Sentences with phrase «by different routes»

But it didn't, suggesting that the water from the trench is finding its way to the sea by a different route, possibly via groundwater.
Sometimes, though, they arrive at the same answer by different routes.
But sometimes my clients have gotten to the VP or C - level by different routes.
The packets that make up a single message may travel by different routes, but at the receiving end they are reassembled in the correct order.
The idea is that the drug, being within the nano - hydrogels, is transported directly to cancer cells where it can be released without damaging other parts of the body, because hydrogels offer the possibility of dosing a myriad of active substances on the site desired and can be administered as dry or swollen hydrogels by different routes: oral, nasal, buccal, rectal, transdermal, vaginal, ocular and parental.
Kardos and Liu found that the new teachers in these four states are entering the profession by different routes and at different stages in their careers — 46 % of new teachers in these states are entering teaching at mid career, and the average age of these mid-career entrants is 38 years.
Frustrated in their attempts to pass the state graduation test and receive high school diplomas, some Florida students are securing the prized credentials by a different route: a private school in Lewiston, Maine.
Both drugs inactivate platelets but they do so by different routes.
«We want to help travellers who are planning a tour of Europe or who need the flexibility to return by a different route, by making low priced single fares available.»
In the latter the difficulty scales up according to the number of human players — with four, for example, the volume and skill of the enemy threat increases, while the larger playing field encourages players to go through in pairs to achieve the goal by different routes.
Partly inspired by the different routes and options that visitors find around La Coste, Hein has broken up this volumous, «white cube» space into a series of smaller spaces.
If I crash my car, the fix is not to back up — the damage is already done — nor is it to go by a different route.
Bot the romantics and the ostriches will take us to oblivion, albeit by different routes.
So light from the quasar will arrive at slightly different times depending on the route it takes through the lens, just as drivers who set off from one city to another at the same time, but travel by different routes, will arrive at different times.
While they held sentiments in common, Arendt and Talmon arrived at them by different routes.
The Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) has traversed the state every July for 23 years — always eastward from the Missouri River to the Mississippi in seven days, but by different routes and accompanied by proliferating hordes.
Edwards (arguably the more important case on the facts) thus ended up 4 — 3, but the complication is that Lord Phillips agreed that the result of Lord Dyson's principal judgment was «plainly right» but on reflection preferred to reach it by a different route.
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