Sentences with phrase «by dietary»

This way you can monitor your pet carefully for any changes in health, elimination habits, or behavior that may be caused by dietary changes.
Urinary concentrations of both calcium and oxalate may be influenced by dietary intakes.
Colitis can also be caused by dietary indiscretion, because as most dog owners know, dogs often eat things that they really shouldn't.
Usually strange eating habits are caused by a nutritional deficiency caused by dietary or absorption problems; other times it is a behavioural issue which requires obedience training to prevent eating non-food items.
Cardiomyopathy can also be caused by a dietary deficiency.
Enzyme supplementation Most dogs and cats with EPI can be successfully treated by dietary supplementation with pancreatic enzymes.
The condition can be caused by dietary indiscretion, drugs, hormonal disorders, pelvic pain, trauma, arthritis, spinal disease, cancer, anal gland infection, bite wounds and dehydration.
Cataracts can be congenital (born with it), age - related; of genetic origin (the most common cause); caused by trauma; by dietary deficiency (some kitten milk replacement formulas have been implicated); by electric shock; or by toxin.
Because most of us spend our childhoods surrounded by cats and dogs, we are often baffled by the dietary habits of our herbivorous pets.
8 The diagnosis of food sensitivity was made by dietary elimination - challenge studies using commercial selected - protein diets (chicken or venison - based).
If it's caused by a dietary indiscretion or a recent diet change, fasting and feeding a bland diet for a few days may help.
Fortunately, by early detection, and then by dietary management and medical therapy, the progression of this disease can be slowed down to many years of a comfortable life.
There is a good chance that the green diarrhea is just caused by dietary discretion (lots of ferret diarrhea is green in color due to the high levels of bile in ferret GI tracts).
As a result of all formulation have been specifically developed by dietary experts, all the arduous work has been accomplished for pet homeowners.
These are usually ears that are inflamed by dietary issues - and finding the proper diet for the cat will generally eliminate the additional ear debris.
These struvite stones are composed of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate, and are primarily caused by dietary magnesium.
Although this type of stone is not readily dissolved by dietary modification, it is possible to reduce the risk of stones forming if a specific diet is fed to dogs.
Many retailers divide the treat displays by dietary classification, with a section for carnivores (ferrets), a section for herbivores (rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, degus and prairie dogs) and a section for omnivores (small rodents).
This is because bulk added by the dietary fiber can help you feel fuller faster.
For example, nitrogen balance and basal metabolic rate were preserved in premenopausal women who consumed a higher protein diet (1.4 g · kg − 1 · d − 1) during a 10 - wk period of negative energy balance induced by dietary restriction coupled with a modest increase in physical activity (15).
Therefore, no statements can be made whether the poorer health in vegetarians in our study is caused by their dietary habit or if they consume this form of diet due to their poorer health status.»
In addition, the human prostate contains tomato carotenoids (15) and intervention studies show that biomarkers related to prostate carcinogenesis may be altered by dietary intervention with tomato products (16, 17).
Intestinal calcium absorption in rats is stimulated by dietary lactulose and other resistant sugars
Enhancement of immunity in the elderly by dietary supplementation with probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis HN019.
For lipids, all the rats did well: «Collectively, these data suggest that atherogenic profiles of both males and females are improved by dietary energy restriction.»
Nighttime activity levels of males and females were unaffected by dietary energy restriction.
Your calf may work harder than what it used to on one leg because of the gait imbalance, or your hamstring may work more because your quad isn't functioning correctly due to the gait and joint disturbances caused by the dietary imbalances; these nutritional dysfunctions affect your nervous system that, in turn, affect the muscles.
Don't feel fatigued by your dietary choices, simply go with your gut.
A reduction in dietary carbohydrate will have the opposite effect and this, coupled with the additional inhibition by dietary cholesterol and fats on endogenous synthesis, is likely to be the mechanism via which physiological ketosis can improve lipid profiles.
Zinc affects the metabolism of thyroid hormones in children with Down's syndrome: normalization of thyroid stimulating hormone and of reversal triiodothryonine plasmic levels by dietary zinc supplementation
Also, the present study clearly showed the interactive effects of RS and [Fiber] on large bowel SCFA and suggests that it is possible to maintain relatively high butyrate concentration in the distal large bowel by dietary manipulation.
Many healthcare providers of all schools of thought feel PCOS can be remedied by dietary changes alone.
In addition, as Dr. Perlmutter notes in his book, latest research indicates what really causes heart attacks isn't clogged arteries but inflammation — and inflammation is certainly NOT caused by dietary fat but by consumption of carbohydrates.
But there are plenty of ways to help lower our risk of liver cancer by dietary means.
by dietary phytosterols is of substantial interest since it may delay hypercholesterolemia and the early onset of amyloid plaque development.
Mean daily Headache Hours by dietary intervention group.
The peripheral sink Aβ hypothesis indicates that the peripheral clearance of Aβ and its regulation by dietary phytosterols is of substantial interest since it may delay hypercholesterolemia and the early onset of amyloid plaque development.
Reversal of behavioral and metabolic abnormalities, and insulin resistance syndrome, by dietary restriction in mice deficient in brain - derived neurotrophic factor
Of course, a ratio of sorts is represented by the Dietary References Intakes (DRIs) that have been established by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), since the adult calcium recommendations range from 800-1200 milligrams and the adult phosphorus recommendation is 700 milligrams.
Large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids that are not balanced by dietary saturated fats may result in low hormone production, cancer, autoimmune disease and many other problems.
The FDA monitors the marketing claims made by dietary supplement companies.
Cordain, L., Toohey, L., Smith, MJ., et al. «Modulation of immune function by dietary lectins in rheumatoid arthritis,»
This, in turn, sets the stage for the development of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, 2 Cordain, L., Toohey, L., Smith, MJ., et al. «Modulation of immune function by dietary lectins in rheumatoid arthritis,» The British Journal of... continue and creates chronic inflammation throughout your body.
You can search by dietary requirements and narrow your focus to your desired needs.
However, a percentage of IgA nephritis is caused by dietary lectins (carbohydrate binding proteins) and reactions to other food antigens.
As you can see on the graphic below, one way to determine this is by dietary preference.
They are also confounded by dietary differences that have nothing to do with meat, such as the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
In fact, research shows 90 percent of strokes are caused by dietary and lifestyle factors, which means you can lower your risk with a few changes to how you live.
Attenuation of preneoplastic lesion development by dietary protein intervention: apparent persistence and regression.
The CYP1A1 enzyme that catalyzes 2 - hydroxyestrone (2 - OHE1) formation is inducible by dietary modification and supplementation with the active components of cruciferous vegetables, indole -3-carbinol (I -3-C), or diindolylmethane (DIM).
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