic human gene.
Earlier this month, a network of researchers supported by the National Eye Institute (NEI) found that the drug Lucentis (ranibizumab) can be highly effective for treating proliferative diabetic retinopathy, an eye disease that can occur as a complication of diabetes.
Competitions that are currently under way include one sponsored by the California Healthcare Foundation on identifying diabetic retinopathy in eye images and using U.S. Forest Service data to predict types of tree cover for a given location.
Their findings, reported June 17 in the journal Neuron, could lead to treatments for chronic pain conditions caused by nerve damage, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), as well as chronic inflammation, like rheumatoid arthritis.
Study findings indicate that among older adults who had diabetes for a shorter duration (9 years or less), nonfatal cardiovascular complications had the highest incidence (coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and cerebrovascular disease), followed by diabetic eye disease and acute hypoglycemic events.
The idea is that, by placing an adult cell from a diabetic, for example, into a human egg cell, the egg cell could turn back the clock of the adult DNA, or reprogram it, to its initial, pristine state.
«A potential new treatment for diabetic enteropathy might reduce the level of IGFBP3 by preventing its production and release from the liver; however, interfering with liver function is somewhat problematic and potentially dangerous,» says Dr. Fiorina.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says more than 9 percent of the U.S. population has diabetes and an estimated 50 percent of people with diabetes have some form of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, nerve damage caused by high levels of blood sugar, although not all have symptoms.
People were very worried that for example, E. coli would get into people's systems and it would create diabetic comas because it would be churning out insulin inside of our guts, and so on; and actually genetic engineering was banned in Cambridge Massachusetts by the local government because of these fears.
The anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs ranibizumab and aflibercept, used to treat vision loss from diabetic macular edema (DME), and approximately 20 to 30 times more expensive than bevacizumab, are not cost - effective for treatment of DME compared to bevacizumab unless their prices decrease substantially, according to a study published online by JAMA Ophthalmology.
These plant «milks» are characterized by a profile of healthy fatty acids and carbohydrates with low glycaemic index (suitable for diabetics).
To function as a scientific discovery engine that can be harnessed by the community at large, and assist in the selection of new targets for diabetic drug design.
This research points to exciting new possibilities for preventing or reversing the disabling vision loss caused by age - related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, and other diseases that damage the retina, the layer of light - sensitive nerve cells that line the back of the eye.
Furthermore, sex - specific differences in gene polymorphism are suggested by one study showing that diabetic women carrying ACE D allele have a higher risk for development of diabetic nephropathy, which was not seen in diabetic men (Table 2)(331).
As a new finding, we describe here that impaired GS activity in cell cultures established from type 2 diabetic subjects can be compensated for by increasing insulin concentrations in a dose - dependent manner.
For example, beluga whales live rough 50 some years, they are short - lived whales, some of them get type II diseases and as such, show diabetic human - like features of accelerated collagen crosslinking by AGEs production during glycation / glycoxidation to their hyperglycemia.
We evaluated the capacity for glucose uptake in control and diabetic cultures precultured under three different insulin concentrations and found that when precultured with 1 pmol / l and 1 nmol / l insulin, the basal glucose uptake was reduced by 30 % (P < 0.05) in diabetic cultures compared with control cultures (Fig. 5).
Among the newly funded investigations are: the development of animal models of diabetic eye disease to learn how fenofibrate, a drug clinically - approved to treat cholesterol, protects the eye from diabetes - related damage; the development of a specialized camera to capture how the retina's rods and cones (responsible for turning light energy into shapes and colors) work in health and how they fail in retinal diseases; and the exploration of mechanisms by which intestinal tract bacteria impact the health of the eye.
Results: Amid emerging concerns that blood platelets donated for transfusion by individuals with Type 2 diabetes may be unsafe, scientists are reporting the first detailed identification and quantification of proteins in the platelets from diabetic donors.
Dr. King's research focuses on unearthing the causes of diabetic complications by exploring insulin actions on blood vessels, discovering factors and new treatments for diabetic complications, and understanding the reasons for the high rate of diabetes in Asian Americans.
From these cell based and clinical studies, we have developed important mechanistic ideas such as activation of protein kinase C, the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and selective insulin resistance as some of the basic mechanisms for the pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular and cardiovascular diseases which are now widely studied by multiple laboratories.
Additional inhibitors targeting this pathway are under development by multiple pharmaceutical companies for this genetic disease and other conditions, including diabetic macular edema.
Landmark research published by City of Hope researchers showed, for the first time, a connection between complex epigenetic mechanisms, blood glucose levels and diabetic complications in patients with metabolic memory.
To overcome this limitation, a team led by JAX Assistant Professor Michael Stitzel, Ph.D., isolated single cells from the pancreatic islets of both non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic subjects to obtain transcriptomes for each cell.
The researchers also found that the sufferers of Type 2 diabetes improved their sensitivity to insulin by 40 percent after exposure to intermittent cold for 10 days, levels similar to diabetic drugs.
Because of the water loss caused by the frequent bathroom visits, diabetics start to feel thirsty a lot more and their bodies need a lot more water in order to compensate for the loss.
(PFIZER) There is no magic bullet for fibromyalgia, but sufferers have access now to a drug approved in 2007 by the Food and Drug Administration to treat the pain of this syndrome: Pfizer's Lyrica (pregabalin), a medication previously approved to treat diabetic nerve damage, pain from shingles, and partial seizures.
For diabetic to use the Diabetics Acid - Alkaline Food Chart below she or he needs to abide, at the same time, by the Alkaline Diet rule as well as the Glycemic Index rule.
Good for diabetics: Some studies suggest that they can also control blood sugar by preventing the sugar to convert into simple sugars.
I cured my diabetic problem by going low carb high protein for about a year.
By far, the best test subject for insulin resistance is a Type - 1 diabetic.
A great place to start a result driven leg workout is by visiting exercises for diabetics today where you will get information on additional exercises for diabetics....
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